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What is the difference between ts version and tc version?

Release: 2023-07-17 09:55:20
6224 people have browsed it

The differences between the ts version and the tc version are: 1. The video quality of TC is better than that of TS; 2. TS uses an external sound source, while the sound source used by TC comes from TS, and the sound quality is worse; 3. TS Recorded in an empty theater or in a projection room with a professional camera, TC uses a telecine machine to digitally copy directly from the film.

What is the difference between ts version and tc version?

What is the difference between ts version and tc version? I believe that many netizens are still not clear about it. Today, the editor has brought you relevant tutorials. I hope it will be helpful to you.

There are three differences between the tc and ts versions:

1. The video quality of TC is better than that of TS.

2. TS uses an external sound source, while TC uses a sound source from TS, and the sound quality is even worse.

3. TS is recorded in an empty theater or in a projection room with a professional camera. TC uses a telecine machine to directly digitally copy the film.

TS version-Telesync (quasi-gun version)

The standards of TS and CAM versions are the same. However, it uses an external sound source (usually the headphone jack set up on the theater seat for people with poor hearing), and is easily interfered by a lot of background noise. TS is recorded in an empty theater or in a projection room with a professional camera, so the image quality may be better than CAM. But because the picture has great ups and downs. This version is often released online not long after a movie comes out.

TC version-Telecine (film version)

TC uses a telecine machine to directly digitally copy from film. The picture quality is pretty good, but the brightness is not enough and it feels a bit dim. Many times the audio source used to make TC comes from TS, so the sound quality is very poor, but the picture quality is much better than that of TS. If you are not too particular, the TC version is still a good choice.

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