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AngularJS API Reference auto auto/service auto/service/$injector auto/service/$provide ng ng/directive ng/directive/a ng/directive/form ng/directive/input ng/directive/input[checkbox] ng/directive/input[date] ng/directive/input[dateTimeLocal] ng/directive/input[email] ng/directive/input[month] ng/directive/input[number] ng/directive/input[radio] ng/directive/input[text] ng/directive/input[time] ng/directive/input[url] ng/directive/input[week] ng/directive/ngApp ng/directive/ngBind ng/directive/ngBindHtml ng/directive/ngBindTemplate ng/directive/ngBlur ng/directive/ngChange ng/directive/ngChecked ng/directive/ngClass ng/directive/ngClassEven ng/directive/ngClassOdd ng/directive/ngClick ng/directive/ngCloak ng/directive/ngController ng/directive/ngCopy ng/directive/ngCsp ng/directive/ngCut ng/directive/ngDblclick ng/directive/ngDisabled ng/directive/ngFocus ng/directive/ngForm ng/directive/ngHide ng/directive/ngHref ng/directive/ngIf ng/directive/ngInclude ng/directive/ngInit ng/directive/ngKeydown ng/directive/ngKeypress ng/directive/ngKeyup ng/directive/ngList ng/directive/ngModel ng/directive/ngModelOptions ng/directive/ngMousedown ng/directive/ngMouseenter ng/directive/ngMouseleave ng/directive/ngMousemove ng/directive/ngMouseover ng/directive/ngMouseup ng/directive/ngNonBindable ng/directive/ngOpen ng/directive/ngPaste ng/directive/ngPluralize ng/directive/ngReadonly ng/directive/ngRepeat ng/directive/ngSelected ng/directive/ngShow ng/directive/ngSrc ng/directive/ngSrcset ng/directive/ngStyle ng/directive/ngSubmit ng/directive/ngSwitch ng/directive/ngTransclude ng/directive/ngValue ng/directive/script ng/directive/select ng/directive/textarea ng/filter ng/filter/currency ng/filter/date ng/filter/filter ng/filter/json ng/filter/limitTo ng/filter/lowercase ng/filter/number ng/filter/orderBy ng/filter/uppercase ng/function ng/function/angular.bind ng/function/angular.bootstrap ng/function/angular.copy ng/function/angular.element ng/function/angular.equals ng/function/angular.extend ng/function/angular.forEach ng/function/angular.fromJson ng/function/angular.identity ng/function/angular.injector ng/function/angular.isArray ng/function/angular.isDate ng/function/angular.isDefined ng/function/angular.isElement ng/function/angular.isFunction ng/function/angular.isNumber ng/function/angular.isObject ng/function/angular.isString ng/function/angular.isUndefined ng/function/angular.lowercase ng/function/angular.module ng/function/angular.noop ng/function/angular.toJson ng/function/angular.uppercase ng/object ng/object/angular.version ng/provider ng/provider/$animateProvider ng/provider/$compileProvider ng/provider/$controllerProvider ng/provider/$filterProvider ng/provider/$httpProvider ng/provider/$interpolateProvider ng/provider/$locationProvider ng/provider/$logProvider ng/provider/$parseProvider ng/provider/$rootScopeProvider ng/provider/$sceDelegateProvider ng/provider/$sceProvider ng/service ng/service/$anchorScroll ng/service/$animate ng/service/$cacheFactory ng/service/$compile ng/service/$controller ng/service/$document ng/service/$exceptionHandler ng/service/$filter ng/service/$http ng/service/$httpBackend ng/service/$interpolate ng/service/$interval ng/service/$locale ng/service/$location ng/service/$log ng/service/$parse ng/service/$q ng/service/$rootElement ng/service/$rootScope ng/service/$sce ng/service/$sceDelegate ng/service/$templateCache ng/service/$timeout ng/service/$window ng/type ng/type/$cacheFactory.Cache ng/type/$compile.directive.Attributes ng/type/$rootScope.Scope ng/type/angular.Module ng/type/form.FormController ng/type/ngModel.NgModelController ngAnimate ngAnimate/provider ngAnimate/provider/$animateProvider ngAnimate/service ngAnimate/service/$animate ngCookies ngCookies/service ngCookies/service/$cookies ngCookies/service/$cookieStore ngMessages ngMessages/directive ngMessages/directive/ngMessage ngMessages/directive/ngMessages ngMock ngMock/function ngMock/function/angular.mock.dump ngMock/function/angular.mock.inject ngMock/function/angular.mock.module ngMock/object ngMock/object/angular.mock ngMock/provider ngMock/provider/$exceptionHandlerProvider ngMock/service ngMock/service/$exceptionHandler ngMock/service/$httpBackend ngMock/service/$interval ngMock/service/$log ngMock/service/$timeout ngMock/type ngMock/type/angular.mock.TzDate ngMockE2E ngMockE2E/service ngMockE2E/service/$httpBackend ngResource ngResource/service ngResource/service/$resource ngRoute ngRoute/directive ngRoute/directive/ngView ngRoute/provider ngRoute/provider/$routeProvider ngRoute/service ngRoute/service/$route ngRoute/service/$routeParams ngSanitize ngSanitize/filter ngSanitize/filter/linky ngSanitize/service ngSanitize/service/$sanitize ngTouch ngTouch/directive ngTouch/directive/ngClick ngTouch/directive/ngSwipeLeft ngTouch/directive/ngSwipeRight ngTouch/service ngTouch/service/$swipe

AngularJS: API: ngMockE2E/service/$httpBackend


  1. - service in module ngMockE2E

Fake HTTP backend implementation suitable for end-to-end testing or backend-less development of applications that use the $http service.

注意: For fake http backend implementation suitable for unit testing please see unit-testing $httpBackend mock.

This implementation can be used to respond with static or dynamic responses via the when api and its shortcuts (whenGET, whenPOST, etc) and optionally pass through requests to the real $httpBackend for specific requests (如: to interact with certain remote apis or to fetch templates from a webserver).

As opposed to unit-testing, in an end-to-end testing scenario or in scenario when an application is being developed with the real backend api replaced with a mock, it is often desirable for certain category of requests to bypass the mock and issue a real http request (如: to fetch templates or static files from the webserver). To configure the backend with this behavior use the passThrough request handler of when instead of respond.

此外, we don't want to manually have to flush mocked out requests like we do during unit testing. For this reason the e2e $httpBackend automatically flushes mocked out requests automatically, closely simulating the behavior of the XMLHttpRequest object.

To setup the application to run with this http backend, you have to create a module that depends on the ngMockE2E and your application modules and defines the fake backend:

  myAppDev = angular.module('myAppDev', ['myApp', 'ngMockE2E']);$httpBackend) {
    phones = [{name: 'phone1'}, {name: 'phone2'}];

    // returns the current list of phones

    // adds a new phone to the phones array
    $httpBackend.whenPOST('/phones').respond(Function(method, url, data) {
      var phone = angular.fromJson(data);
      return [200, phone, {}];

Afterwards, bootstrap your app with this new module.


  • when(method, url, [data], [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition.


    参数 类型 详述
    method string

    HTTP method.

    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP request body.


    HTTP headers or function that receives http header object and returns true if the headers match the current definition.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

    • respond – {Function([status,] data[, headers, statusText]) | Function(Function(method, url, data, headers)} – The respond method takes a set of static data to be returned or a function that can return an array containing response status (number), response data (string), response headers (Object), and the text for the status (string).
    • passThrough – {Function()} – Any request matching a backend definition with passThrough handler will be passed through to the real backend (an XHR request will be made to the server.)
  • whenGET(url, [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition for GET requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP headers.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

  • whenHEAD(url, [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition for HEAD requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP headers.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

  • whenDELETE(url, [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition for DELETE requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP headers.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

  • whenPOST(url, [data], [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition for POST requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP request body.


    HTTP headers.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

  • whenPUT(url, [data], [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition for PUT requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP request body.


    HTTP headers.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

  • whenPATCH(url, [data], [headers]);

    Creates a new backend definition for PATCH requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.


    HTTP request body.


    HTTP headers.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

  • whenJSONP(url);

    Creates a new backend definition for JSONP requests. For more info see when().


    参数 类型 详述
    url stringRegExpfunction(string)

    HTTP url or function that receives the url and returns true if the url match the current definition.



    Returns an object with respond and passThrough methods that control how a matched request is handled.

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