The author of this article, Nate Cook, is an independent web and mobile application developer. He is the main maintainer of NSHipster after Mattt. He is also a very well-known and active Swift blogger, and he also supports SwiftDoc to automatically generate Swift online documents. org website creator. In this article, he introduced the methods and techniques of using JavaScript in Swift, which is of very practical value to iOS and Web application engineers. The following is the translation:
Published by RedMonk in January 2015 In the ranking of programming languages, Swift's adoption rate has soared rapidly, jumping from 68th when it was first launched to 22nd. Objective-C is still firmly ranked TOP10, while JavaScript is With its native experience advantage on the iOS platform, it has become the hottest programming language of the year.
As early as 2013, the two major systems of OS X Mavericks and iOS 7 released by Apple have included the JavaScriptCore framework, which can make developers easy, fast and safe. Use JavaScript language to write applications. Regardless of praise or criticism, JavaScript’s dominance has become a fact. Developers are flocking to it, JS tool resources are emerging in endlessly, and high-speed virtual machines for OSX and iOS systems are also booming.
JSContext is the running environment of JavaScript code. A Context is an environment in which JavaScript code is executed, also called a scope. When running JavaScript code in the browser, JSContext is equivalent to a window that can easily execute JavaScript code that creates variables
, operations, and evendefines functions:
//Objective-C JSContext *context = [[JSContext alloc] init]; [context evaluateScript:@"var num = 5 + 5"]; [context evaluateScript:@"var names = ['Grace', 'Ada', 'Margaret']"]; [context evaluateScript:@"var triple = function(value) { return value * 3 }"]; JSValue *tripleNum = [context evaluateScript:@"triple(num)"];
//Swift let context = JSContext() context.evaluateScript("var num = 5 + 5") context.evaluateScript("var names = ['Grace', 'Ada', 'Margaret']") context.evaluateScript("var triple = function(value) { return value * 3 }") let tripleNum: JSValue = context.evaluateScript("triple(num)")
JSValue method | Objective-C Type | Swift Type | |
toString | NSStringString! | boolean | |
BOOL | Bool | ##number | |
NSNumberdoubleint32_t uint32_t | NSNumber!DoubleInt32 UInt32 | ||
Date | toDate | NSDate | NSDate! |
Array | toArray | NSArray | [AnyObject]! |
Object | toDictionary | NSDictionary | [NSObject : AnyObject]! |
Object | toObjecttoObjectOfClass: | custom type | custom type |
//Objective-C NSLog(@"Tripled: %d", [tripleNum toInt32]); // Tripled: 30
//Swift println("Tripled: \(tripleNum.toInt32())") // Tripled: 30
下标值(Subscripting Values)
//Objective-C JSValue *names = context[@"names"]; JSValue *initialName = names[0]; NSLog(@"The first name: %@", [initialName toString]); // The first name: Grace
//Swift let names = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("names") let initialName = names.objectAtIndexedSubscript(0) println("The first name: \(initialName.toString())") // The first name: Grace
函数调用(Calling Functions)
//Objective-C JSValue *tripleFunction = context[@"triple"]; JSValue *result = [tripleFunction callWithArguments:@[@5] ]; NSLog(@"Five tripled: %d", [result toInt32]);
//Swift let tripleFunction = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("triple") let result = tripleFunction.callWithArguments([5]) println("Five tripled: \(result.toInt32())")
异常处理(Exception Handling)
//Objective-C context.exceptionHandler = ^(JSContext *context, JSValue *exception) { NSLog(@"JS Error: %@", exception); }; [context evaluateScript:@"function multiply(value1, value2) { return value1 * value2 "]; // JS Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of script
//Swift context.exceptionHandler = { context, exception in println("JS Error: \(exception)") } context.evaluateScript("function multiply(value1, value2) { return value1 * value2 ") // JS Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of script
Blocks (块)
//Objective-C context[@"simplifyString"] = ^(NSString *input) { NSMutableString *mutableString = [input mutableCopy]; CFStringTransform((bridge CFMutableStringRef)mutableString, NULL, kCFStringTransformToLatin, NO); CFStringTransform((bridge CFMutableStringRef)mutableString, NULL, kCFStringTransformStripCombiningMarks, NO); return mutableString; }; NSLog(@"%@", [context evaluateScript:@"simplifyString('안녕하새요!')"]);
//Swift let simplifyString: @objc_block String -> String = { input in var mutableString = NSMutableString(string: input) as CFMutableStringRef CFStringTransform(mutableString, nil, kCFStringTransformToLatin, Boolean(0)) CFStringTransform(mutableString, nil, kCFStringTransformStripCombiningMarks, Boolean(0)) return mutableString } context.setObject(unsafeBitCast(simplifyString, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "simplifyString") println(context.evaluateScript("simplifyString('안녕하새요!')")) // annyeonghasaeyo!
需要注意的是,Swift的speedbump只适用于Objective-C block,对Swift闭包无用。要在一个JSContext里使用闭包,有两个步骤:一是用@objc_block来声明,二是将Swift的knuckle-whitening unsafeBitCast()函数转换为 AnyObject。
内存管理(Memory Management)
代码块可以捕获变量引用,而JSContext所有变量的强引用都保留在JSContext中,所以要注意避免循环强引用问题。另外,也不要在代码块中捕获JSContext或任何JSValues,建议使用[JSContext currentContext]来获取当前的Context对象,根据具体需求将值当做参数传入block中。
我们可以通过一些例子更好地了解上述技巧的使用方法。先定义一个遵循JSExport子协议PersonJSExport的Person model,再用JavaScript在JSON中创建和填入实例。有整个JVM,还要NSJSONSerialization干什么?
Person类执行的PersonJSExports协议具体规定了可用的JavaScript属性。,在创建时,类方法必不可少,因为JavaScriptCore并不适用于初始化转换,我们不能像对待原生的JavaScript类型那样使用var person = new Person()。
//Objective-C // in Person.h ----------------- @class Person; @protocol PersonJSExports <JSExport> @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *firstName; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *lastName; @property NSInteger ageToday; - (NSString *)getFullName; // create and return a new Person instance with `firstName` and `lastName` + (instancetype)createWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName lastName:(NSString *)lastName; @end @interface Person : NSObject <PersonJSExports> @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *firstName; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *lastName; @property NSInteger ageToday; @end // in Person.m ----------------- @implementation Person - (NSString *)getFullName { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", self.firstName, self.lastName]; } + (instancetype) createWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName lastName:(NSString *)lastName { Person *person = [[Person alloc] init]; person.firstName = firstName; person.lastName = lastName; return person; } @end
//Swift // Custom protocol must be declared with `@objc` @objc protocol PersonJSExports : JSExport { var firstName: String { get set } var lastName: String { get set } var birthYear: NSNumber? { get set } func getFullName() -> String /// create and return a new Person instance with `firstName` and `lastName` class func createWithFirstName(firstName: String, lastName: String) -> Person } // Custom class must inherit from `NSObject` @objc class Person : NSObject, PersonJSExports { // properties must be declared as `dynamic` dynamic var firstName: String dynamic var lastName: String dynamic var birthYear: NSNumber? init(firstName: String, lastName: String) { self.firstName = firstName self.lastName = lastName } class func createWithFirstName(firstName: String, lastName: String) -> Person { return Person(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName) } func getFullName() -> String { return "\(firstName) \(lastName)" } }
创建Person类之后,需要先将其导出到JavaScript环境中去,同时还需导入Mustache JS库,以便对Person对象应用模板。
//Objective-C // export Person class context[@"Person"] = [Person class]; // load Mustache.js NSString *mustacheJSString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:... encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; [context evaluateScript:mustacheJSString];
//Swift // export Person class context.setObject(Person.self, forKeyedSubscript: "Person") // load Mustache.js if let mustacheJSString = String(contentsOfFile:..., encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding, error:nil) { context.evaluateScript(mustacheJSString) }
//JSON [ { "first": "Grace", "last": "Hopper", "year": 1906 }, { "first": "Ada", "last": "Lovelace", "year": 1815 }, { "first": "Margaret", "last": "Hamilton", "year": 1936 } ]
//JavaScript var loadPeopleFromJSON = function(jsonString) { var data = JSON.parse(jsonString); var people = []; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var person = Person.createWithFirstNameLastName(data[i].first, data[i].last); person.birthYear = data[i].year; people.push(person); } return people; }
//Objective-C // get JSON string NSString *peopleJSON = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:... encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil]; // get load function JSValue *load = context[@"loadPeopleFromJSON"]; // call with JSON and convert to an NSArray JSValue *loadResult = [load callWithArguments:@[peopleJSON]]; NSArray *people = [loadResult toArray]; // get rendering function and create template JSValue *mustacheRender = context[@"Mustache"][@"render"]; NSString *template = @"{{getFullName}}, born {{birthYear}}"; // loop through people and render Person object as string for (Person *person in people) { NSLog(@"%@", [mustacheRender callWithArguments:@[template, person]]); } // Output: // Grace Hopper, born 1906 // Ada Lovelace, born 1815 // Margaret Hamilton, born 1936
//Swift // get JSON string if let peopleJSON = NSString(contentsOfFile:..., encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil) { // get load function let load = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("loadPeopleFromJSON") // call with JSON and convert to an array of `Person` if let people = load.callWithArguments([peopleJSON]).toArray() as? [Person] { // get rendering function and create template let mustacheRender = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("Mustache").objectForKeyedSubscript("render") let template = "{{getFullName}}, born {{birthYear}}" // loop through people and render Person object as string for person in people { println(mustacheRender.callWithArguments([template, person])) } } } // Output: // Grace Hopper, born 1906 // Ada Lovelace, born 1815 // Margaret Hamilton, born 1936
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to methods and techniques for using JavaScript in Swift. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!