Maison > php教程 > php手册 > 用php做扫雷游戏


Libérer: 2016-06-06 19:55:23
1938 Les gens l'ont consulté

php其实不适合做游戏,但是简单的游戏还是可以实现的,下面用php 实现简单的扫雷游戏,包含注释,代码只有167行 ?php$init = $_POST[init];//game restart$clickvalue = $_POST[clickvalue];//minesweeping$checkflag = 0;//Victory or defeat$click_count =

php其实不适合做游戏,但是简单的游戏还是可以实现的,下面用php 实现简单的扫雷游戏,包含注释,代码只有167行

<?php $init = $_POST["init"];//game restart
$clickvalue = $_POST["clickvalue"];//minesweeping
$checkflag = 0;//Victory or defeat
$click_count = 0;//clicks count
if($init == null && $clickvalue == null){//initialization
	$_POST = array();//set POST with a array
	$_POST["rows"] = 9;//set rows
	$_POST["cols"] = 9;//set cols
	$_POST["num"] = 10;//set num
	$_POST["timeshow"] = "00:00"; //set starttime
	$init = true;//set initialization
$rows = $_POST["rows"];//get rows
$cols = $_POST["cols"];//get cols
$num = $_POST["num"];//get num
$starttime = $_POST["starttime"];//get starttime
if($init){// is initialization
	$timeshow = "00:00";//set starttime
	$data = array();//data initialization
	for($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++){//all the rows
		for($j=0;$j<$cols;$j++){//all the cols
			$data["data".$i."_".$j] = 0;//set mine with null
			$data["open".$i."_".$j] = 0;//set node with close
	$i=0;//reset the index,and set the mines(Random setting)
	while($i < $num){//number of mine
		$r = rand(0,$rows - 1);//row's index
		$c = rand(0,$cols - 1);//col's index
		if($data["data".$r."_".$c] == 0){//if not a mine
			$data["data".$r."_".$c] = 100;//set the node with a mine
	for($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++){//all the rows
		for($j=0;$j<$cols;$j++){//all the cols
			if($data["data".$i."_".$j] == 100)continue;//is not a mine , set number of adjacent mines 
			$cnt = 0;
			if($i - 1 >= 0 && $j - 1 >= 0 && $data["data".($i - 1)."_".($j - 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//upper left
			if($i - 1 >= 0 && $data["data".($i - 1)."_".$j] == 100)$cnt++;//left
			if($i - 1 >= 0 && $j + 1 = 0 && $data["data".$i."_".($j - 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//upper
			if($j + 1 = 0 && $data["data".($i + 1)."_".($j - 1)] == 100)$cnt++;//upper right
			if($i + 1 9?$min:"0".$min).":".($sec>9?$sec:"0".$sec);
	$timeshow = "00:00";//if game is stop , time stop
function openNode($i,$j){//set nodes to open,if it is can open
	global $rows;//get the rows
	global $cols;//get the cols
	global $data;//get the data
	if($i = $rows || $j = $cols || $data["open".$i."_".$j])return;//it is not a node,or it has been opened
	$data["open".$i."_".$j] = 1;//open the node
	if($data["data".$i."_".$j] > 0)return;//need to continue?
	openNode($i - 1,$j - 1);
	openNode($i - 1,$j);
	openNode($i - 1,$j + 1);
	openNode($i,$j - 1);
	openNode($i,$j + 1);
	openNode($i + 1,$j - 1);
	openNode($i + 1,$j);
	openNode($i + 1,$j + 1);

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

Copier après la connexion
"; else if($checkflag == 2)echo "game over!
"; ?>
" value=""> " value=""> ')" style="width:20px;height:20px;">


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