详细一个PHP开发时常用处理的操作类 - 希望大家多多补充 - 完善这个操作类
<?php /** * 常用静态类,这里主要整理了一些PHP常常会用到的方法。 * * @author ZCStrong - youkuiyuan */ class C { /* * 私有处理随机数的内置参数 * array 随机数数组/param 随机数长度 * 返回一个随机数 */ static private function Random($array , $param) { $randArray = $array; $randCount = count($randArray); $num = intval($param); $resultStr = ""; for($i = 0 ; $i < $num ; $i++){ $resultStr .= $randArray[rand(0, intval($randCount) - 1)]; } return $resultStr; } //随机数(数字类型) static public function Randnum($param = 8){ $randArray = str_split("1234567890"); $resultStr = C::Random($randArray,$param); return $resultStr; } //随机数(混合类型) - 无0 static public function RandStr($param = 8 , $capslock = FALSE){ $randArray = str_split("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); $resultStr = C::Random($randArray,$param); if($capslock){ return strtoupper($resultStr); } else { return $resultStr; } } //加密字符串 static public function EnBaseCode($data, $key = "ZCStrong"){ $key = md5($key);//对于预设的KEY,MD5 $x = 0; $len = strlen($data); $l = strlen($key); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){ if ($x == $l){ $x = 0; } $char .= $key{$x}; $x++; } for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){ $str .= chr(ord($data{$i}) + (ord($char{$i})) % 256); } return base64_encode($str); } //机密字符串 static public function DeBaseCode($data, $key = "ZCStrong"){ $key = md5($key); $x = 0; $data = base64_decode($data); $len = strlen($data); $l = strlen($key); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){ if ($x == $l){ $x = 0; } $char .= substr($key, $x, 1); $x++; } for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){ if (ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) < ord(substr($char, $i, 1))){ $str .= chr((ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) + 256) - ord(substr($char, $i, 1))); } else{ $str .= chr(ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) - ord(substr($char, $i, 1))); } } return $str; } //正则手机号 /^((1[3,5,8][0-9])|(14[5,7])|(17[0,6,7,8]))\d{8}$/ static public function RegularPhone($string){ $resultStr = preg_match("/^((1[3,5,8][0-9])|(14[5,7])|(17[0,6,7,8]))\d{8}$/",$string); if(intval($resultStr) == 1){ return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE; } } //正则邮箱 static public function RegularEmail($string){ $resultStr = preg_match("/^([0-9A-Za-z\\-_\\.]+)@([0-9a-z]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i",$string); if(intval($resultStr) == 1){ return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE; } } //正则验证身份证/(^([d]{15}|[d]{18}|[d]{17}x)$)/ static public function RegularIdCard($string){ $resultStr = preg_match("/(^([d]{15}|[d]{18}|[d]{17}x)$)/",$string); if(intval($resultStr) == 1){ return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE; } } //处理字符串信息 static public function hStr($string){ if(isset($string) && !empty($string)){ return addslashes(strip_tags($string)); } else{ return ""; } } }
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