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Création d'un bot pour Bluesky Social

Libérer: 2024-09-14 06:29:32
939 Les gens l'ont consulté

Comment fonctionnera le bot

Nous allons développer un bot pour le réseau social Bluesky, nous utiliserons Golang pour cela, ce bot surveillera certains hashtags via websocket,
s'il trouve l'un de ces hashtags, il le republiera et aimera la publication originale.

Nous aborderons des choses vraiment intéressantes comme websocket, AT (protocole utilisé par bluesky), CAR (Content Addressable aRchive) et CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) sont deux formats utilisés pour stocker et transmettre efficacement des données.

Structure du projet

Le projet aura une structure simple, en interne nous aurons un package appelé bot avec tout le code pour exécuter le bot,
dans les utils, nous aurons quelques fonctions pour nous aider.

Dans le fichier .env, nous aurons les informations d'identification bluesky pour accéder à l'API.

Creating a Bot for Bluesky Social

Configuration des informations d'identification

Pour nous authentifier auprès de l'API bluesky, nous devons fournir un identifiant et un mot de passe, mais nous ne pouvons pas utiliser le mot de passe pour accéder à notre compte,
pour ce faire, nous allons créer un Mots de passe d'application, accédez simplement à votre compte dans bluesky, accédez aux paramètres puis aux Mots de passe d'application.

Avec ce mot de passe généré, placez-le dans le fichier .env, comme ceci :

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Générer le jeton API

Chaque fois que notre bot identifie un nouveau hashtag que nous surveillons, une réponse sera faite, mais nous avons besoin d'un jeton Bearer pour pouvoir republier,
nous allons créer une fonction qui génère le jeton, nous le ferons dans le fichier get-token.go.

Nous définissons d'abord une variable globale pour l'URL de l'API.

var (
  API_URL = ""
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Maintenant, nous définissons notre structure avec les données qui seront renvoyées par l'API.

type DIDDoc struct {
  Context            []string `json:"@context"`
  ID                 string   `json:"id"`
  AlsoKnownAs        []string `json:"alsoKnownAs"`
  VerificationMethod []struct {
    ID                 string `json:"id"`
    Type               string `json:"type"`
    Controller         string `json:"controller"`
    PublicKeyMultibase string `json:"publicKeyMultibase"`
  } `json:"verificationMethod"`
  Service []struct {
    ID              string `json:"id"`
    Type            string `json:"type"`
    ServiceEndpoint string `json:"serviceEndpoint"`
  } `json:"service"`

type DIDResponse struct {
  DID             string `json:"did"`
  DIDDoc          DIDDoc `json:"didDoc"`
  Handle          string `json:"handle"`
  Email           string `json:"email"`
  EmailConfirmed  bool   `json:"emailConfirmed"`
  EmailAuthFactor bool   `json:"emailAuthFactor"`
  AccessJwt       string `json:"accessJwt"`
  RefreshJwt      string `json:"refreshJwt"`
  Active          bool   `json:"active"`
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Nous allons maintenant créer la fonction getToken qui renvoie une réponse DIDResponse (vous pouvez lui donner le nom que vous voulez).

func getToken() (*DIDResponse, error) {
  requestBody, err := json.Marshal(map[string]string{
    "identifier": os.Getenv("BLUESKY_IDENTIFIER"),
    "password":   os.Getenv("BLUESKY_PASSWORD"),
  if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal request body: %w", err)

  url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/com.atproto.server.createSession", API_URL)

  resp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(requestBody))
  if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to send request: %w", err)
  defer resp.Body.Close()

  if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: %d", resp.StatusCode)

  var tokenResponse DIDResponse
  if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&tokenResponse); err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode response: %w", err)

  return &tokenResponse, nil
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Cette fonction appelle le point de terminaison bluesky com.atproto.server.createSession, nous recevrons des données, mais ce qui compte pour l'instant c'est l'accessJwt qui est ce dont nous aurons besoin pour autoriser notre bot via Bearer, avec cela la fonction pour générer le jeton est prêt.

Création du Websocket

Ce sera la fonction la plus complexe du bot, nous devrons consommer le point de terminaison bluesky.

Tout d'abord, créons une variable pour enregistrer le point de terminaison, voir plus dans la documentation

var (
  wsURL = "wss://"
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Créons maintenant les structures :

type RepoCommitEvent struct {
  Repo   string      `cbor:"repo"`
  Rev    string      `cbor:"rev"`
  Seq    int64       `cbor:"seq"`
  Since  string      `cbor:"since"`
  Time   string      `cbor:"time"`
  TooBig bool        `cbor:"tooBig"`
  Prev   interface{} `cbor:"prev"`
  Rebase bool        `cbor:"rebase"`
  Blocks []byte      `cbor:"blocks"`

  Ops []RepoOperation `cbor:"ops"`

type RepoOperation struct {
  Action string      `cbor:"action"`
  Path   string      `cbor:"path"`
  Reply  *Reply      `cbor:"reply"`
  Text   []byte      `cbor:"text"`
  CID    interface{} `cbor:"cid"`

type Reply struct {
  Parent Parent `json:"parent"`
  Root   Root   `json:"root"`

type Parent struct {
  Cid string `json:"cid"`
  Uri string `json:"uri"`

type Root struct {
  Cid string `json:"cid"`
  Uri string `json:"uri"`

type Post struct {
  Type  string `json:"$type"`
  Text  string `json:"text"`
  Reply *Reply `json:"reply"`
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Nous utiliserons également le package Gorilla Websocket, téléchargez le package avec :

go get
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la fonction Websocket ressemble initialement à ceci :

func Websocket() error {
  conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(wsURL, nil)
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Failed to connect to WebSocket", "error", err)
    return err
  defer conn.Close()

  for {
    _, message, err := conn.ReadMessage()
    if err != nil {
      slog.Error("Error reading message from WebSocket", "error", err)
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Avec cela, nous pouvons désormais lire les messages reçus via websocket avec un for infini, mais les messages sont codés en CBOR.

Qu’est-ce que le CBOR ?

CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) est un format de données binaire utilisé pour représenter les données de manière compacte et efficace.
Il est similaire à JSON, mais au lieu d'utiliser du texte lisible par l'homme, il utilise des octets binaires, ce qui le rend plus petit et plus rapide à transmettre et à traiter.

Pour le décoder, nous devrons utiliser ce package.

decoder := cbor.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(message))
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Transformez simplement le message en lecteur, comme ceci :

func Websocket() error {
  conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(wsURL, nil)
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Failed to connect to WebSocket", "error", err)
    return err
  defer conn.Close()

  slog.Info("Connected to WebSocket", "url", wsURL)

  for {
     _, message, err := conn.ReadMessage()
    if err != nil {
      slog.Error("Error reading message from WebSocket", "error", err)

    decoder := cbor.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(message))

    for {
      var evt RepoCommitEvent
      err := decoder.Decode(&evt)
      if err == io.EOF {
      if err != nil {
        slog.Error("Error decoding CBOR message", "error", err)
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  • decoder.Decode(&evt) : Le décodeur est responsable de la lecture des données reçues et de leur décodage du format CBOR vers le type RepoCommitEvent. L'evt stocke les données décodées.

  • if err == io.EOF { break } : Si le décodeur arrive à la fin des données (il n'y a plus de messages), il renvoie io.EOF (fin du fichier). Lorsque cela se produit, la boucle est interrompue avec break, car il n'y a plus de données à traiter.

Création du handleEvent

Créons une fonction pour traiter l'événement :

func handleEvent(evt RepoCommitEvent) error {
  for _, op := range evt.Ops {
    if op.Action == "create" {
      if len(evt.Blocks) > 0 {
        err := handleCARBlocks(evt.Blocks, op)
        if err != nil {
          slog.Error("Error handling CAR blocks", "error", err)
          return err

  return nil
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  • Paramètre evt : La fonction reçoit un paramètre evt, qui est un événement de type RepoCommitEvent. Cet événement contient une liste d'opérations Ops et éventuellement des blocs de données Blocks liés à ces opérations.

  • Boucle sur opérations : l'événement evt peut contenir plusieurs opérations. Le code parcourt chacune de ces opérations en utilisant la boucle for _, op := range evt.Ops.

  • Vérification de l'action op.Action == "create" : Pour chaque opération, le code vérifie si l'action associée est create, c'est-à-dire si l'opération crée quelque chose de nouveau dans bluesky, comme une publication ou autre type de contenu.

  • S'il y a des blocs len(evt.Blocks) > 0 : Si l'opération de création est détectée, le code vérifie si l'événement contient des blocs de données Blocks. Ces blocs contiennent des informations supplémentaires pouvant être liées à l'opération.

  • Traitement des blocs handleCARBlocks : Si des blocs sont présents, la fonction handleCARBlocks est appelée pour traiter ces blocs. Cette fonction est chargée d'interpréter les données dans les blocs (nous couvrirons CAR ci-dessous).

What is CAR?

CAR (Content Addressable Archive) is an archive format that stores data efficiently and securely using content addressing. This means that each piece of data is identified by its content rather than a specific location.

Here is a simple explanation:

Content Identified by Hash: Each block of data in a CAR file is identified by a hash (a unique identifier generated from the content of the data). This ensures that the same piece of data always has the same identifier.

Used in IPFS and IPLD: CAR is widely used in systems such as IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and IPLD (InterPlanetary Linked Data), where data is distributed and retrieved over the network based on content rather than location like bluesky.

Data Blocks: A CAR file can store multiple blocks of data, and each block can be retrieved individually using its content identifier (CID).

Efficient and Safe: Since a block's identifier depends on its content, it is easy to verify that the data is correct and has not been altered.

This is a very simple explanation, if you want to go deeper, I recommend accessing this.

Creating the handleCARBlocks

This will be the most complex function of the bot:

func handleCARBlocks(blocks []byte, op RepoOperation) error {
  if len(blocks) == 0 {
    return errors.New("no blocks to process")

  reader, err := carv2.NewBlockReader(bytes.NewReader(blocks))
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error creating CAR block reader", "error", err)
    return err

  for {
    block, err := reader.Next()
    if err == io.EOF {
    if err != nil {
      slog.Error("Error reading CAR block", "error", err)

    if opTag, ok := op.CID.(cbor.Tag); ok {
      if cidBytes, ok := opTag.Content.([]byte); ok {
        c, err := decodeCID(cidBytes)
        if err != nil {
          slog.Error("Error decoding CID from bytes", "error", err)

        if block.Cid().Equals(c) {
          var post Post
          err := cbor.Unmarshal(block.RawData(), &post)
          if err != nil {
            slog.Error("Error decoding CBOR block", "error", err)

          if post.Text == "" || post.Reply == nil {

          if utils.FilterTerms(post.Text) {
            repost(&post) // we will still create

  return nil
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We will still create the repost() function, we will pass a pointer to *Post as a parameter.

Remember that our bot only monitors post comments, if a post is created and the hashtag we are monitoring is inserted, the repost will not be made, this
validation if post.Text == "" || post.Reply == nil will prevent it, it is necessary to have a reply and this only happens if it is a comment on a post.

The handleCARBlocks function processes data blocks in CAR format. Let's understand step by step what the function does in a simple way:

  • Initial Block Verification:
if len(blocks) == 0 {
  return errors.New("no blocks to process")
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If the blocks are empty, the function returns an error saying that there are no blocks to process.

  • Creating a CAR Block Reader:
reader, err := carv2.NewBlockReader(bytes.NewReader(blocks))
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The function creates a block reader to interpret the data contained in the CAR file, we are using the packages carV2 and go-cid

To install, run:

  go install
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  go get
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  • Reading the Blocks:
for {
  block, err := reader.Next()
    if err == io.EOF {
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The function enters a loop to read all data blocks one by one. When all blocks are read (i.e. the end is reached), the loop stops.

  • Checking the CID:
if opTag, ok := op.CID.(cbor.Tag); ok {
  if cidBytes, ok := opTag.Content.([]byte); ok {
    c, err := decodeCID(cidBytes)
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The function checks whether the operation contains a CID (Content Identifier) ​​that can be decoded. This CID identifies the specific content of the block.

  • Comparing and Decoding the Block:
if block.Cid().Equals(c) {
  var post Post
  err := cbor.Unmarshal(block.RawData(), &post)
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If the block read has the same CID as the operation, the block content is decoded into a format that the function understands, such as a "Post".

  • Filtering the Post:
if post.Text == "" || post.Reply == nil {
if utils.FilterTerms(post.Text) {
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If the post has text and a reply, it is filtered with a function called FilterTerms. If it passes the filter, it is reposted.

Creating decodeCID

The decodeCID function is responsible for decoding a content identifier (CID) from a set of bytes. It takes these bytes and tries to transform them into a CID that can be used to identify blocks of data.

func decodeCID(cidBytes []byte) (cid.Cid, error) {
  var c cid.Cid
  c, err := cid.Decode(string(cidBytes))
  if err != nil {
    return c, fmt.Errorf("error decoding CID: %w", err)

  return c, nil
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With that, we have the Websocket ready.

Creating the Hashtag Filter

Let's create the following within utils in filter-terms.go:

var (
  terms = []string{"#hashtag2", "#hashtag1"}

func FilterTerms(text string) bool {
  for _, term := range terms {
    if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(text), strings.ToLower(term)) {
      return true
  return false
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It is in this function that we define the hashtags to be monitored, in a simple way we receive a text that comes from the websocket and filter it based on the terms.

Creating createRecord

Let's create a function called createRecord in the create-record.go file, which will be responsible for creating a repost or a like, depending on the $type that is sent via parameter.

First, let's create a struct with the parameters we will need:

type CreateRecordProps struct {
  DIDResponse *DIDResponse
  Resource    string
  URI         string
  CID         string
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  • DIDResponse: We will use it to extract the authorization token.
  • Resource: It will be used to inform whether we are going to do a like or repost.
  • URI: It will be used to inform the uri of the original post.
  • CID: This is what we extracted from the CAR, used as an identifier.

The final function will look like this:

func createRecord(r *CreateRecordProps) error {
  body := map[string]interface{}{
    "$type":      r.Resource,
    "collection": r.Resource,
    "repo":       r.DIDResponse.DID,
    "record": map[string]interface{}{
      "subject": map[string]interface{}{
        "uri": r.URI,
        "cid": r.CID,
      "createdAt": time.Now(),

  jsonBody, err := json.Marshal(body)
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error marshalling request", "error", err, "resource", r.Resource)
    return err

  url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/com.atproto.repo.createRecord", API_URL)
  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonBody))
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error creating request", "error", err, "r.Resource", r.Resource)
    return nil
  req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", r.DIDResponse.AccessJwt))
  req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

  client := &http.Client{}
  resp, err := client.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error sending request", "error", err, "r.Resource", r.Resource)
    return nil
  if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
    slog.Error("Unexpected status code", "status", resp, "r.Resource", r.Resource)
    return nil

  slog.Info("Published successfully", "resource", r.Resource)

  return nil
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It's simple to understand, we make a POST to the API_URL/com.atproto.repo.createRecord endpoint, informing that we are going to create a record, in the body we inform the $type, which informs the bluesky API the type of record we are going to create, then we assemble the request, inserting the bearer token and we do some error handling, simple, isn't it?

This way we can use the createRecord function to create several records, changing only the $type.

Sending the repost and like to Bluesky

With createRecord ready, it's simple to create the repost, let's do this in the repost.go file:

func repost(p *Post) error {
  token, err := getToken()
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error getting token", "error", err)
    return err

  resource := &CreateRecordProps{
    DIDResponse: token,
    Resource:    "app.bsky.feed.repost",
    URI:         p.Reply.Root.Uri,
    CID:         p.Reply.Root.Cid,

  err = createRecord(resource)
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error creating record", "error", err, "resource", resource.Resource)
    return err

  resource.Resource = ""
  err = createRecord(resource)
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error creating record", "error", err, "resource", resource.Resource)
    return err

  return nil
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We receive a pointer to the *Post from the Websocket() function, we set up the CreateRecordProps informing that we are going to make a repost through the app.bsky.feed.repost resource, and finally we call createRecord.

After creating the post, we will give it a like (optional), just call createRecord again, but now with the resource, since we created the resource in a variable, just set a new value, which is what we do resource.Resource = "".

With that, we can now make the repost and the like.

Creating a health check

This part is optional, it will be used only for deployment, it will be used by the hosting service to check if our bot is still working, it is a very simple endpoint that only returns a status code 200.

Let's do it in the health-check.go file:

func HealthCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
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The HealthCheck function returns only a w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK), this could be done directly in the main.go file, which is where we will start our web server, but I chose to separate it.

Getting the bot up and running

Well, now we just need to get everything running, let's do that in main.go:

func main() {
  slog.Info("Starting bot")
  err := godotenv.Load()
  if err != nil {
    slog.Error("Error loading .env file")

  go func() {
    http.HandleFunc("/health", bot.HealthCheck)
    slog.Info("Starting health check server on :8080")

    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
      log.Fatal("Failed to start health check server:", err)

  err = bot.Websocket()
  if err != nil {
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Very simple too:

  • err := godotenv.Load(): We use the godotenv package to be able to access the variables of the .env locally.
  • go func(): We start our webserver for the HealthCheck in a goroutine.
  • err = bot.Websocket(): Finally we start the Websocket.

Now, let's run:

go run cdm/main.go
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We will have the bot running:

2024/09/13 09:11:31 INFO Starting bot
2024/09/13 09:11:31 INFO Starting health check server on :8080
2024/09/13 09:11:32 INFO Connected to WebSocket url=wss://
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We can test it on Bluesky, I used the hashtag #bot-teste for testing purposes, let's create a post and comment on it:

Creating a Bot for Bluesky Social

See that the repost was made and now it has the like, and in the terminal we have the logs:

2024/09/13 09:14:16 INFO Published successfully resource=app.bsky.feed.repost
2024/09/13 09:14:16 INFO Published successfully
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Final considerations

We have covered how to create a bot for the Bluesky social network, using Golang and various technologies such as Websockets, AT Protocol, CAR and CBOR.

The bot is responsible for monitoring specific hashtags and, when it finds one of them, it reposts and likes the original post.

This is just one of the features we can do with the bot, the Bluesky API is very complete and allows for several possibilities, you can use this bot and add new features ?.


See the post on my blog here

Subscribe and receive notification of new posts, participate

repository of the project

bot profile on Bluesky

Bluesky documentation

Gopher credits

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