hsl color adjustment is a method of representing points in the RGB color model in a cylindrical coordinate system. HSL refers to hue [Hue], saturation [Saturation], and brightness [Lightness].
#The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.
HSL is a representation of points in the RGB color model in a cylindrical coordinate system. HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness.
HSL’s hue (H) is the basic attribute of color, which is the color name, such as red, yellow, etc. Hue is composed of primary colors, secondary colors and complex colors. Hue is the primary characteristic of color and the most accurate standard for distinguishing various colors.
The saturation (S) of HSL is the vividness of the color, also known as the purity of the color. Saturation depends on the ratio of chromatic and achromatic components (grey) in the color. The greater the color component, the greater the saturation; the greater the achromatic component, the smaller the saturation. Take a value from 0-100%.
The lightness (L) of HSL is the lightness or darkness of a color, which is a visual experience mainly determined by the intensity of light. Colors with the same hue may have different light and shade. Generally speaking, the stronger the light, the brighter it looks; the weaker the light, the darker it looks.
Extended information:
Uses of HSL
Usually used in computer graphics applications. The HSV color wheel is often used in various application environments where the user must select a color to apply to a specific graphic element. In it, hue is represented as a circle; a separate triangle can be used to represent saturation and lightness. Typically, the vertical axis of this triangle indicates saturation, while the horizontal axis indicates lightness.
can also be represented as a cylinder similar to a cone, with hue varying along the outer circumference of the cylinder, saturation varying along the distance from the center of the cross-section, and lightness along the cross-section to bottom and top. varies with the distance between the surfaces. This representation might be considered a more accurate mathematical model of the HSV color space; however in practice the number of distinguishable levels of saturation and hue decreases as lightness approaches black.
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