Maison > développement back-end > tutoriel php > Méthode PHP pour construire une classe d'instructions SQL

Méthode PHP pour construire une classe d'instructions SQL

Libérer: 2023-03-29 19:16:01
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Cet article présente principalement la méthode de construction d'une classe d'instructions SQL en PHP. Les amis intéressés peuvent s'y référer. J'espère qu'il sera utile à tout le monde.

Le code est le suivant :

* @package Database Class
* @author injection (
* @version 1.0
@ini_set( 'display_errors',0 );
class DataBase{
 private $mDb_host,$mAb_user,$mAb_pwd,$mConn_No;
 function DataBase( $Conn_Obj ){
 $this->connectDb( $Conn_Obj );
 function connectDb( $Conn_Obj ){
 $this->mDb_host = $Conn_Obj->host;
 $this->mAd_name = $Conn_Obj->user;
 $this->mAd_pwd = $Conn_Obj->pwd;
 $this->mConn_No = mysql_connect( $this->mDb_host, $this->mAd_name, $this->mAd_pwd );
 function selectDb( $Conn_Obj ){
 $this->mDb_name = $Conn_Obj->dbname;
 mysql_select_db( $this->mDb_name );
* @package Making Sqls Class exetends Database Class
* @author injection (
* @version 1.0
class MakeSql extends DataBase{
 private $mSql;
 function MakeSql( $type,$arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice ){
 $this->MakeSqlType( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice );
 //switch make list
 function MakeSqlType( $type, $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice ){
 switch( $type ){
 case 'insert':
 return $this->makeInsert( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice );
 case 'select':
 return $this->makeSelect( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice );
 case 'update':
 return $this->makeUpdate( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice );
 case 'delete':
 return $this->makeDelete( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice );
 //make insert
 function makeInsert( $arr_colum_list,$arr_sql_choice ){
 $colum_key = array_keys( $arr_colum_list );
 $colum_value = array_values( $arr_colum_list );
 $this->mSql = "INSERT INTO ".$arr_sql_choice["tbl_name"]."( ".join( ',' , $colum_key )." ) VALUES( '".join( "','" , $colum_value )."')";
 return $this->mSql;
 //making select
 function makeSelect( $arr_colum_list = '*' , $arr_sql_choice ){
 $colum_value = array_keys( $arr_colum_list );
 foreach( $arr_sql_choice as $sql_key => $sql_value ){
 if( strcmp( $sql_key, 'tbl_name' ) == 0 ){
 if( strcmp($arr_colum_list, '*' ) !== 0 )
  $this->mSql = "SELECT ".join( ',' , $colum_value )." FROM ".$sql_value;
  $this->mSql = "SELECT * FROM ".$sql_value;
 if( strcmp( $sql_value, '' ) !== 0 )
  if(strcmp( $sql_key, 'WHERE' ) === 0 && strcmp( $sql_value, 'colum' ) === 0 ){
  foreach($arr_colum_list As $colum_key => $colum_value )
  $this->mSql .= "$colum_key = '$colum_value' AND ";
  $this->mSql = rtrim( $this->mSql, " AND " );
  $this->mSql .= " $sql_key ".$sql_value;
 return $this->mSql; 
 //making update 
 function makeUpdate( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice ){
 $this->mSql = "UPDATE ".$arr_sql_choice['tbl_name']." SET ";
 foreach( $arr_colum_list as $colum_key => $colum_value )
 $this->mSql .= "$colum_key = '$colum_value',";
 $this->mSql = rtrim( $this->mSql , ',');
 foreach( $arr_sql_choice as $sql_key => $sql_value ){
 if( strcmp( $sql_value, '' ) !== 0 && strcmp( $sql_key, 'tbl_name' ) !==0 && strcmp( $sql_key, 'ORDER BY' ) !== 0 )
  $this->mSql .= " $sql_key ".$sql_value;
 return $this->mSql;
 //making delete
 function makeDelete( $arr_colum_list, $arr_sql_choice ){
 $this->mSql = "DELETE FROM ".$arr_sql_choice['tbl_name'];
 foreach( $arr_sql_choice as $sql_key => $sql_value ){
 if( strcmp( $sql_key, 'tbl_name' ) !== 0 && strcmp( $sql_value, '' ) !== 0 ){
 $this->mSql .= " $sql_key ".$sql_value;
 return $this->mSql;
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Résumé : Ce qui précède est le résumé de cet article Tout le contenu, j'espère qu'il sera utile à l'étude de chacun.

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