Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Release: 2024-04-10 21:37:02
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In the past year, the development of generative AI has been like a raging fire cooking oil and flowers blooming. AI has become the most important trend of the times. This year, the implementation of AIGC from technology to application will become the key word. Therefore, as our most important production tool and collaboration tool, AI PC has undoubtedly become the vanguard of carrying AI ideals into reality.

If AI PC wants to lead the liberation of human productivity, it is obviously not enough to enter thousands of households. It must also move towards thousands of industries and benefit commercial fields that truly condense the value of productivity.

In this context, Intel held the "2024 New Intel Commercial Client AI PC Product Launch Conference" on March 26, which allowed us to see how AI PC will start from the commercial market and accelerate China's industrial data. The development and transformation of intelligence.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Three major AI engines reconstruct the computing architecture, Core Ultra allows AI applications to fall on the terminal

In the interview session of this conference, Intel Client Feng Dawei, vice president of the business unit and general manager of the market segment department, summed up AI PC in one sentence. He said:

The most important thing about AI PC is the reconstruction of the computing architecture.

This sentence can be said to be Intel’s fundamental logic for building AI PCs at the level of computing technology.

Under the wave of AI, commercial enterprises have increasing requirements for system security and manageability. At the same time, they also need powerful, low-power consumption, and intelligent product experience, and the new era also requires enterprises to Save energy, reduce emissions and reduce pollution throughout the product life cycle.

The Intel vPro platform equipped with Intel Core Ultra processors essentially restructures the computing architecture at the bottom level to meet these changes. Among them, the AI ​​features of Intel Core Ultra processors are naturally the key.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

The "reconstruction" of the Core Ultra processor, the most important thing is the introduction of the three major AI engines of CPU, GPU and NPU.

The powerful performance core and energy efficiency core in the CPU bring higher data throughput and improve performance;

Intel Ruixuan GPU brings about 2 times the performance and performance power consumption ratio, making video editing faster and with advanced features such as AI and ray tracing to meet the needs of modern software;

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Neural Network Processing Unit NPU, designed for low-end Designed for long-running AI workloads under low power consumption, it delivers 2.5 times the energy efficiency compared to the previous generation.

Moreover, due to the NPU’s support for continuous AI applications, and the Intel 4 process technology and 3D high-performance hybrid architecture design adopted by Core Ultra, these features can make the terminal’s battery life soar.

These three major AI engines can all be used for AI calculations and collaborate with each other to decide which computing unit to mainly use based on the computing scenario, thus bringing about a generational improvement of up to 2.2 times in overall AI performance.

Such powerful AI performance allows Core Ultra to support AI PCs to run a large language model with 20 billion parameters normally when the terminal side is not connected to the Internet, and generate high-quality pictures and videos in seconds. Many AI applications can run smoothly when placed locally on the device, bringing users a more efficient and convenient smart production experience. Before this, it was difficult for us to see such performance on personal PCs to support complex AIGC operations.

Not only that, in response to the uniqueness of commercial AI PCs, the Intel vPro platform also organically combines the productivity, security, objective rationality and stability of AI and commercial platforms to meet the needs of enterprises for efficiency, security and stability.

In summary, in the words of Gao Yu, general manager of Intel China Technology Department, commercial AI PC products equipped with Intel Core Ultra processors have three major features: greatly improved productivity performance, enhanced manageability, and three built-in The AI ​​engine improves AI performance by leaps and bounds.

Three major rules and six major AI scenarios, tapping the greater potential of commercial AI PCs

Intel has adopted the most significant architecture upgrade of the Core Ultra processor in 40 years to provide AI with the lowest level of computing power The commercial use of PCs has laid the foundation, but if you think this is enough to promote AI PCs to fully release value in the commercial field and empower thousands of industries, Intel will tell you: this is far from enough.

In order to tap the greater potential and value of AI PC in the commercial field, Intel further proposed three major laws of economics, physics, and data confidentiality, as well as the next six major AI scenarios that deserve the focus of all industry partners. .

This is their thinking and summary based on the actual application of AI PC in the commercial field.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Specifically, in economic laws, local processing of AI data can reduce cloud service costs and optimize economics;

In physical laws, The timeliness and accuracy of AI services require increasing the transmission speed between the cloud and the end to solve bottlenecks;

In the data confidentiality rules, it is necessary to ensure the security and privacy of user data and prevent abuse and leakage.

In the past long period of industry exploration and discussion, the hybrid AI architecture of device and cloud collaboration has gradually become the most widely recognized basic architecture in the AI ​​era. These three rules proposed by Intel, on the basis of device-cloud collaboration, point out the direction for AI PC to accelerate the transformation of creators' experience in the commercial field.

In other words, if you want to create a good commercial AI PC experience, these three rules are the foundation and must be followed.

For example, regarding the cooperation between end and cloud, Zhang Fan, chief operating officer of Beijing Zhipu Huazhang Technology Co., Ltd., who was an important ISV guest at this conference, talked about this issue. He said that from a device perspective, Intel Core Ultra is very strong, but from a model perspective, no amount of computing power may be enough.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Considering the particularity of commercial scenarios, many applications still want to be completed on the device side, so it is necessary to return to the device side more and maximize the capabilities of the device side. The ultimate, and then seamlessly integrate the capabilities of the cloud side with the client side, so that users can ensure high availability and stability while enjoying higher intelligence and a more convenient and secure experience.

It’s just that how to find a balance point that can satisfy users with a better experience based on the current terminal-side AI computing power still needs to be found in future practical applications.

Speaking of specific applications, Intel also provided six major AI scenarios that OEMs and ISV manufacturers need to focus on in this press conference, namely: AI Chatbot, AI PC Assistant, AI Office assistant, AI local knowledge base, AI image and video processing and AI PC management.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

These six major AI scenarios may be the brightest sparks that we can see when AI and commercial PCs collide. AI serves thousands of industries. It will start from these six major AI scenarios, and then radiate to more specific and more segmented applications. In fact, in the exhibition area of ​​this conference, we can already see some demonstrations for specific industry applications, such as The common goal that everyone in the commercial field desires: improved work efficiency and long battery life. These six major AI scenarios can really help everyone achieve this goal.

At the press conference, Intel worked with ISV partners to make specific demo demonstrations for each application scenario. Here, we might as well take the cooperation between Intel and Zhipu AI as an example to see how Core Ultra makes our ideal smart experience a reality.

Intel The large model performs functions such as intelligent control and question answering, and intelligent document processing on the PC. The device being demonstrated is an AI PC product equipped with an Intel Core Ultra processor. As mentioned above, the powerful strength of its three AI engines has become the most powerful support behind this demonstration.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!Zhipu AI is a company transformed from the technological achievements of the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, focusing on making large models. In January this year, they launched a new generation of large base model GLM-4, whose overall performance is comparable to the world's advanced level.

In the first demonstration, we can first see that if you want to know how to turn off the front camera of your computer, you only need to ask it in the AI ​​PC smart assistant. will tell you the exact answer. Because many people are not familiar with the configuration and related operation methods of each computer, the electronic manual provided by the OEM manufacturer may not be easily found. The assistant developed by Zhipu is equivalent to using a large language model to convert the electronic manual The content is learned, and then it is used to answer people's questions about specific computer operations, which is undoubtedly more convenient and efficient.

The second scene demonstrates that when you are preparing to work, you can directly say to the smart assistant, "Please mute the computer volume first, switch to high-performance mode, and then open the My Yesterday A research case file that I haven’t finished reading.”

This is a relatively complex requirement, and the last file to be opened does not have a specific file name, which tests the user’s past operating habits of AI PC. understanding. We can see that the powerful AI capabilities of Core Ultra can indeed enable this AI PC to understand the presenter's needs in seconds, remember the user's past usage habits, complete all operations at once, and open files very accurately.

Then Zhipu AI demonstrated how to let the intelligent assistant summarize the content, opinions and development logic of the research case document just now according to the user's habits. Thanks to the powerful AI capabilities of the Core Ultra processor, this AI PC also completed the corresponding generation operations locally very quickly and accurately.

Более того, Чжипу Чжан Фань сказал на месте происшествия, что по мере того, как вы используете компьютер с искусственным интеллектом все дольше и дольше, он будет узнавать все больше и больше о ваших привычках и образе мышления. Вам даже не нужно подробно рассказывать о таких функциях, он сможет уточнять и обобщать документы в соответствии с вашими привычками мышления.

Судя по демонстрации, интеллектуальные помощники на базе крупных конечных моделей, таких как Zhipu AI, могут очень плавно и быстро работать на компьютерах с искусственным интеллектом, оснащенных процессорами Intel Core Ultra, и могут решать многие сложные и прошлые задачи. Нам часто приходится выполнять функции в больших облачных моделях, но теперь мы можем получить хороший опыт и локально.

Чтобы добиться такого превосходного качества работы на стороне клиента, Intel и Zhipu AI также провели множество систематических адаптаций и оптимизаций, начиная от времени отклика до количества токенов в секунду и других аспектов. рассматриваются таким образом, чтобы локальная большая модель Zhipu AI и вызов производительности Intel Core Ultra могли достичь наиболее идеального и эффективного состояния сотрудничества.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Конечно, Жипу также подчеркнул, что содержание этой демонстрации — это всего лишь демонстрация, а не конечный продукт, и демонстрация в настоящее время представляет собой лишь большую языковую модель. В ходе обмена мнениями в аудитории на этом сайте также стало известно, что Intel продолжит сотрудничество с Zhipu AI для постепенной интеграции возможностей мультимодальных моделей ИИ в ПК с ИИ с процессорами Core Ultra, включая Wenshengtu, Diagram. Возможность генерации изображений, таких как такие приложения, как создание изображений, также могут использовать преимущества вычислительных мощностей искусственного интеллекта в облаке, чтобы улучшить взаимодействие за счет сотрудничества устройства и облака.

Это также отражает баланс и взаимодействие взаимодействия устройств и облака между тремя принципами, которые мы упоминали ранее.

Еще один хороший опыт заключается в том, что опыт искусственного интеллекта, показанный в этой демонстрации, в будущем будет интегрирован в продукты AI PC, оснащенные процессорами Intel Core Ultra, в качестве собственных решений и передан потребителям или клиентам. Другими словами, это станет родной возможностью ПК Core Ultra AI. Будь то потребительский или коммерческий заказчик, никаких дополнительных хлопот не потребуется. Это, несомненно, очень дружелюбная вещь, конечно, при условии, что это тоже Intel необходимо сотрудничать с каждым производителем OEM.

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

Об этом также говорил в интервью генеральный директор Intel China Technology Гао Ю. Он сказал, что предустановленная комплектация определенно является одной из моделей, и она также будет использовался в первые дни. Это более быстрый способ, но это определенно не единственный способ. То, как будет выглядеть будущая бизнес-модель

, еще предстоит изучить всей отрасли.

В любом случае сотрудничество между Intel и Zhipu AI по-прежнему обеспечивает «модельный опыт» для коммерческих ПК с искусственным интеллектом, который позволяет всей отрасли увидеть, как ПК с процессором Core Ultra AI можно использовать в конкретных коммерческих приложениях. Какой выдающийся опыт можно получить, используя ценность сцены, и какое бесконечное пространство для воображения может быть в будущем.

Как сказал Чжан Фань:

ИИ ПК — это новая парадигма производительности. Мы не должны переоценивать ее краткосрочные последствия и в то же время не недооценивать ее долгосрочные последствия. Это может принести нам новый способ работы, который полностью отличается от прошлого, а также принести новый скачок в производительности.


Не так давно исследовательская организация IDC опубликовала последний отчет, в котором прогнозируется, что поставки ПК с искусственным интеллектом в 2024 году достигнут 50 миллионов единиц и вырастут до 167 миллионов единиц. к 2027 г., будет составлять около 60% от общего объема мировых поставок ПК.

Стоит отметить, что в прошлом году Intel запустила «Программу ускорения AI PC», и одной из ее небольших целей является внедрение функций искусственного интеллекта на более чем 100 миллионах ПК к 2025 году. Поэтому данные IDC могут быть «консервативной оценкой».

Мало того, 27 марта Intel также обновила «Программу ускорения AI PC», добавила «Программу AI PC Developer» и привлекла независимых поставщиков оборудования (IHV) к участию в «Программе ускорения AI PC». "

Your next computer will have incredible intelligence and emotional intelligence!

В такой огромной экосистеме роль Intel заключается, как неоднократно упоминалось на этой пресс-конференции:

«Водосбережение не вызывает споров во всем». «

Я думаю, что Intel и отрасль по созданию полнофункциональных решений искусственного интеллекта «приносят пользу всем», и их усилия по внедрению и развитию коммерческих компьютеров и приложений искусственного интеллекта «неоспоримы».

Это их «новая производительность» и их «способ» способствовать трансформации цифровой и интеллектуальной индустрии.

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