This article mainly introduces examples of Yii using bootstrap paging style. The content is quite good. Now I share it with you and give it as a reference.
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for front-end development launched by Twitter. It was developed by Twitter designers Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton and is a CSS/HTML framework. Bootstrap provides elegant HTML and CSS specifications, which are written in the dynamic CSS language Less. Bootstrap has been very popular since its launch and has been a popular open source project on GitHub, including NASA's MSNBC (Microsoft National Broadcasting Company) Breaking News.
This article introduces how Yii uses bootstrap paging style. Interested students can refer to it.
yii comes with paging classes and page styles, but if it is a project developed by yii bootstrap, how can I use the bootstrap paging style without modifying yii?
This article will introduce you to a very simple way. If you want to apply bootstrap style in yii paging, you mainly rely on the two attributes htmlOptions and selectedPageCssClass in yii CLinkPager
Controller sample code
public function actionIndex() { $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("t.status=1"); $criteria->addCondition("cid='$cid'"); $criteria->order="t.time desc"; $count = Article::model()->count($criteria); $pager = new CPagination($count); $pager->pageSize=20; $pager->applyLimit($criteria); $lists = Article::model()->findAll($criteria); $this->render('index',array('lists'=>$lists,"pager"=>$pager)); }
The above code implements yii paging and passes the $pager paging object to the view. Let’s take a look at the view code again
View code
The above view code should pay attention to the following points
1. Paging must be in