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Common HTML tags

Common HTML tags are: 1. : defines the root element of the HTML document; 2. : contains metadata of the HTML document, such as title, style and script; 3. : defines the title of the HTML document etc. For more questions about HTML tags, please see the article below this topic for details. PHP Chinese website welcomes everyone to come and learn.</p> <div class="topcLabels flexRow"> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a target="_blank" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/cadxlhhmy" title="cad2012 serial number and key" class="aClass lableA flexRow font12">cad2012 serial number and key</a> <a target="_blank" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/vscodezmyx" title="How to run code html in vscode" class="aClass lableA flexRow font12">How to run code html in vscode</a> <a target="_blank" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/cssrhcrtp" title="How to insert pictures in css" class="aClass lableA flexRow font12">How to insert pictures in css</a> <a target="_blank" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/dnmkfmsyzmb" title="What to do if there is no sound from the computer microphone" class="aClass lableA flexRow font12">What to do if there is no sound from the computer microphone</a> </div> <span class="topcTimes font12 font99 flexRow">time:2023-11-01 10:57:10</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flexCloumn ztlists"> <ul class="ztlistUl"> <li class="ztlistLi flexRow"><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/624097.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass ztliTopa"><b class="ztlliB"></b><img title="Common HTML tags" class="lazyload ztliimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202311/01/2023110110393537949.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="ztliCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/624097.html" target="_blank" title="Common HTML tags" class="font18 font33 fontoverflow ztlicTitle ">Common HTML tags</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/624097.html" target="_blank" title="Common HTML tags are: 1. <html>: defines the root element of the HTML document; 2. <head>: contains metadata of the HTML document, such as title, style and script; 3. <title>: defines the title of the HTML document ; 4. <meta>: Define the metadata of the HTML document, such as character set, author, keywords, etc.; 5. <style>: Define the style of the HTML document; 6. <script>: Define the script of the HTML document, etc." class="font66 ztlicA aClass fontoverflow">Common HTML tags are: 1. <html>: defines the root element of the HTML document; 2. <head>: contains metadata of the HTML document, such as title, style and script; 3. <title>: defines the title of the HTML document ; 4. <meta>: Define the metadata of the HTML document, such as character set, author, keywords, etc.; 5. <style>: Define the style of the HTML document; 6. <script>: Define the script of the HTML document, etc.</a> <div class="ztliLabels flexRow"> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=htmltag" target="_blank">html tag</a> </div> <a class="likeAcomment flexRow" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/624097.html" target="_blank" title=""> <div class="likes flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>1069</span> </div> <div class="commentNums flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>701</span> </div></a> </div> </div></li> <li class="ztlistLi flexRow"><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/515129.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass ztliTopa"><b class="ztlliB"></b><img title="Let's talk about some common HTML tags" class="lazyload ztliimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202304/13/2023041314215433422.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="ztliCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/515129.html" target="_blank" title="Let's talk about some common HTML tags" class="font18 font33 fontoverflow ztlicTitle ">Let's talk about some common HTML tags</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/515129.html" target="_blank" title="HTML tag settings HTML is the abbreviation of HyperText Markup Language, which is a markup language used to create web pages and web applications. In HTML, documents are made more readable and accessible by using various tags and attributes to organize and format content. In this article, we will focus on some common HTML tags, as well as their syntax and usage. Text Tags In HTML, text tags are used to style and format text. The following are some commonly used text tags: 1. \<" class="font66 ztlicA aClass fontoverflow">HTML tag settings HTML is the abbreviation of HyperText Markup Language, which is a markup language used to create web pages and web applications. In HTML, documents are made more readable and accessible by using various tags and attributes to organize and format content. In this article, we will focus on some common HTML tags, as well as their syntax and usage. Text Tags In HTML, text tags are used to style and format text. The following are some commonly used text tags: 1. \<</a> <div class="ztliLabels flexRow"> <a class="likeAcomment flexRow" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/515129.html" target="_blank" title=""> <div class="likes flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>687</span> </div> <div class="commentNums flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>957</span> </div></a> </div> </div></li> <li class="ztlistLi flexRow"><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/601968.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass ztliTopa"><b class="ztlliB"></b><img title="HTML tags" class="lazyload ztliimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/887/227/169382670559036.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="ztliCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/601968.html" target="_blank" title="HTML tags" class="font18 font33 fontoverflow ztlicTitle ">HTML tags</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/601968.html" target="_blank" title="Elements in HTML are used to describe metadata, i.e. description, keywords, document author, etc. This metadata is not displayed on the page, but is used by search engines, web browsers, etc. Now you can also set the dimensions of the web page by setting the viewport under - <metaname="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> Here are the properties - Sr.No Type and Description 1 Name Attribute The name. Can be anything. Examples include keywords, description, author, revision, generator, etc. 2 Content specifies the value of the attribute. Scheme 3 (deprecated) refers to" class="font66 ztlicA aClass fontoverflow">Elements in HTML are used to describe metadata, i.e. description, keywords, document author, etc. This metadata is not displayed on the page, but is used by search engines, web browsers, etc. Now you can also set the dimensions of the web page by setting the viewport under - <metaname="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> Here are the properties - Sr.No Type and Description 1 Name Attribute The name. Can be anything. Examples include keywords, description, author, revision, generator, etc. 2 Content specifies the value of the attribute. Scheme 3 (deprecated) refers to</a> <div class="ztliLabels flexRow"> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=htmltag" target="_blank">html tag</a> </div> <a class="likeAcomment flexRow" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/601968.html" target="_blank" title=""> <div class="likes flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>1187</span> </div> <div class="commentNums flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>599</span> </div></a> </div> </div></li> <li class="ztlistLi flexRow"><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/540385.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass ztliTopa"><img title="html tags and usage" class="lazyload ztliimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202305/15/2023051518050855759.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="ztliCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/540385.html" target="_blank" title="html tags and usage" class="font18 font33 fontoverflow ztlicTitle ">html tags and usage</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/540385.html" target="_blank" title="With the popularity of the Internet, web design has become a widespread skill. For people who want to understand web design, it is essential to understand HTML tags and their usage. HTML is the abbreviation of HyperText Markup Language, which is a markup language used to describe the content of web pages. HTML tags are the core of HTML. Through these tags, we can control the structure and style of web pages. Next, let’s take a look at common HTML tags and their usage: 1. Doctype" class="font66 ztlicA aClass fontoverflow">With the popularity of the Internet, web design has become a widespread skill. For people who want to understand web design, it is essential to understand HTML tags and their usage. HTML is the abbreviation of HyperText Markup Language, which is a markup language used to describe the content of web pages. HTML tags are the core of HTML. Through these tags, we can control the structure and style of web pages. Next, let’s take a look at common HTML tags and their usage: 1. Doctype</a> <div class="ztliLabels flexRow"> <a class="likeAcomment flexRow" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/540385.html" target="_blank" title=""> <div class="likes flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>749</span> </div> <div class="commentNums flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>133</span> </div></a> </div> </div></li> <li class="ztlistLi flexRow"><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/415451.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass ztliTopa"><img title="What does the title tag mean?" class="lazyload ztliimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/027/5c6e50fe7c7eb296.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="ztliCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/415451.html" target="_blank" title="What does the title tag mean?" class="font18 font33 fontoverflow ztlicTitle ">What does the title tag mean?</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/415451.html" target="_blank" title="The title element defines the title of the document. Browsers use the title in a special way and usually place it on the title bar or status bar of the browser window. Likewise, when a document is added to a user's links list or favorites or bookmarks list, the title becomes the default name for the link to the document." class="font66 ztlicA aClass fontoverflow">The title element defines the title of the document. Browsers use the title in a special way and usually place it on the title bar or status bar of the browser window. Likewise, when a document is added to a user's links list or favorites or bookmarks list, the title becomes the default name for the link to the document.</a> <div class="ztliLabels flexRow"> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=title标签" target="_blank">title标签</a> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=title标签什么意思" target="_blank">title标签什么意思</a> </div> <a class="likeAcomment flexRow" href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/415451.html" target="_blank" title=""> <div class="likes flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>9719</span> </div> <div class="commentNums flexRow font12 font99"> <b></b> <span>895</span> </div></a> </div> </div></li> </ul> <div class="pages flexRow"> <ul class="page"> <a href="javascript:;" class="disabled_page">Previous</a> <a href="javascript:;" class="active">1</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/cjdhtmlbq?p=2">2</a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/cjdhtmlbq?p=3">3</a> <a 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title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="What are the web page production selectors?" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202310/16/2023101615530330822.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/619605.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">What are the web page production selectors?</span><b class="titleTj fontFF flexRow">Recommend</b></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/619605.html" target="_blank" title="Web page production selectors include tag selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, attribute selectors, pseudo-class selectors, pseudo-element selectors, sub-element selectors, adjacent sibling selectors and universal sibling selectors. Detailed introduction: 1. The tag selector is the most basic selector. It selects elements through the HTML tag name. It uses the tag name as the selector; 2. The class selector selects the element through the class name of the element. It uses the period plus The class name serves as the selector; 3. The ID selector selects the element through its unique identifier, which uses the pound sign plus the ID name as the selector and so on." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">Web page production selectors include tag selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, attribute selectors, pseudo-class selectors, pseudo-element selectors, sub-element selectors, adjacent sibling selectors and universal sibling selectors. Detailed introduction: 1. The tag selector is the most basic selector. It selects elements through the HTML tag name. It uses the tag name as the selector; 2. The class selector selects the element through the class name of the element. It uses the period plus The class name serves as the selector; 3. The ID selector selects the element through its unique identifier, which uses the pound sign plus the ID name as the selector and so on.</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2023-10-16 16:30:30 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=selector" target="_blank">Selector</a> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=webpageproduction" target="_blank">Web page production</a> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="jcLi flexRow "><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/584165.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="What are the audit text php codes?" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202307/27/2023072717412638767.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/584165.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">What are the audit text php codes?</span></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/584165.html" target="_blank" title="The review of text PHP code includes: 1. Use PHP regular expressions to verify text content. By writing appropriate regular expressions, match and identify some sensitive words, inappropriate language or other illegal information; 2. Use PHP built-in functions to filter text. Content, such as the htmlspecialchars function can be used to escape HTML tags, the strip_tags function can be used to filter HTML tags, the trim function can be used to remove blank characters in text content, etc.; 3. Use PHP third-party libraries for text content detection, etc." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">The review of text PHP code includes: 1. Use PHP regular expressions to verify text content. By writing appropriate regular expressions, match and identify some sensitive words, inappropriate language or other illegal information; 2. Use PHP built-in functions to filter text. Content, such as the htmlspecialchars function can be used to escape HTML tags, the strip_tags function can be used to filter HTML tags, the trim function can be used to remove blank characters in text content, etc.; 3. Use PHP third-party libraries for text content detection, etc.</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2023-07-27 17:41:48 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=php" target="_blank">php</a> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="jcLi flexRow "><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/537745.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="How to use the h function in Vue3" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/887/227/168390097232694.png?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/537745.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">How to use the h function in Vue3</span></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/537745.html" target="_blank" title="Introduction As we all know, what is built inside Vue is actually a virtual DOM, and the virtual DOM is generated by a virtual node. In fact, the virtual node is a js object. In fact, the template we write in Vue is ultimately generated through the rendering function. VNode and the h function is a function used to generate VNode. Its full name is createVNode. Simply use the parameters. It has three parameters in total. The first parameter is a string, which is required. This string can be an html tag name. A component, an asynchronous component, or a function component. The second parameter is an object, optionally an object corresponding to attributes, props, and events. The third parameter can be a character." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">Introduction As we all know, what is built inside Vue is actually a virtual DOM, and the virtual DOM is generated by a virtual node. In fact, the virtual node is a js object. In fact, the template we write in Vue is ultimately generated through the rendering function. VNode and the h function is a function used to generate VNode. Its full name is createVNode. Simply use the parameters. It has three parameters in total. The first parameter is a string, which is required. This string can be an html tag name. A component, an asynchronous component, or a function component. The second parameter is an object, optionally an object corresponding to attributes, props, and events. The third parameter can be a character.</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2023-05-12 22:16:10 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=vue3" target="_blank">vue3</a> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="jcLi flexRow "><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474859.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="How to remove html tags" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202104/26/2021042611373872280.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474859.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">How to remove html tags</span></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474859.html" target="_blank" title="The method to remove html tags is to use the [strip_tags()] function to easily remove HTML and PHP tags from strings. The syntax is [trip_tags ( string $str [, string $allowable_tags ] )]." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">The method to remove html tags is to use the [strip_tags()] function to easily remove HTML and PHP tags from strings. The syntax is [trip_tags ( string $str [, string $allowable_tags ] )].</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2021-04-26 11:38:44 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=htmltag" target="_blank">html tag</a> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="jcLi flexRow "><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474852.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="How to hide html tags" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202104/26/2021042611172645633.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474852.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">How to hide html tags</span></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474852.html" target="_blank" title="Methods to hide HTML tags: 1. By setting the display attribute to [none;], this attribute sets the element to None; 2. By setting the visibility attribute to [hidden;], this attribute sets the element to be invisible." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">Methods to hide HTML tags: 1. By setting the display attribute to [none;], this attribute sets the element to None; 2. By setting the visibility attribute to [hidden;], this attribute sets the element to be invisible.</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2021-04-26 11:19:01 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=htmltag" target="_blank">html tag</a> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="jcLi flexRow "><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474845.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="what is html code" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/202104/26/2021042610501516429.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474845.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">what is html code</span></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/474845.html" target="_blank" title="The html code is composed of html tag elements, and the html code includes various html element tags. Through different combinations of tags and content, various web pages are formed after our IE browser opens it." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">The html code is composed of html tag elements, and the html code includes various html element tags. Through different combinations of tags and content, various web pages are formed after our IE browser opens it.</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2021-04-26 10:50:38 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=htmlcode" target="_blank">html code</a> </div> </div> </div></li> <li class="jcLi flexRow "><a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/459108.html" target="_blank" title="" class="aClass xgjcTopa"><img title="How to clear html page cache" class="lazyload xgjcimg " src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/041/5f477148a0d8e360.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,m_fill,h_120,w_210" onerror="this.src='/static/lhimages/moren/morentu.png'"></a> <div class="xgjcCon flexCloumn"> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/459108.html" target="_blank" title="" class="font18 font33 xgjccTitle flexRow"><span class="fontoverflow">How to clear html page cache</span></a> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/459108.html" target="_blank" title="How to clear the cache of html pages: use html tags to set HTTP header information, for example: [<METAHTTP-EQUIV="Pragma"CONTENT="no-cache">]." class="font99 xgjccA aClass fontoverflow font16">How to clear the cache of html pages: use html tags to set HTTP header information, for example: [<METAHTTP-EQUIV="Pragma"CONTENT="no-cache">].</a> <div class="xgjcLabels flexRow"> <div class="xgjcTimes flexRow font99 font12"> 2020-08-27 16:43:40 </div> <div class="lables flexRow"> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=html" target="_blank">html</a> <a class="aClass ztlilableA flexRow font12" href="//m.sbmmt.com/search?word=pagecache" target="_blank">Page cache</a> </div> </div> </div></li> </ul> </div> <div class="xgzt"> <div class="xgkcTop flexRow xgztTop"> <span class="kctLeft font22 fontBold font33">Related Topics</span> <a href="//m.sbmmt.com/faq/zt" target="_blank" class="kctRight flexRow 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