fieldset tag usage
fieldset tag usage
The tag is a tag in HTML used to group a set of related form elements within a form. Typically used with the tag.
What does the HTML
tag do?
Basic HTML tutorial: HTML's tag packages part of the form content to generate a set of related form fields. When a set of form elements is placed inside a tag, the browser displays them in a special way. They may have special borders, 3D effects, or even create a subform.
How can we group data in HTML form?Recommend
We use the tag to group related data in HTML forms. This tag creates a box around the relevant element on the web page. The tag to provide a title for the group or to provide a name for the group. Syntax ….. Example 1 The following is an example of using the tag - <
What are the common block elements in CSS?
The block elements of CSS include: address, blockquote, dir, div, dl, form, hr, ol, p, pre, table, ul, caption, dd, fieldset, li, legend, noframes, noscript, h1–h6, etc.
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