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- Common interview questions about java containers
- What are the java containers? What is the difference between Collection and Collections? What is the difference between List, Set, and Map? Tell me about the implementation principle of HashMap? How to decide between HashMap or TreeMap?
- JavaInterview questions 2168 2019-12-18 15:17:34
- Common basic Java interview questions
- The most common basic Java interview question: What is the difference between JDK and JRE? What is the difference between == and equals? If the hashCode() of the two objects is the same, equals() must also be true, right? What is the role of final in java?
- JavaInterview questions 2224 2019-12-28 16:05:09
- javaweb interview questions (3)
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of AJAX? What is the difference between AJAX applications and traditional Web applications? What is the implementation process of Ajax? What is Java Collections Framework? Name some advantages of collection framework? What are the basic interfaces of the Java collection framework?
- JavaInterview questions 2176 2019-12-13 15:31:37
- Java generics interview questions
What are generics in Java? What are the benefits of using generics? How do generics work in Java? What is type erasure? How does it work? Can you pass a List
to a method that accepts a List - JavaInterview questions 3071 2019-12-12 15:21:52
- Java multi-threading interview questions
- What is a thread? What is the difference between thread and process? How to implement threads in Java? What are the functions and differences between the Java keywords volatile and synchronized? What are the different thread life cycles? What do you understand by thread priority? How to analyze and avoid deadlocks?
- JavaInterview questions 2809 2019-12-11 15:05:35
- Java persistence layer interview questions
- What is an ORM? Is SessionFactory in Hibernate thread-safe? Is Session thread-safe (can two threads share the same Session)? Describes the process of loading entity objects in Session. What is the difference between using # and $ to write placeholders in MyBatis?
- JavaInterview questions 1701 2019-12-10 14:41:38
- Java framework interview questions (2)
- Spring is undoubtedly the most popular framework in Java and is widely used. Almost every company interview will involve spring and database. You can be unfamiliar with Struts, but you must not show that you don't know spring.
- JavaInterview questions 1985 2019-12-09 14:51:28
- Java framework interview questions (1)
- Talk about your understanding of Struts. Talk about your understanding of Hibernate. Talk about your understanding of Spring. Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Struts. What is the difference between iBatis and Hibernate? Let’s introduce Hibernate’s second-level cache. What is JDO?
- JavaInterview questions 1670 2019-12-07 15:07:12
- javaweb interview questions (2)
- What are the basic steps for JDBC to access a database? Let’s talk about the difference between preparedStatement and Statement. Let’s talk about the concept of transactions and the steps of processing transactions in JDBC programming. The principle of database connection pool, why should we use connection pool? What is JDBC dirty reading?
- JavaInterview questions 2111 2019-12-06 15:02:51
- JavaWeb interview questions (1)
- Let’s talk about the life cycle of Servlet? What is the difference between forward() and redirect() in Servlet API? What is the difference between request.getAttribute() and request.getParameter()? What are the built-in objects of jsp?
- JavaInterview questions 3121 2019-12-06 15:03:08
- Basic Java interview questions (4)
- What is a.hashCode() used for? What does it have to do with a.equals(b)? The difference between byte stream and character stream. What is java serialization and how to implement java serialization? Or please explain the role of Serializable interface. Describe the principle mechanism of JVM loading class files?
- JavaInterview questions 2550 2019-12-04 15:04:05
- Basic Java interview questions (3)
- String s = new String("xyz");How many StringObjects are created? Can the String class be inherited? The difference between String and StringBuffer. The difference between final, finally and finalize.
- JavaInterview questions 2007 2019-12-03 15:14:05
- java collection interview questions
- The difference between ArrayList and Vector. The difference between HashMap and Hashtable. What is the difference between List and Map? Do List, Set, and Map inherit from the Collection interface? What are the characteristics of each of the three interfaces List, Map, and Set when accessing elements?
- JavaInterview questions 2817 2019-12-02 16:27:16
- Basic Java interview questions (2)
- Is it possible to issue a call to a non-static method from within a static method? The difference between Integer and int. What is Math.round(11.5) equal to? What is Math.round(-11.5) equal to? What is the difference between Overload and Override?
- JavaInterview questions 1438 2019-11-30 15:28:33
- Basic Java interview questions (1)
- Can a ".java" source file include multiple classes (not inner classes)? What are the restrictions? Does Java have goto? Let’s talk about the difference between & and &&. How to break out of the current multiple nested loops in JAVA? Can the switch statement operate on byte, long, or String?
- JavaInterview questions 2152 2019-12-26 17:32:07