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VUE3 Quick Start Development Guide

Release: 2023-06-15 22:37:56
1084 people have browsed it

Vue3 is a powerful JavaScript framework and the next generation version of Vue.js. It provides many new features and improvements, including faster rendering, better type checking, and better reusability. For those developers who are just starting to learn Vue.js, this article will provide some guidelines to quickly get started with Vue3 development.

  1. Install Vue3

The easiest way to install Vue3 is to use the Vue CLI, which can help you create a Vue3 project template. You just need to run the following command:

npm install -g @vue/cli
vue create my-project
cd my-project
npm run serve
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  1. Create a component

In Vue3, components are a very important concept, because Vue.js applications are made of components constituted. Creating a component is very simple. The Vue3 project template created using the Vue CLI has created a component named App.vue for you. You can edit it to create your own components.

One of the simplest Vue3 components is as follows:

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In the above code, we define a component named HelloWorld, which has a data Attributes to store component data. We also define a property called title and bind it to the h1 tag.

  1. Using components

To use a component in a Vue3 project, you need to import it in your parent component. When using the import statement to import a component, you need to specify the name of the component and its path in the file.

For example, before using the above HelloWorld component, you need to import it into the parent component:

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In the above code, we pass import The statement imports the HelloWorld component into the parent component and uses the components attribute to register it as a child component of the App component. Finally, include the HelloWorld tag in the template in the parent component.

  1. Use the new features of Vue3

Vue3 brings many new features, including:

  • Composition API: This is a Logical composition API, which allows you to better organize and reuse Vue component logic.
  • Teleport: Teleport is a new component type that allows you to render components at different locations in the DOM tree, which is very useful in scenarios such as handling pop-up windows, modal boxes, and scrolling containers.
  • Fragments: Fragments allow you to return multiple root nodes in a template without adding extra markup.

These new features can be achieved through the new syntax and functions of Vue3, for example:

  • setup() Function: This is provided by the Composition API A new function that allows you to define reactive data and computed properties in Vue components.
  • Tag: This is a new tag provided by Teleport, which can be used to render components into different DOM nodes.