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Summary of SQLPlus operation usage in Oracle 12c

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This article brings you relevant knowledge about Oracle, which mainly sorts out the related issues related to the operation and use of SQLPlus in 12c, as well as the difference between SYS and SYSTEM users in Oracle, etc., as follows Let's take a look, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Summary of SQLPlus operation usage in Oracle 12c

Recommended tutorial: "Oracle Video Tutorial"

1. Check the sqlplus version number

(1) cmd to view in dos command, enter: sqlplus -v

(2) After enabling sqlplus, enter: select * from V$VERSION;

2. How to enter sqlplus

(1) In Windows 10 environment, in the start menu, find SQLPLUS and click to open it

(2) Win key R key to open the run window and enter sqlplus

(3) Win key and R key to open the run window and enter cmd, then enable sqlplus

3. The difference between SYS and SYSTEM users in Oracle

##sys, system, sysman The passwords of these three users are the passwords you set during installation.

sys as sysdba is with sysdbaLogin

There are three Oracle login identities: normal normal identity ,sysdba system administrator identity,sysoper system operator identity, each identity corresponds to different permissions.

SYS user is the super user , with the highest Permissions , with SYSDBA role, database administrator permissions, and can create a database - with create database permissions.

SYSTEM user is the management operator , has the SYSOPE role, has database operator permissions, and cannot be created Database - does not have create database permission.

4. View the Oracle database global database name and SID

View the global database name: select name from v$database;

View SID:select instance_name from v$instance;


oracleUsing comments in sql

Single-line comments start with --, for example:

##--This sentence checks the current user name select user from dual;

Multi-line comments start with /* followed by a space and end with */ followed by a space, for example:

/* Multi-line comments,

The following statement is to view the current user name*/

select user from dual;


Connect to database


##CONN[ECT] [{登录| / | Agent }[AS {SYSOPER |SYSDBA |SYSASM}] [Version=Value]]


Login has the following syntax:

username[/password] [@connect_identifier]##where


has the following syntax: ##Agent user


Username] [/Password] [@connect_identifier]Note: The brackets around username


agent are required syntax, not an indication of optional terms. For example, use a password to connect to a user through a proxy. scotthrwelcome1Connect hr[scott]/welcome1##Example 1

This simple example connects to a local database as a user. SQL* Plus will prompt for the user password. SYSTEMSYSTEM

connect system
Copy after login
Example 2

This example connects to a local database as a privileged user. SQL* Plus will prompt for the user password. SYSSYSDBASYS

connect sys as sysdba
Copy after login
Must connect when connecting as user. SYSAS SYSDBA

Example 3

This example uses operating system authenticated privileges to connect locally. SYSDBA

connect / as sysdba
Copy after login
Example 4

##This example uses simple connection syntax to connect as a user to a remote database running on the host machine. The Oracle Net listener (listener) is listening on the default port (1521). The database service is . SQL* Plus will prompt for the user password. salesadmindbhost.example.comsales.example.comsalesadmin

connect salesadmin@"dbhost.example.com/sales.example.com"
Copy after login
##Example 5

This example is the same as Example 4, except that the service handler type is indicated.

connect salesadmin@"dbhost.example.com/sales.example.com:dedicated"
Copy after login

Example 6

This example is the same as Example 4 Same, except the listener is listening on the non-default port number 1522.

connect salesadmin@"dbhost.example.com:1522/sales.example.com"
Copy after login

Example 7

This example is the same as Example 4 Same, except the host IP address is replaced by the host name.

connect salesadmin@""
Copy after login

Example 8

This example uses IPv6 addresses Make a connection. Note the surrounding square brackets.

connect salesadmin@"[2001:0DB8:0:0::200C:417A]/sales.example.com"
Copy after login

Example 9

This example specifies to connect to the instance and omit the database service name. The default database service must be specified, otherwise an error will be generated. Note that the service handler type cannot be specified when specifying only the instance.

connect salesadmin@"dbhost.example.com//orcl"
Copy after login

Example 10

此示例以用户身份远程连接到由网络服务名称 指定的数据库服务。SQL*加会提示输入用户密码。salesadminsales1salesadmin

connect salesadmin@sales1
Copy after login

例子 11

本示例使用外部身份验证远程连接到由网络服务名称 指定的数据库服务。sales1

connect /@sales1
Copy after login

例子 12

此示例使用权限和外部身份验证远程连接到由网络服务名称 指定的数据库服务。SYSDBAsales1

connect /@sales1 as sysdb
Copy after login

例子 13

此示例以用户身份远程连接到由网络服务名称 指定的数据库服务。数据库会话在版本中启动。SQL*加会提示输入用户密码。salesadminsales1rev21salesadmin

connect salesadmin@sales1 edition=rev21
Copy after login

例子 14

要使用用户名 HR 跨 Oracle Net 连接到 Oracle Net 别名称为 FLEETDB 的数据库,请输入

Copy after login

例子 15

要以名为 HR 的特权用户身份连接到当前节点上的实例,请输入

Copy after login

例子 16


Copy after login

在最后两个示例中,默认架构变为 SYS。

7.  断开用户与Oracle数据库服务器的连接

 exit 退出即可

8. 用户的操作使用 


create tablespace 表空间的名 datafile '数据文件' size xxxm;




alter user 用户名 default tablespace 表空间名;


alter user 用户名 temporary tablespace 表空间名;


drop tablespace 表空间名;


drop tablespace 表空间名 including datafiles;

如果其他表空间中的表有外键等约束关联到了本表空间中的表的列,就要加上CASCADE CONSTRAINTS,如:drop tablespace 表空间名 including datafiles cascade constraint



create user 用户名 identified by 密码;


create user username identified by password ##default tablespace tablespace name;

【Delete users and cascade relationships】

##drop user username cascade;

Specifying cascade will delete all objects under the user (including tables, views, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, etc.; but it will not delete stored procedures, functions, packages). If not specified, only the user will be deleted. It is generally recommended to specify

[Query user information]

oracle View the current user name:

##show user or select user from dual;

oracle View all usernames:

##select * from all_users;

View all user-related information in the database (provided you have an account with DBA authority, such as sys, system):

select * from dba_users;

##Note that the asterisk * in the SELECT query statement represents all columns

View all users you can manage:

##select * from all_users;

View current user information:

##select * from user_users;

Query the table space corresponding to the user:

select username,default_tablespace from dba_users;

Use restrictive conditions to query the table space corresponding to the user:

select username, default_tablespace from dba_users where username='uppercase username';

(3) Change the space Assigned to user

alert user username default tablespace tablespace name;

(4) Authorize the user

Grant permission to user name;

The created user does not have any permissions by default and needs to be assigned permissions.

Different users who log in to the same database may see different numbers of tables and have different permissions. Oracle's permissions are divided into system permissions and data object permissions. There are more than 100 types in total. It is very troublesome to authorize users individually. Some users need the same permissions, so these users are classified into the same category - a certain role. Simplify and clearly authorize operations by setting up some roles with predetermined permissions. The motivation for roles is to simplify permission management. It is a collection of permissions. The general approach is: the system assigns permissions to roles, and then assigns the roles to users. Of course, it can also directly assign certain permissions to users. Oracle provides fine-grained permissions. Permissions can be set individually for a certain column of the table, and where restrictions can be automatically added to a user's query of a certain table.

[Permission Classification]

System permissions: The system stipulates the user's permissions to use the database . (System permissions are for users).

#Entity permissions: The access rights of a certain permission user to other users’ tables or views. (For tables or views).

System Permission Classification

DBA: Has all privileges and is the highest in the system Permissions, only the DBA can create database structures.

RESOURCE: Users with Resource permissions can only create entities, not database structures.

CONNECT: Users with Connect permissions can only log in to Oracle and cannot create entities or database structures.

Entity permission classification

##select, update, insert, alter, index , delete, all (all includes all permissions), execute (permission to execute stored procedures).


A role is a set of permissions, which assign Given to a user, this user has all the permissions in this role.

#Predefined roles are some commonly used roles that are automatically created by the system after the database is installed. The following is a brief introduction to these scheduled roles.

View all roles:

##select * from dba_roles;

To view the permissions contained in a role, you can use the following statement to query:

select * from role_sys_privs where role='role name';

View all roles and system permissions owned by the currently logged in user:

select * from session_privs;

(5) Then create with The user logs in and creates the table after logging in

conn username/password; 9.

Create a table space for SQL

statement practice

Log in with the system administrator account

(1) Create table space SKspace

##Format: create tablespace inter-table name datafile 'data file name' size table space size table space data file automatic expansion

create tablespace SKspace datafile 'C:\Oracle12C\MBspce1.dbf' size 20M autoextend on;

##(2) Create user

C##sukeThe password is suke123, set the default table space to SKspace, temporary table The space is temp:Format: create user username identified by password default tablespace tablespace table;

create user C

##suke identified by suke123 default tablespace SKspace temporary tablespace temp; Error: The public username or role name is invalid

Because it was created in CDB at this time, and in CDB To create a user, you must add C# or C

# in front of the user name ( 3) The created user does not have any permissions by default and needs to be assigned permissions.

For convenience, the administrator role (dba) permissions are granted to the

C##suke user:grant dba to C


--Indicates that connect and resource permissions are granted to the study user

grant connect,resource to study;

--Indicates granting dba authority to study

grant dba to study;

(4) Now you can use the created user (use the previously created userC##sukePassword is suke123) Login:

##connect C##suke/suke123;

(5) Create a table after logging in:

CREATE TABLE job( id NUMBER(6),code VARCHAR2(10), name VARCHAR2(10));

(6) Insert table data into a created (existing) table and insert a single record:

INSERT INTO job(id ,code,name) VALUES(1,'NO1','Test');

(7) is already Insert table data into a created (existing) table and insert multiple records:


INTO job(id,code,name) VALUES(2,'NO2','Development')

INTO job(id,code,name ) VALUES(3,'NO3','Operation and Maintenance')

##SELECT 1 FROM dual;

(8) Query table data:

##SELECT * FROM job where id=1;

##SELECT code,name FROM job where code='NO2';

(9) Query the table created by the user:



##Unselected rows

#At first I thought the query statement was written incorrectly, but after changing it left and right, the result was still the same.

#After I checked online, it turned out that the "row not selected" was not an error because there was no result matching the query statement in the database.

select count(table_name) from all_tables where owner='C##suke';

It seems that you should not be preconceived when encountering a problem. At first, I thought it was a statement error, and I always wanted to find out what was wrong with this statement. In fact, this is not an error, just a problem with the data in the database.

(10) Query the table structure created by the user:

desc job;

10. Oracle delete table space statement

(1) Delete the empty table space, but not Contains physical files

drop tablespace tablespace_name;

        drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents;

        drop tablespace tablespace_name including datafiles;

        drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles;

(5)如果其他表空间中的表有外键等约束关联到了本表空间中的表的字段,就要加上         CASCADE CONSTRAINTS
        drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles CASCADE         CONSTRAINTS

11. 实验二ORACLE SQL*PLUS环境与查询

注1:如果你想使用如此图的EMP表可查询 实验二 Oracle SQL*PLUS环境与查询


使用scott内置账户登录:conn scott/口令 可以查找到此图的EMP表

注3:你发现你内置账户scott不存在 / 连接不上


注4:你发现 注3 还是无法连接scott账户,你也不想麻烦操作了


-- 创建数据表
 dname VARCHAR2(14) ,
 loc VARCHAR2(13) ) ;
 ename VARCHAR2(10),
 job VARCHAR2(9),
 mgr NUMBER(4),
 hiredate DATE,
 sal NUMBER(7,2),
 comm NUMBER(7,2),
 enamE VARCHAR2(10) ,
 job VARCHAR2(9)  ,
 sal NUMBER,
 comm NUMBER ) ;
CREATE TABLE salgrade (
 grade NUMBER,
 losal NUMBER,
 hisal NUMBER );

-- 插入测试数据 —— dept
-- 插入测试数据 —— emp
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,to_date('17-12-1980','dd-mm-yyyy'),800,NULL,20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('20-2-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),1600,300,30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7521,'WARD','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('22-2-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),1250,500,30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7566,'JONES','MANAGER',7839,to_date('2-4-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),2975,NULL,20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7654,'MARTIN','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('28-9-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),1250,1400,30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7698,'BLAKE','MANAGER',7839,to_date('1-5-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),2850,NULL,30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7782,'CLARK','MANAGER',7839,to_date('9-6-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),2450,NULL,10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7788,'SCOTT','ANALYST',7566,to_date('19-04-1987','dd-mm-yyyy')-85,3000,NULL,20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7839,'KING','PRESIDENT',NULL,to_date('17-11-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),5000,NULL,10);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7844,'TURNER','SALESMAN',7698,to_date('8-9-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),1500,0,30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7876,'ADAMS','CLERK',7788,to_date('23-05-1987','dd-mm-yyyy')-51,1100,NULL,20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7900,'JAMES','CLERK',7698,to_date('3-12-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),950,NULL,30);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7902,'FORD','ANALYST',7566,to_date('3-12-1981','dd-mm-yyyy'),3000,NULL,20);
INSERT INTO emp VALUES (7934,'MILLER','CLERK',7782,to_date('23-1-1982','dd-mm-yyyy'),1300,NULL,10);
-- 插入测试数据 —— salgrade
INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (1,700,1200);
INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (2,1201,1400);
INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (3,1401,2000);
INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (4,2001,3000);
INSERT INTO salgrade VALUES (5,3001,9999);
Copy after login


继续上述实例 9 的步骤操作






重新连接数据库:conn 用户名/口令:conn C##suke/suke123



show user;

select user from dual;

(5)查询表job表结构:desc job;

(6) Query the data in the job table

select * from job;

##select id,code,name from job where id < 2;

(7) List the contents of the buffer: LIST

(8)change Fix errors

When querying the command, the code was mistakenly typed into cose: select id, cose, name from job;

##Supplement: No.How many lines have errors, and the error line code can be displayed individually by entering and exiting the number of the error line.

Use change to correct the error code: change /cose/code;



##(10) input to add a row of query conditions

Query information:

SQL> select id,code,name from job;

Suddenly want to sort, but don’t want to re-enter all the commands, use input to add the sorting condition based on the id column:

SQL> input

2 order by id;

##(11)append Add query conditions to the end of the previous line

After reading the main sequence in step (10), due to obsessive-compulsive disorder What if you want to see flashbacks?

Firstlist the contents of the buffer:


Add query conditions to the end of the previous line: append desc

Note: append desc is in the middle Two spaces

, if you only leave one space, the error message shown below is

Rerun: run

## (12) del deletes the last row of query conditions

Following step (11), after watching the flashback, what should I do if I want to see the original data because my brain is sick?

First list the contents of the buffer: list

Delete the previous row of query conditions: del

Rerun: run

(13) Display all the information in the job table:

select * from job;

(14) Use of arithmetic operators

causes id 2*3 to be displayed :select id 2*3,code,name from job;

##(15) The use of characters

connects the unit number and the unit name: select code || name codename from job;

Connect the unit number and unit name with '-' and output 'WORKS IN DEPARTMENT':

select id,code||'-'||name codename,'work in department' from job;

(16) The DISTINCT clause eliminates duplication
Since we have The data itself has no duplicate values, so we need to add some more duplicate data:


INTO job(id,code,name) VALUES(1,'NO2','Front-end')

INTO job(id,code,name) VALUES(2,'NO2','Backend')

INTO job(id,code,name) VALUES(3,'NO3','Internet of Things')


If you list the ID numbers of all units in the job table: select id from job;

It can be seen from the above table that there are duplications between unit id serial numbers, you can use DISTINCT clause to eliminate duplicates:

select distinct id from job;

(17) Sorting (default positive order)

Sort by single field id: select * from job order by id;

## Sort by multiple fields: such as unit serial number id In ascending order, sort by unit name in descending order:

Method 1: Review knowledge pointslist and append Usage

Method Two:select * from job order by id,name desc;

(19) Conditional query
Query all unit serial numbers, unit numbers, and unit name information whose unit serial number id is 2:

##SQL> select * from job where id = 2;

Query the names of units with unit serial numbers greater than 1 from the job table:

SQL> select id,name from job where id > 1;

Composite condition query: Query all unit information whose unit serial number is greater than 1 and the unit number is 'NO3', or the unit name is 'Front End': SQL> select * from job where id > 1 and code = 'NO3' or name = 'front-end';

##( 20) Application of operator

Application of BETWEEN: Query unit serial number id is between 2 and 3 All unit information:

##SQL> select * from job where id between 2 and 3;

Application of IN:

Query unit number Code has 'NO2', 'NO3' All unit information of one of the two:

##SQL> select * from job where code in (' NO2','NO3');

# Application of LIKE:

Query the information of all units whose names start with the word 'Yun': SQL> select * from job where name like 'Yun%' ';

#The query name has only three characters All unit information: SQL> select * from job where name like '___';

# Application of #IS NULL:

Query all unit information without unit name name:

Add no unit first Name information: SQL> INSERT INTO job(id,code) VALUES(1,'NO1');

Query all unit information without unit name name:

SQL> select * from job where name is null;

(21) Single ampersand substitution variable

Numeric variable input:

SQL> select * from job where &job_id; Enter the value of job_id:

id = 2

String variable input:

##SQL> select id*10 ,code,name from job where code = '&job_code'; Enter the value of job_code:

##(22) Data type conversion

TO_NUMBER Convert string data to number: SQL> select to_number('33') from dual;

## TO_CHAR Convert numeric data to characters String:

SQL> select to_char(2) from job;

##TO_CHAR Convert string data to date data:

##SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;

##TO_DATE Convert string data to date data:

##SQL> select to_date('2005-12-25,13:25:59' ,'yyyy-mm-dd,hh24:mi:ss') from dual;

##(23 )Application of grouping function

Find the average value:SQL> select avg(id) from job;

Find the minimum value: SQL> select min(id) from job where code = 'NO3';

##Find the number: SQL> select count(*) from job where id = 2;

##Note: Since my job unit table is not suitable for the following query, I use other people’s pictures to show it

GROUP BY Sentence: Find the average salary in each department:

##HAVING clause: Query the departments with more than 3 people Average salary:

(24) Connect

Note again: My job unit table is also not suitable for the following query. I will show it again with someone else’s picture

Query employees from EMP and DEPT Name, job and department name:

(25) Application of subquery

Note again: My job unit table is also not suitable for the following query. I will show it again with someone else’s picture

Query the employee with the lowest salary from EMP:

Query from EMP Find the employees with the lowest salary in each department:

Recommended tutorial: "Oracle Video Tutorial"

The above is the detailed content of Summary of SQLPlus operation usage in Oracle 12c. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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