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Une introduction détaillée au package d'authentification et au code du protocole mysql

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La connexion du client MySQL au serveur MySQL nécessite un processus interactif. Tout d'abord, le serveur envoie un paquet de prise de contact initial au client. Après avoir reçu le paquet de prise de contact, le client renvoie un paquet d'authentification au serveur. . Comme suit, le package d'authentification est analysé ici.

client                 server
   |                     |
   |                     |
   |                     |
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Structure des messages de communication MySQL

Une introduction détaillée au package dauthentification et au code du protocole mysql

Charge utile Package d'authentification

4              capability flags, CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 always set
4              max-packet size
1              character set
string[23]     reserved (all [0])
string[NUL]    username
lenenc-int     length of auth-response
string[n]      auth-response
  } else if capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION {
1              length of auth-response
string[n]      auth-response
  } else {
string[NUL]    auth-response
  if capabilities & CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB {
string[NUL]    database
  if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH {
string[NUL]    auth plugin name
  if capabilities & CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS {
lenenc-int     length of all key-values
lenenc-str     key
lenenc-str     value
   if-more data in &#39;length of all key-values&#39;, more keys and value pairs
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Plus de détails :

Fonctionnement du package d'authentification

1. Type de package d'authentification

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><b>email: </b>
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 * <p>mysql auth packet.</p>
 */public class AuthPacket extends MySQLPacket {
    private static final byte[] FILLER = new byte[23];    
    public long clientFlags;    
    public long maxPacketSize;    
    public int charsetIndex;    
    public byte[] extra;    
    public String user;    
    public byte[] password;    
    public String database;    
    public void read(byte[] data) {
        MySQLMessage mm = new MySQLMessage(data);
        packetLength = mm.readUB3();
        packetId =;
        clientFlags = mm.readUB4();
        maxPacketSize = mm.readUB4();
        charsetIndex = ( & 0xff);        
        int current = mm.position();        
        int len = (int) mm.readLength();        
        if (len > 0 && len < FILLER.length) {            
        byte[] ab = new byte[len];
            System.arraycopy(mm.bytes(), mm.position(), ab, 0, len);            
            this.extra = ab;
        mm.position(current + FILLER.length);
        user = mm.readStringWithNull();
        password = mm.readBytesWithLength();        
        if (((clientFlags & Capabilities.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB) != 0)
                && mm.hasRemaining()) {
            database = mm.readStringWithNull();
    }    public void write(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
        BufferUtil.writeUB3(buffer, calcPacketSize());
        BufferUtil.writeUB4(buffer, clientFlags);
        BufferUtil.writeUB4(buffer, maxPacketSize);
        buffer.put((byte) charsetIndex);
        buffer.put(FILLER);        if (user == null) {
            buffer.put((byte) 0);
        } else {
            BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, user.getBytes());
        }        if (password == null) {
            buffer.put((byte) 0);
        } else {
            BufferUtil.writeWithLength(buffer, password);
        }        if (database == null) {
            buffer.put((byte) 0);
        } else {
            BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, database.getBytes());
    }    @Override
    public int calcPacketSize() {        
    int size = 32;// 4+4+1+23;
        size += (user == null) ? 1 : user.length() + 1;
        size += (password == null) ? 1 : BufferUtil.getLength(password);
        size += (database == null) ? 1 : database.length() + 1;        
        return size;
    }    @Override
    protected String getPacketInfo() {        
    return "MySQL Authentication Packet";

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  1. Outil de cryptage et de décryptage

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><b>email: </b>
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<b>blog: </b>//;/pre>
 * <p>a security util .</p>
 */public class SecurityUtil {

    public static final byte[] scramble411(byte[] pass, byte[] seed)            
    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");        
        byte[] pass1 = md.digest(pass);
        byte[] pass2 = md.digest(pass1);
        byte[] pass3 = md.digest(pass2);        
        for (int i = 0; i < pass3.length; i++) {
            pass3[i] = (byte) (pass3[i] ^ pass1[i]);
        }        return pass3;
    }    public static final String scramble323(String pass, String seed) {        
    if ((pass == null) || (pass.length() == 0)) {            
    return pass;
        byte b;        
        double d;        
        long[] pw = hash(seed);        
        long[] msg = hash(pass);        
        long max = 0x3fffffffL;        
        long seed1 = (pw[0] ^ msg[0]) % max;        
        long seed2 = (pw[1] ^ msg[1]) % max;        
        char[] chars = new char[seed.length()];        
        for (int i = 0; i < seed.length(); i++) {
            seed1 = ((seed1 * 3) + seed2) % max;
            seed2 = (seed1 + seed2 + 33) % max;
            d = (double) seed1 / (double) max;
            b = (byte) java.lang.Math.floor((d * 31) + 64);
            chars[i] = (char) b;
        seed1 = ((seed1 * 3) + seed2) % max;
        seed2 = (seed1 + seed2 + 33) % max;
        d = (double) seed1 / (double) max;
        b = (byte) java.lang.Math.floor(d * 31);        
        for (int i = 0; i < seed.length(); i++) {
            chars[i] ^= (char) b;
        }        return new String(chars);
    }    private static long[] hash(String src) {        
    long nr = 1345345333L;        
    long add = 7;        
    long nr2 = 0x12345671L;        
    long tmp;        
    for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); ++i) {            
    switch (src.charAt(i)) {            
    case &#39; &#39;:            
    case &#39;\t&#39;:                
                tmp = (0xff & src.charAt(i));
                nr ^= ((((nr & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr << 8));
                nr2 += ((nr2 << 8) ^ nr);
                add += tmp;
        long[] result = new long[2];
        result[0] = nr & 0x7fffffffL;
        result[1] = nr2 & 0x7fffffffL;        
        return result;

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  1. Cours de test

 * @author seaboat
 * @date 2016-09-25
 * @version 1.0
 * <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><b>email: </b>
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<b>blog: </b>//;/pre>
 * <p>test auth packet.</p>
 */public class AuthPacketTest {
    public void produce() {        
    // handshake packet&#39;s rand1 and rand2
        byte[] rand1 = RandomUtil.randomBytes(8);        
        byte[] rand2 = RandomUtil.randomBytes(12);        
        byte[] seed = new byte[rand1.length + rand2.length];
        System.arraycopy(rand1, 0, seed, 0, rand1.length);
        System.arraycopy(rand2, 0, seed, rand1.length, rand2.length);

        AuthPacket auth = new AuthPacket();
        auth.packetId = 0;
        auth.clientFlags = getClientCapabilities();
        auth.maxPacketSize = 1024 * 1024 * 16;
        auth.user = "seaboat";        try {
            auth.password = SecurityUtil
                    .scramble411("seaboat".getBytes(), seed);
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        auth.database = "test";

        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(256);
        buffer.flip();        byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
        buffer.get(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        String result = HexUtil.Bytes2HexString(bytes);
        assertTrue(Integer.valueOf(result.substring(0, 2), 16) == result
                .length() / 2 - 4);

        AuthPacket auth2 = new AuthPacket();;
    }    protected int getClientCapabilities() {        
    int flag = 0;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_LONG_FLAG;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_ODBC;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_INTERACTIVE;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS;
        flag |= Capabilities.CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION;        
        return flag;
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