How to import jquery into vscode

Release: 2023-05-23 11:11:40
1530 people have browsed it

VS Code is a powerful code editor that can help developers write code more quickly and efficiently. jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that makes JavaScript code easier to write and manage. Therefore, many developers like to use jQuery with VS Code. However, how to import jQuery in VS Code may be confusing to some newbies. This article will introduce how to import jQuery in VS Code.

Step 1: Download the jQuery file

First, download the latest version of the jQuery library from jQuery’s official website. It can be downloaded from the following link:

On this page, you can see the various available versions of jQuery. You can choose to use the latest version (3.6.0), or choose a previous version, depending on your specific needs. Once you select a version, you can click "Download the compressed, production jQuery 3.6.0" to download the compressed file of the jQuery library. Once the download is complete, save the file to your local disk.

Step 2: Create an HTML document

Open VS Code and create a new HTML document. Add the following code to the HTML document:

Importing jQuery in VS Code
Copy after login

< ;body>

Importing jQuery in VS Code

Copy after login

In this code, the

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