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SonarQube PHP 2.8 发布

Libérer: 2016-06-23 13:13:52
1389 Les gens l'ont consulté

SonarQube PHP 2.8 发布了。



  • [ SONARPHP-598 ] - False Positive SelfKeywordUsage (S2037): methods which cannot be overridden

  • [ SONARPHP-599 ] - NullPointerException in PhpUnitResultParser for report with empty "testsuites"

  • [ SONARPHP-600 ] - False Positive UnusedFunctionParameters: parameter is used in "compact" call

  • [ SONARPHP-602 ] - False Positive UnusedLocalVariableCheck (S1481): "::class" impact

  • [ SONARPHP-611 ] - False Positive FormattingStandard (S1808): multi-line arguments

  • [ SONARPHP-612 ] - Support yield without value

  • [ SONARPHP-614 ] - PhpUnitResultParser fails for unknown tags in report

  • [ SONARPHP-615 ] - False Positive ArgumentWithDefaultValueNotLast (S1788): variable number of arguments


  • [ SONARPHP-429 ] - Update description of rule "Files should not contain inline HTML"/S1997

  • [ SONARPHP-451 ] - Add parameter for (S107) "Functions should not have too many parameters"

  • [ SONARPHP-482 ] - Ignore data of coverage report with invalid lines

  • [ SONARPHP-503 ] - Merge AssignementByReferenceTree and AssignmentExpressionTree interfaces

  • [ SONARPHP-597 ] - Update description in POM

  • [ SONARPHP-603 ] - Improve LocalVariableShadowsClassField (S1117): do not take into account method parameters

New Feature

  • [ SONARPHP-595 ] - Add support of parsing of PHP7

  • [ SONARPHP-613 ] - Update existing rules to check anonymous classes

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