PHP implémente la classe MySQL avec une fonction de séparation en lecture-écriture

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Cet article présente principalement la classe MySQL avec fonction de séparation lecture-écriture en PHP. Elle a une certaine valeur de référence. Maintenant, je la partage avec vous. Les amis dans le besoin peuvent s'y référer

Les exemples contenus dans ce document. article décrit PHP Implémentation de la classe MySQL avec fonction de séparation lecture-écriture. Partagez-le avec tout le monde pour votre référence, les détails sont les suivants :

Aperçu :

1 Déterminez s'il faut se connecter pour lire la base de données ou écrire la base de données en fonction de l'instruction SQL.
2. Appel en chaîne $this->where()->get()
3. Différents hôtes correspondent à différentes instances, plus de nouveaux

plusieurs fois. le code est le suivant :

class DBRWmysql
  private static $Instance = null;
  private $links = array();//链接数组
  private $link = null; //当前连接
  public $dbType = &#39;read&#39;;
  public $_host=&#39;&#39;; //数据库所在主机名
  public $_database = &#39;&#39;;//当前数据库名
  public $_tablename = &#39;&#39;;//当前表的表名
  public $_dt =&#39;&#39;;//database.tablename
  public $isRelease = 0; //查询完成后是否释放
  public $fields = &#39;*&#39;;
  public $arrWhere = [];
  public $order = &#39;&#39;;
  public $arrOrder = [];
  public $limit = &#39;&#39;;
  public $sql = &#39;&#39;;
  public $rs;//结果集
  private function __construct($database=&#39;&#39;, $tablename=&#39;&#39;, $isRelease=0)
    $this->_database = $database;//database name
    $this->_tablename = $tablename;//table name
    $this->_dt = "`{$this->_database}`.`{$this->_tablename}`";
    $this->isRelease = $isRelease;
  public static function getInstance($database=&#39;&#39;, $tablename=&#39;&#39;, $isRelease=0)
    if (self::$Instance == null) {
      self::$Instance = new DBRWmysql($database, $tablename, $isRelease);
    self::$Instance->_database = $database;
    self::$Instance->_tablename = $tablename;
    self::$Instance->_dt    = "`{$database}`.`{$tablename}`";
    self::$Instance->isRelease = $isRelease;
    return self::$Instance;
  //type == &#39;write&#39;或&#39;read&#39;
  public function getLink($type)
    $this->dbType = $$type;
    $dbConfig = DBConfig::$$type;
    $randKey = array_rand($dbConfig);
    $config = $dbConfig[$randKey];
    $host = $config[&#39;host&#39;];
    $username = $config[&#39;username&#39;];
    $password = $config[&#39;password&#39;];
    if (empty($this->links[$host])) {
      $this->_host = $host;
      $this->links[$host] = new mysqli($host, $username, $password);
      if($this->links[$host]->connect_error) {
    $this->link = $this->links[$host];
    $this->link->query("set names utf8mb4;"); //支持emoji表情
    $this->link->query("use {$this->_database};");
  public function getCurrentLinks()
    return $this->links;
  public function __destruct()
    foreach ($this->links as $v) {
  public function query($sql)
    $this->sql = $sql;
    if (strpos($sql, &#39;select&#39;) !== false) {
    } else {
    $this->rs = $this->link->query($sql);
    ($this->rs === false) && $this->error(&#39;sql error: &#39;.$sql.PHP_EOL.$this->link->error);
    //查询完成后释放链接, 并删除链接对象
    if ($this->isRelease) {
    return $this->rs;
  public function insert($arrData)
    foreach ($arrData as $key=>$value) {
      $fields[] = $key;
      $values[] = "&#39;".$value."&#39;";
      // $fields[] = &#39;`&#39;.$key.&#39;`&#39;;
      // $values[] = "&#39;".$value."&#39;";
    $strFields = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
    $strValues = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $values);
    $sql = "insert into {$this->_dt} ($strFields) values ($strValues)";
    $insert_id = $this->link->insert_id;
    return $insert_id;
  public function replace($arrData)
    foreach ($arrData as $key=>$value) {
      $fields[] = $key;
      $values[] = "&#39;{$value}&#39;";
    $strFields = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
    $strValues = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $values);
    $sql = "replace into {$this->_dt} ($strFields) values ($strValues)";
    return $this->link->insert_id;
  public function insertm($arrFields, $arrData)
    foreach ($arrFields as $v) {
      // $fields[] = "`{$v}`";
      $fields[] = $v;
    foreach ($arrData as $v) {
      $data[] = &#39;(&#39;.implode(&#39;,&#39;, $v).&#39;)&#39;;
    $strFields = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
    $strData = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $data);
    $sql = "insert into {$this->_dt} ($strFields) values {$strData}";
    return $this->link->insert_id;
  public function delete()
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $limit = $this->getLimit();
    $sql = " delete from {$this->_dt} {$where} {$limit}";
    return $this->link->affected_rows;
  public function update($data)
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $arrSql = array();
    foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
      $arrSql[] = "{$key}=&#39;{$value}&#39;";
    $strSql = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $arrSql);
    $sql = "update {$this->_dt} set {$strSql} {$where} {$this->limit}";
    return $this->link->affected_rows;
  public function getCount()
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $sql = " select count(1) as n from {$this->_dt} {$where} ";
    $resault = $this->query($sql);
    ($resault===false) && $this->error(&#39;getCount error: &#39;.$sql);
    $arrRs = $this->rsToArray($resault);
    $num = array_shift($arrRs);
    return $num[&#39;n&#39;];
  public function rsToArray($field = &#39;&#39;)
    $arrRs = $this->rs->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); //该函数只能用于php的mysqlnd驱动
    if ($field) {
      $arrResult = [];
      foreach ($arrRs as $v) {
        $arrResult[$v[$field]] = $v;
      return $arrResult;
    return $arrRs;
  public function qw($strFields)
    $strFields = preg_replace(&#39;#\s+#&#39;, &#39; &#39;, $strFields);
    $arrNewFields = explode(&#39; &#39;, $strFields );
    $arrNewFields = array_filter($arrNewFields);
    foreach ($arrNewFields as $k => $v) {
      $arrNewFields[$k]= &#39;`&#39;.$v.&#39;`&#39;;
    return implode(&#39;,&#39;, $arrNewFields);
  public function getInsertData($strData)
    // $bmap = "jingdu,$jingdu weidu,$weidu content,$content";
  //select in
  //arrData 整数数组,最好是整数
  public function select_in($key, $arrData, $fields=&#39;&#39;)
    $fields = $fields ? $fields : &#39;*&#39;;
    $len = count($arrData);
    $cur = 0;
    $pre = $arrData[0];
    $new = array(&#39;0&#39; => array($arrData[0]));
    for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) {
      if (($arrData[$i] - $pre) == 1 ) {
        $new[$cur][] = $arrData[$i];
      } else {
        $cur = $i;
        $new[$cur][] = $arrData[$i];
      $pre = $arrData[$i];
    $arrSql = array();
    foreach ($new as $v) {
      $len = count($v) - 1;
      if ($len) {
        $s = $v[0];
        $e = end($v);
        $sql = "(select $fields from {$this->_dt} where $key between $s and $e)";
      } else {
        $s = $v[0];
        $sql = "(select $fields from {$this->_dt} where $key = $s)";
      $arrSql[] = $sql;
    $strUnion = implode(&#39; UNION ALL &#39;, $arrSql);
    $res = $this->query($strUnion);
    return $this->rstoarray($res);
  //where in
  public function setWhereIn($key, $arrData)
    if (empty($arrData)) {
      $str = "(`{$key}` in (&#39;0&#39;))";
      return $str;
    foreach ($arrData as &$v) {
      $v = "&#39;{$v}&#39;";
    $str = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $arrData);
    $str = "(`{$key}` in ( {$str} ))";
    return $this;
  //where in
  public function setWhere($arrData)
    if (empty($arrData)) {
      return &#39;&#39;;
    foreach ($arrData as $k => $v) {
      $str = "(`{$k}` = &#39;{$v}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  //between and
  public function setWhereBetween($key, $min, $max)
    $str = "(`{$key}` between &#39;{$min}&#39; and &#39;{$max}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  //where a>b
  public function setWhereBT($key, $value)
    $str = "(`{$key}` > &#39;{$value}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  //where a<b
  public function setWhereLT($key, $value)
    $str = "(`{$key}` < &#39;{$value}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  public function addWhere($where)
    $this->arrWhere[] = $where;
  public function getWhere()
    if (empty($this->arrWhere)) {
      return &#39;where 1&#39;;
    } else {
      return &#39;where &#39;.implode(&#39; and &#39;, $this->arrWhere);
  public function setFields($fields)
    $this->fields = $fields;
    return $this;
  // order by a desc
  public function setOrder($order)
    $this->arrOrder[] = $order;
    return $this;
  public function getOrder()
    if (empty($this->arrOrder)) {
      return &#39;&#39;;
    } else {
      $str = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $this->arrOrder);
      $this->order = "order by {$str}";
    return $this->order;
  //e.g. &#39;0, 10&#39;
  //用limit的时候可以加where条件优化:select ... where id > 1234 limit 0, 10
  public function setLimit($limit)
    $this->limit = &#39;limit &#39;.$limit;
    return $this;
  //直接查询sql语句, 返回数组格式
  public function arrQuery($sql, $field=&#39;&#39;)
    ($this->rs===false) && $this->error(&#39;select error: &#39;.$sql);
    return $this->rsToArray($field);
  //如果 $field 不为空, 则返回的结果以该字段的值为索引
  public function get($field=&#39;&#39;)
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $order = $this->getOrder();
    $sql = " select {$this->fields} from {$this->_dt} {$where} {$order} {$this->limit} ";
    return $this->arrQuery($sql, $field);
  public function getOne()
    $rs = $this->get();
    return !empty($rs) ? $rs[0] : [];
  public function getOneField($field)
    $rs = $this->getOne();
    return !empty($rs[$field]) ? $rs[$field] : &#39;&#39;;
  public function getFields($field)
    $rs = $this->get();
    $result = [];
    foreach ($rs as $v) {
      $result[] = $v[$field];
    return $result;
  public function clearQuery()
    $this->fields = &#39;*&#39;;
    $this->arrWhere = [];
    $this->order = &#39;&#39;;
    $this->arrOrder = [];
    $this->limit = &#39;&#39;;
  public function close()
  public function autocommit($bool)
  public function commit()
  public function rollback()
  public function error($sql)
    //if (IS_TEST) {}
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