Implementation of how to use Chrome console for 3D model editing (code)

Release: 2018-07-26 09:50:35
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The content of this article is about the implementation (code) of how to use the Chrome console to edit 3D models. The content is very detailed. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it can help you.

Foreword: The core of 3D model editing is the editing of vertex positions and texture colors. The purpose of this research is to find a method to directly edit the model through programming. This editing method is similar to the popular mouse click method. , the relationship between the drag-and-drop editing method is very similar to the relationship between "programmers write static web pages" and "artists cut web pages" in front-end programming.

1. Tool usage:

1. Visit to open the strip grid generator page

There is a green ball at (0,-10,0), (0,0,0), (0,10,0) of the scene world coordinate system as a reference point. , use up, down, left, right and mouse drag to roam the scene.

2. Press the F12 key to open the Chrome console, enter in the console: MakeRibbon(MakeRing(5,12),-10,2,11,"mesh_ribbon") and press Enter:

A cylindrical surface with a radius of 5, a surface subdivision of 12, a left end at -10, a distance of 2 between each ring, and a total of 11 rings is drawn in the scene.

Zoom in to view:

3. Enter ShowNormals(mesh_origin) to display the normal direction of each vertex with a red line segment

Enter DeleteMeshes([lines_normal]) to delete all normals, and enter DeleteMeshes([mesh_origin]) to delete the cylindrical mesh.

4. Move the mouse into a triangle on the grid, and the vertex information of the triangle will be displayed:

where "1:2-5" means that this is a triangle The first vertex of , this vertex is located on the ring with index 2 (the third ring), and the index of this vertex in the ring is 5 (that is, the sixth vertex).

5. Enter PickPoints([[2,5],[3,5],[2,6]],mesh_origin) to select these vertices

All border lines affected by the selected vertices are marked in yellow. This "select" only changes the appearance.

6. Enter TransVertex(mesh_origin,arr_ij,BABYLON.Matrix.Translation(0,0,-10)) to move the selected vertex 10 in the negative direction of the z-axis. The moved vertex is the same as the previously selected one. The vertices actually don't matter. arr_ij can also be directly replaced by the index array [[2,5],[3,5],[2,6]].

Another type of deformation can be achieved by inputting: TransVertex(mesh_origin,arr_ij,BABYLON.Matrix.RotationX(Math.PI/2)), which can convert the selected The vertex is rotated 90 degrees around X.

Enter DeleteMeshes([lines_inpicked]) to cancel the selected effect, enter ChangeMaterial(mesh_origin,mat_blue) to replace the border with a blue texture:

Yes After seeing the deformed effect, you can continue to select the vertices and deform

7. Enter ExportMesh("1",mat_blue) to export the babylon model file in txt format, with the file name "1.txt"

8. Rename the exported txt to 9.babylon and put it in the website directory. Visit html model preview page, enter ImportMesh("","../ASSETS/SCENE/","9.babylon") in the console to load the model just exported.

2. Programming ideas:

1. First, we must establish a basic scene that can be used for various tests. The code used is as follows:

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This 3D scene includes simple Some basic elements required for testing are used here. The uncompressed version of Babylon.js library containing all components is used. In order to save bandwidth in actual use, you can use the tools provided by Babylon.js official website to customize a streamlined or compressed version of Babylon. .js library

2. Create a basic mesh

The plan is to generate various simple models by performing vertex transformation on a basic mesh. In Babylon.js, "strips" " is a mesh type that is very suitable for vertex transformation. There are documents about strip construction and deformation in the official Babylon.js tutorial. You can download the Chinese translation here

The code used to establish the basic grid is as follows:

//下面这些函数都通过控制台调用 //在ZoY平面里建立一个圆环路径 //radius:半径,sumpoint:使用几个点 function MakeRing(radius,sumpoint) { var arr_point=[]; var radp=Math.PI*2/sumpoint; for(var i=0.0;i
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Several problems encountered in programming:

a. The coordinate values set in the path are actually displayed when Small changes may occur, for example, 5 may become 4.9999999999999999999, but it seems to have no effect.








function ChangeMaterial(mesh,mat) { mesh.material=mat; }
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var lines_normal={}; /*ShowNormals(mesh_origin) DeleteMeshes([lines_normal]); * */ //显示所有的顶点法线 function ShowNormals(mesh) { //DeleteMeshes(arr_line_normal); if(lines_normal.dispose) { lines_normal.dispose(); } //遍历顶点 var vb=mesh.geometry._vertexBuffers; var data_pos=vb.position._buffer._data;//顶点数据 var data_mormal=vb.normal._buffer._data;//法线数据 var len=data_pos.length; var lines=[]; for(var i=0;i
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function DeleteMeshes(arr)//假设一个数组里的都是mesh,彻底清空它 { var len=arr.length; for(var i=0;i
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mesh_origin=new BABYLON.Mesh("mesh_origin",scene);//建立一个空的初始网格对象 mesh_surface=new BABYLON.Mesh("mesh_surface",scene); mesh_surface0=new BABYLON.Mesh("mesh_surface0",scene); if(true) {//初始化三个GUI标签 label_index1=new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock(); label_index1.text = "label_index1"; label_index1.color="white"; label_index1.isVisible=false;//初始化时标签不可见 //label_index1.linkWithMesh(mesh_surface0);//TextBlock并不是顶层元素 advancedTexture.addControl(label_index1); label_index2=new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock(); label_index2.text = "label_index2"; label_index2.color="white"; label_index2.isVisible=false; //label_index2.linkWithMesh(mesh_surface0); advancedTexture.addControl(label_index2); label_index3=new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock(); label_index3.text = "label_index3"; label_index3.color="white"; label_index3.isVisible=false; //label_index3.linkWithMesh(mesh_surface0); advancedTexture.addControl(label_index3); } //监听鼠标移动 canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(evt){ var pickInfo = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY,null,null,camera0);//如果同时有多个激活的相机,则要明确的指出使用哪个相机 //cancelPropagation(evt); //cancelEvent(evt); label_index1.isVisible=false; label_index2.isVisible=false; label_index3.isVisible=false; if(mesh_surface.dispose) { mesh_surface.dispose(); } if(mesh_surface0.dispose) { mesh_surface0.dispose(); } if(pickInfo.hit&&("mesh_origin"||"mesh_ribbon"))//找到鼠标所在的三角形并重绘之 {           //在鼠标所指的地方绘制一个三角形,表示被选中的三角形 var faceId=pickInfo.faceId; var pickedMesh=pickInfo.pickedMesh; var indices=[pickedMesh.geometry._indices[faceId*3] ,pickedMesh.geometry._indices[faceId*3+1],pickedMesh.geometry._indices[faceId*3+2]]; var vb=pickedMesh.geometry._vertexBuffers; var position=vb.position._buffer._data; var normal=vb.normal._buffer._data; var uv=vb.uv._buffer._data; var len=arr_path[0].length; var p1={index:indices[0],position:[position[indices[0]*3],position[indices[0]*3+1],position[indices[0]*3+2]] ,normal:[normal[indices[0]*3],normal[indices[0]*3+1],normal[indices[0]*3+2]] ,uv:[uv[indices[0]*2],uv[indices[0]*2+1]],ppi:("1:"+(Math.round(indices[0]/len)+0))+"-"+(indices[0]%len)};//pathpointindex var p2={index:indices[1],position:[position[indices[1]*3],position[indices[1]*3+1],position[indices[1]*3+2]] ,normal:[normal[indices[1]*3],normal[indices[1]*3+1],normal[indices[1]*3+2]] ,uv:[uv[indices[1]*2],uv[indices[1]*2+1]],ppi:("2:"+(Math.round(indices[1]/len)+0))+"-"+(indices[1]%len)}; var p3={index:indices[2],position:[position[indices[2]*3],position[indices[2]*3+1],position[indices[2]*3+2]] ,normal:[normal[indices[2]*3],normal[indices[2]*3+1],normal[indices[2]*3+2]] ,uv:[uv[indices[2]*2],uv[indices[2]*2+1]],ppi:("3:"+(Math.round(indices[2]/len)+0))+"-"+(indices[2]%len)}; var po=[(p1.position[0]+p2.position[0]+p3.position[0])/3,(p1.position[1]+p2.position[1]+p3.position[1])/3,(p1.position[2]+p2.position[2]+p3.position[2])/3]; var numm=2; mesh_surface0=newland.make_tryangle(p1,p2,p3,"mesh_surface1",scene);//使用三个点绘制一个三角形 mesh_surface0.material=mat_green; mesh_surface0.sideOrientation==BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE; mesh_surface0.layerMask=2; label_index1.isVisible=true; //label_index1.layerMask=2;//这个属性对于gui被管对象并不生效? label_index1.text=p1.ppi;//ppi表示这个顶点是三角形的第几个顶点,以及这个顶点位于第几条路径的第几个位置 var pos1=new BABYLON.Vector3(p1.position[0],p1.position[1],p1.position[2]); label_index1.moveToVector3(pos1,scene); label_index1.itspos=pos1; label_index2.isVisible=true; label_index2.text=p2.ppi; var pos2=new BABYLON.Vector3(p2.position[0],p2.position[1],p2.position[2]); label_index2.moveToVector3(pos2,scene); label_index2.itspos=pos2; label_index3.isVisible=true; label_index3.text=p3.ppi; var pos3=new BABYLON.Vector3(p3.position[0],p3.position[1],p3.position[2]); label_index3.moveToVector3(pos3,scene); label_index3.itspos=pos3; //将三个点移动到场景的中心 pt=[(p1.position[0]-po[0])*numm,(p1.position[1]-po[1])*numm,(p1.position[2]-po[2])*numm]; p1.position=pt; pt=[(p2.position[0]-po[0])*numm,(p2.position[1]-po[1])*numm,(p2.position[2]-po[2])*numm]; p2.position=pt; pt=[(p3.position[0]-po[0])*numm,(p3.position[1]-po[1])*numm,(p3.position[2]-po[2])*numm]; p3.position=pt;           //在场景的中心再绘制一个大一倍的三角形 mesh_surface=newland.make_tryangle(p1,p2,p3,"mesh_surface",scene); mesh_surface.material=mat_green; mesh_surface.sideOrientation==BABYLON.Mesh.DOUBLESIDE; mesh_surface.layerMask=1;//遮罩层次是1 } },false);
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var mm = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("minimap", new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,-20), scene); mm.layerMask = 1; var xstart = 0.0, ystart = 0.1;//意为占屏幕宽高的比例 var width = 0.2, height = 0.2; //视口边界从左下角开始 mm.viewport = new BABYLON.Viewport( xstart, ystart, width, height ); scene.activeCameras.push(mm);var mm = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("minimap", new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,-20), scene); mm.layerMask = 1; var xstart = 0.0, ystart = 0.1;//意为占屏幕宽高的比例 var width = 0.2, height = 0.2; //视口边界从左下角开始 mm.viewport = new BABYLON.Viewport( xstart, ystart, width, height ); scene.activeCameras.push(mm);
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scene.registerBeforeRender(function() { if(scene.isReady()) { if(label_index1.isVisible==true)//不断刷新gui的位置 {//在具有多个激活相机时选择了错误的参考相机?-》会强制选择最新建立的相机 label_index1.moveToVector3(label_index1.itspos,scene); label_index2.moveToVector3(label_index2.itspos,scene); label_index3.moveToVector3(label_index3.itspos,scene); } } });
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var lines_inpicked={};//线段系统对象,表示所有被选中点影响的线段 var arr_ij=[];//记录被选中的点在arr_path中的索引的数组 /*DeleteMeshes([lines_inpicked]); * PickPoints([[0,0],[0,12],[1,1]],mesh_origin) * */ //选定一些顶点 function PickPoints(arr,mesh) { if(arr_path.length==0) { alert("尚未生成路径数组!"); return; } if(lines_inpicked.dispose) { lines_inpicked.dispose(); } //arr_ij=[]; //为了后面考虑,需要先对arr整体遍历一遍,把首尾接口处关联起来 arr_ij=arr;//把路径和点的位置记录下来 var vb=mesh.geometry._vertexBuffers; var data_pos=vb.position._buffer._data; var len_pos=data_pos.length; var data_index=mesh.geometry._indices; var len_index=data_index.length; var len=arr.length; var lines=[]; for(var i=0;i
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/* * TransVertex(mesh_origin,arr_ij,BABYLON.Matrix.RotationX(Math.PI/2)) *TransVertex(mesh_origin,arr_ij,BABYLON.Matrix.Translation(0.5,0,0)) * */ //移动选定的顶点,同时更新网格、选取线、法线 function TransVertex(mesh,arr,matrix) { var len=arr.length; for(var i=0;i
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/*ExportMesh("1",mat_blue)*/ function ExportMesh(filename,mat) { try{ newland.ExportBabylonMesh([mesh_origin],filename,mat); } catch(e) { console.error(e) } }
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在导入模型文件时后者会报错:“attempt to access out of range vertices in attribute 0”,这意味着在导入模型时顶点数据数组没有正确的载入,我的解决方案是导出前将data属性强制转化为数组类型:

//将TypedArray转化为普通array newland.BuffertoArray2=function(arr) { var arr2=[]; var len=arr.length; for(var i=0;i
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function ImportMesh(objname,filepath,filename) { BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh(objname, filepath, filename, scene , function (newMeshes, particleSystems, skeletons) {//载入完成的回调函数 if(mesh_origin&&mesh_origin.dispose) { mesh_origin.dispose(); } mesh_origin=newMeshes[0]; //mesh_origin.material=mat_frame; //mesh_origin.layerMask=2; } ); }
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Storage Event如何实现页面间通信


The above is the detailed content of Implementation of how to use Chrome console for 3D model editing (code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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