In recent years, face recognition technology has been used in many applications in the field of identity authentication, such as withdrawals from Alipay and China Merchants Bank, pension collection, etc. However, in terms of preventing counterfeiting and authentication security, currently It is still a subject that needs to be further solved, especially in terms of live authentication technology on the mobile side.
This article introduces the clmtrackr.js detection tool that can be used in the HTML5 environment, combined with the face model, to achieve face tracking and detection. At the same time, motion recognition is used to achieve live authentication.
But this solution can only be used in Firefox or Chrome. And it is only suitable for research and study. It is not ideal in actual scenarios and needs further optimization before it can be applied.
If anyone has relevant technology, you can recommend it to me.
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Ideally these elements aren't created until it's confirmed that the client supports video/camera, but for the sake of illustrating the elements involved, they are created with markup (not JavaScript) --> <html> <meta charset="GBK"> <style> #container { position : relative; } #canvas { position : absolute; left : 0; top : 0; } </style> <script src="utils.js"></script> <script src="clmtrackr.js"></script> <script src="./models/model_pca_20_svm.js"></script> <script src="numeric.js"></script> <script src="ccv.js"></script> <audio id="media"> 你的浏览器不支持audio标签。 </audio> <p id="container"> <video id="video" width="600" height="400" autoplay > 您的浏览器不支持video标签 </video> <canvas id="canvas" width="600" height="400"></canvas> </p> <button id="snap">Snap Photo</button> <button id="start">Start</button> <button id="showposition">显示</button> <button id="hideposition">不显示</button> <br/> <button id="mouse">张嘴验证</button> <button id="head">摇头验证</button> <button id="eye">眨眼验证</button> <p id="tip"> </p> <p id="result"> </p> <p id="msg"> </p> <p id="positions"> </p> <script> var showpos=false; // Put event listeners into place //window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Grab elements, create settings, etc. var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"), video = document.getElementById("video"), videoObj = { "video": true }, errBack = function(error) { if (error.PERMISSION_DENIED) { jAlert('用户拒绝了浏览器请求媒体的权限', '提示'); } else if (error.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR) { jAlert('对不起,您的浏览器不支持拍照功能,请使用其他浏览器', '提示'); } else if (error.MANDATORY_UNSATISFIED_ERROR) { jAlert('指定的媒体类型未接收到媒体流', '提示'); } else { jAlert('系统未能获取到摄像头,请确保摄像头已正确安装。或尝试刷新页面,重试', '提示'); } }; // Put video listeners into place if(navigator.getUserMedia) { // Standard navigator.getUserMedia(videoObj, function(stream) { video.src = stream;; }, errBack); } else if(navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) { // WebKit-prefixed try{ navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(videoObj, function(stream){ video.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);; }, errBack); }catch(error){ alert(error); } } else if(navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { // Firefox-prefixed navigator.mozGetUserMedia(videoObj, function(stream){ video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);; }, errBack); } // Trigger photo take document.getElementById("snap").addEventListener("click", function() { context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 600, 400); }); document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("click", function() { startTrack(); }); document.getElementById("showposition").addEventListener("click", function() { showpos=true; }); document.getElementById("hideposition").addEventListener("click", function() { showpos=false; }); document.getElementById("mouse").addEventListener("click", function() { alive_mouse(); }); document.getElementById("head").addEventListener("click", function() { alive_head(); }); document.getElementById("eye").addEventListener("click", function() { alive_eye(); }); //}, false); </script> <script> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //活体 var last_time=0;//时间因素 var last_nose_left=0; var last_nose_top=0; //张嘴动作 var is_mouse_ok=false; var is_alive_mouse=false; var last_dis_eye_norse=0; var last_dis_mouse=0; function alive_mouse(){ var media = document.getElementById("media"); media.src="mp3/alive_mouse.mp3";; document.getElementById("tip").innerHTML="请张合嘴巴"; document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = ""; is_mouse_ok=false; last_dis_mouse=0; last_time=0; last_dis_eye_norse=100000000; is_alive_head=false; is_alive_mouse=true; is_alive_eye=false; } //摇头动作 var is_head_ok=false; var is_alive_head=false; var last_dis_left_right=100000000; function alive_head(){ var media = document.getElementById("media"); media.src="mp3/alive_head.mp3";; document.getElementById("tip").innerHTML="请在水平方向左右摇头"; document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = ""; is_head_ok=false; last_dis_left_right=100000000; last_time=0; is_alive_head=true; is_alive_mouse=false; is_alive_eye=false; } //眨眼动作 var is_alive_eye=false; var is_eye_ok = false; function alive_eye(){ var media = document.getElementById("media"); media.src="mp3/alive_eye.mp3";; document.getElementById("tip").innerHTML="请眨眼"; document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = ""; is_eye_ok=false; last_dis_eye_norse=100000000; last_nose_left=0; last_nose_top=0; last_time=0; is_alive_head=false; is_alive_mouse=false; is_alive_eye=true; } function startTrack(){ var videoInput = document.getElementById('video'); var ctracker = new clm.tracker(); ctracker.init(pModel); ctracker.start(videoInput); var canvasInput = document.getElementById('canvas'); var cc = canvasInput.getContext('2d'); cc.lineWidth=3; function drawLoop() { //requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop); cc.clearRect(0, 0, canvasInput.width, canvasInput.height); //ctracker.draw(canvasInput ); var positions = ctracker.getCurrentPosition(); if (showpos && positions) { for (var p = 0;p < positions.length;p++) { positionString += "featurepoint "+p+" : ["+positions[p][0].toFixed(2)+","+positions[p][1].toFixed(2) +"]<br/>"; } document.getElementById('positions').innerHTML = positionString; } if(positions){ for (var p =0;p < 71;p++) { cc.beginPath(); cc.arc(positions[p][0].toFixed(2), positions[p][1].toFixed(2),2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); cc.closePath(); cc.fillStyle = '#00FF00'; cc.fill(); } //cc.strokeStyle = 'red'; //0-14 轮廓 //7 下吧,最下 //2 最左边 //12 最右边 //15-22 眉毛 //23-27 左眼睛五个点 //27 左眼中间 //63-66 左眼四个点 //28-32 右眼睛五个点 //67-70 右眼四个点 //33-43 鼻子 //62 鼻中间 //44-61 嘴巴 //47 嘴巴上 //53 嘴巴下 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //左眼中间 for (var p =27;p <=27;p++) { cc.beginPath(); cc.arc(positions[p][0].toFixed(2), positions[p][1].toFixed(2), 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); cc.closePath(); cc.fillStyle = 'red'; cc.fill(); } //鼻子中间 for (var p =62;p <=62;p++) { cc.beginPath(); cc.arc(positions[p][0].toFixed(2), positions[p][1].toFixed(2), 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); cc.closePath(); cc.fillStyle = 'red'; cc.fill(); } //嘴巴上 for (var p =57;p <=57;p++) { cc.beginPath(); cc.arc(positions[p][0].toFixed(2), positions[p][1].toFixed(2), 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); cc.closePath(); cc.fillStyle = 'red'; cc.fill(); } //嘴巴下 for (var p =60;p <=60;p++) { cc.beginPath(); cc.arc(positions[p][0].toFixed(2), positions[p][1].toFixed(2), 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); cc.closePath(); cc.fillStyle = 'red'; cc.fill(); } ////////////////////////////////////// //head if(is_alive_head==true){ if(last_time==0 || (new Date().getTime()-last_time>500 && new Date().getTime()-last_time<10000 ) ){ var xdiff_left = positions[62][0] - positions[2][0] ; var ydiff_left = positions[62][1] - positions[2][1] ; var dis_left = Math.pow((xdiff_left * xdiff_left + ydiff_left * ydiff_left), 0.5); var xdiff_right = positions[12][0] - positions[62][0] ; var ydiff_right = positions[12][1] - positions[62][1] ; var dis_right = Math.pow((xdiff_right * xdiff_right + ydiff_right * ydiff_right), 0.5); var xdiff_side = positions[12][0] - positions[2][0] ; var ydiff_side = positions[12][1] - positions[2][1] ; var dis_side = Math.pow((xdiff_side * xdiff_side + ydiff_side * ydiff_side), 0.5); var dis_left_right = dis_left - dis_right; document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = dis_left_right; if(last_dis_left_right>0 && dis_left_right > dis_side/3){ document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "通过"; is_head_ok=true; is_alive_head=false; } last_dis_left_right=dis_left_right; last_time = new Date().getTime(); } } ///////////////////////////////////// //mouse if(is_alive_mouse==true){ if(last_time==0 || (new Date().getTime()-last_time>500 && new Date().getTime()-last_time<10000 ) ){ //研究和鼻子距离 var xdiff = positions[62][0] - positions[27][0] ; var ydiff = positions[62][1] - positions[27][1] ; var dis_eye_norse = Math.pow((xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff), 0.5); //上嘴唇 和下嘴唇距离 var xdiff_mouse = positions[53][0] - positions[47][0] ; var ydiff_mouse = positions[53][1] - positions[47][1] ; var dis_mouse = Math.pow((xdiff_mouse * xdiff_mouse + ydiff_mouse * ydiff_mouse), 0.5); //上次的眼鼻距离和这次的眼鼻距离差 var dn= Math.abs(dis_eye_norse-last_dis_eye_norse); //上次的嘴距离和本次的嘴距离差 var dm=Math.abs(dis_mouse - last_dis_mouse); //鼻子的位置确保变化不大 if(last_nose_left>0 && last_nose_top>0 && Math.abs(positions[62][0]-last_nose_left)<5 && Math.abs(positions[62][1]-last_nose_top)<5 ){ document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = dn; if(last_dis_eye_norse>0 && dn < dis_eye_norse*1/50){ if(last_dis_mouse>0 && dm > dis_mouse/10){ document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "通过"; is_alive_mouse=false; is_mouse_ok=true; } } } last_dis_mouse = dis_mouse; last_dis_eye_norse = dis_eye_norse; last_time = new Date().getTime(); last_nose_left = positions[62][0]; last_nose_top = positions[62][1]; } } ///////////////////////////////////// //eye if(is_alive_eye==true){ if(last_time==0 || (new Date().getTime()-last_time>10 ) ){ var xdiff1 = positions[62][0] - positions[27][0] ; var ydiff1 = positions[62][1] - positions[27][1] ; var dis_eye_norse1 = Math.pow((xdiff1 * xdiff1 + ydiff1 * ydiff1), 0.5); var xdiff2 = positions[62][0] - positions[32][0] ; var ydiff2 = positions[62][1] - positions[32][1] ; var dis_eye_norse2 = Math.pow((xdiff2 * xdiff2 + ydiff2 * ydiff2), 0.5); var dis_eye_norse = (dis_eye_norse1 + dis_eye_norse2); if(last_nose_left>0 && last_nose_top>0 && Math.abs(positions[62][0]-last_nose_left)<0.5 && Math.abs(positions[62][1]-last_nose_top)<0.5 ){ document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = Math.abs(dis_eye_norse - last_dis_eye_norse) - dis_eye_norse*1/20; if(last_dis_eye_norse>0 && (Math.abs(dis_eye_norse - last_dis_eye_norse) > dis_eye_norse*1/20 ) ){ document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = "通过"; is_alive_eye=false; is_eye_ok=true; } } last_nose_left = positions[62][0]; last_nose_top = positions[62][1]; last_dis_eye_norse = dis_eye_norse; last_time = new Date().getTime(); } } } requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop); } drawLoop(); } </script> </html>
The above is the content of the implementation method of face recognition live authentication based on HTML5. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website ( )!