はどこですか? XP では、通常は C:Documents and Settings ユーザー名 UserData にあります。場合によっては、C:Documents and Settings ユーザー名Application DataMicrosoftInternet ExplorerUserData にあります。
Vista では、C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftInternet ExplorerUserData にあります。
/**@class defines the operation of userdata*/ var UserData = { // Define userdata object o : null, // Set file expiration time defExps: 365, //Initialize userdate object init: function(){ if(!UserData.o){ try{ UserData.o = document.createElement('input') ; UserData.o.type = "hidden"; //UserData.o.style.behavior = "url('#default#userData')" ; UserData.o.addBehavior ("# default#userData"); document.body.appendChild(UserData.o); }catch(e){ return false; } }; return true; }, // Save the file to the userdata folder f-file name, c-file content, e-expiration time save : function(f, c, e){ if( UserData.init()){ var o = UserData.o; // Keep the object consistent o.load(f); // Store the incoming content as a property if(c) o.setAttribute("code", c); //Set file expiration time var d = new Date(), e = (arguments.length == 3) ? e : UserData.defExps; d.setDate(d.getDate() e); o.expires = d.toUTCString(); // Save as the specified file name o.save (f); } }, // Read the specified file from the uerdata folder and return it as a string. f-File name load: function(f){ if(UserData.init()){ var o = UserData.o; // Read file o.load (f); // Return file content return o.getAttribute("code"); } }, // Check whether the userdata file exists f-file name exist : function(f){ return UserData.load(f) != null; }, // Delete the specified file f-file name in the userdata folder remove : function (f){ UserData.save(f, false, -UserData.defExps); } //End of UserData function definition };