This article analyzes two types of form submission methods in JS through examples. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
1. After the original
<form method="post" action="/student/stureg/add" id="form1" onsubmit="return subForm();"> <button type="submit" class="button red" style="font-size:18px; font-family:'微软雅黑';">提 交</button>
button here is submitted, execute the subForm() method, subForm can verify the form, return false, and the form is not submitted. Otherwise submit.
function subForm() { var flag = true; $(".required").each(function(){ if(!$(this).val()) { flag = false; $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"}); $(this).attr("status","1").val("此处为必填项,请您填写!"); } }); /*$(".idCardNo").each(function(){ if(!idCardNo($(this).val())) { flag = false; $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"}); if($(this).attr("status")!=1){ $(this).attr("status","1").val("请填写正确的身份证号码!"); } } });*/ var reg = new RegExp("^[0-9]*$"); $(".number").each(function(){ if(!reg.test($(this).val())) { flag = false; $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"}); if($(this).attr("status")!=1){ $(this).attr("status","1").val("请填写正确的联系电话!"); } } }); $(".exCardNo").each(function(){ if(exCardNo($(this).val())==1) { flag = false; $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"}); if($(this).attr("status")!=1){ $(this).attr("status","1").val("此身份证已报名!"); } } }); return flag; }
Various verifications!
Submit set by 2.js
<form method="post" action="/student/stureg/reglogin" id="form_login"> <a id="submit"><img src="/images/login/login_bt.png" style="cursor:pointer"/></a>
This is not a submit button, but a simulated submit button.
$("#submit").click(function(){ if(loginForm()) { $("#form_login").submit(); } });
triggers the submission event. Using
onsubmit="return loginForm();" here has no effect. It will be submitted regardless of whether false is returned. So you need to do some verification before actually submitting it.
function loginForm(){ var flag = true; $(".notnull").each(function(){ if(!$(this).val()) { flag = false; $(this).css({ border: "1px solid #F56939",borderRadius:"5px",color:"#F56939",height:"26px"}); $(this).attr("status","1").val("不能为空"); } }); return flag; }
Return false and the submit method will not be called.
These are two ways to handle the prelude to form submission.