How to enter python placeholder

Release: 2019-05-26 10:53:27
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How to enter python placeholder

Placeholder, as the name suggests, is a symbol inserted into the output. Placeholders are a syntax that exists in most programming languages, and most of them are the same. It is a very common way to format strings.
1. The meaning of common placeholders

s: Get the return value of the __str__ method of the incoming object and format it to the specified location

r: Get the return value of the __repr__ method of the incoming object and format it to the specified position

c: Integer: Convert the number into its unicode corresponding value, the decimal range is 0 <= i <= 1114111 (py27 only supports 0-255); characters: add characters to the specified position

o: Convert the integer to octal representation and format it to Specify the position

x: Convert the integer to hexadecimal representation and format it to the specified position

d: Convert the integer and floating point number to decimal representation and format it to the specified position

e: Convert integers and floating-point numbers into scientific notation, and format them to the specified position (lowercase e)

E: Convert integers and floating-point numbers to Scientific notation, and format it to the specified position (capital E)

f: Convert integers and floating point numbers into floating point number representation, and format it to the specified position (default retains 6 digits after the decimal point) )

F: Same as above

g: Automatically adjust to convert integers and floating-point numbers into floating-point or scientific notation (use scientific notation for more than 6 digits), and format them to the specified position (e if it is scientific notation;)

G: Automatically adjust to convert integers and floating point numbers into floating point or scientific notation (use scientific notation for more than 6 digits), And format it to the specified position (E if it is scientific notation;)

%: When there is a formatting flag in the string, %% needs to be used to represent a percent sign;

2. Common placeholder application examples
1. Format string
>>> print ("This website name is %s" % (" "))
this website name is
2. Format integer
>>> print ("The rank score is %d" % (100.0))
>>> The rank score is 100
3. Formatted floating point number
>>> print ("Yao Ming's height is %f m"%(2.29))
Yao Ming's height is 2.290000 m

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