Vue v2.0.0-alpha.4 和 v1.0.25 发布了,以下是这两个版本值得关注的内容:
Vue.config.ignoredElements : an Array of element tag names to ignore during render. Elements listed in this option will be rendered as plain elements instead of components.
Wrong v-for alias check regex in template compilation error detection
Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)
mixins option can now use constructors returned by Vue.extend in addition to plain objects.
fix unknown element warning for
#2890 fix json filter with 0 indent
#2983 fix v-model select initial value edge cases in IE
#2988 fix falsy value output for one time text bindings
#2993 fix comment inside being treated as string
#3027 fix MutationObserver-related issues in iOS 9.3 UIWebView
#3039 fix component local name option being overwritten by global registration
#3062 fix multi-line expression inside HTML interpolation