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layui implements dynamic and static paging

Release: 2018-04-28 10:30:08
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This article shares with you the detailed method of implementing dynamic and static paging in layui through examples, as well as the effect display. Friends in need can follow and learn from it.

The development and management backend is a link that every developer must be familiar with. As backend programmers, all the company's confidential data is in our hands, so at this time, if you are not a core member of the company, We cannot have access to certain data. At this time, all the work fell into our hands. From PS to Linux, we needed to do it ourselves. Fortunately, we discovered layui, a front-end framework, which greatly reduced our workload. pressure.

Today we will first learn how layui implements dynamic data tables, static data tables, and table paging, which also involves dynamic refresh of data tables, use of data table toolbars, form submission and other functions. This static paging is also applicable to information websites. My working development environment is the Debian desktop version, so all experiments are also tested on Debian.

layui dynamic data table

Rendering of dynamic data table

Implementation process

I have written the business logic in the comments, so that everyone can be more friendly. Avoid reading the code for a while and getting distracted while reading the instructions

Front-end code:

head.phtml (header file code)

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
  <title><?php echo $curTitle;?></title>
  <meta name="renderer" content="webkit">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
  <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
  <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
  <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/layui.css" rel="external nofollow" media="all">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/globals.css" rel="external nofollow" media="all">
  <script src="static/layui.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  <script src="static/global.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<body class="layui-layout-body">
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order_orderlist.phtml (main business code)

<?php $this->import("head"); ?>
<p class="layui-fluid">
  <blockquote class="layui-elem-quote">注意:为保障访问速度,查询同时请配合时间范围,默认显示一天以内的记录</blockquote>
  <p class="layui-form-item layui-form-pane">
    <p class="layui-inline">
      <label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 85px;">商户号</label>
      <p class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 165px;">
        <input type="text" name="merchant_no" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input">
    <p class="layui-inline">
      <label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 85px;">订单号:</label>
      <p class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 165px;">
        <input type="text" name="order_no" autocomplete="off" class="layui-input">
    <p class="layui-inline">
      <label class="layui-form-label" style="width: 95px;">发起时间</label>
      <p class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 165px;">
        <input type="text" class="layui-input" name="start_time" id="test5" placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
      <p class="layui-form-mid">-</p>
      <p class="layui-input-inline" style="width: 165px;">
        <input type="text" class="layui-input" name="end_time" id="test6" placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">
    <p class="layui-inline">
      <button id="fuck-btn" class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal" data-type="reload"><i class="layui-icon"></i>查询</button>
      <button id="reloadtable" class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal"><i class="layui-icon">ဂ</i>刷新数据</button>
      <button id="reloadpage" class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal"><i class="layui-icon">ဂ</i>刷新页面</button>
<table class="layui-hide" id="test"></table>
  // 加载需要用到的模块,如果有使用到自定义模块也在此加载
  layui.use([&#39;laydate&#39;,&#39;form&#39;,&#39;table&#39;], function(){
    // 初始化元素,如果有大量的元素操作可以也引入和初始化element模块
    var table = layui.table;
    var form = layui.form;
    var laydate = layui.laydate;
    var $ = layui.$;
    // 定义时间选择器
    // 动态数据表渲染
       elem: &#39;#test&#39;              /* 绑定表格容器id */
      ,url:&#39;index.php?c=orders&a=orderList&#39;   /* 获取数据的后端API URL */
      ,where:{getlist:&#39;orderlist&#39;}       /* 这里还可以额外的传参到后端 */
      ,method: &#39;post&#39;              /* 使用什么协议,默认的是GET */
      ,cellMinWidth: 60             /* 最小单元格宽度 */
      ,cols: [[
         {field:&#39;orderno&#39;, title: &#39;订单号&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,sort:true}
        ,{field:&#39;username&#39;, title: &#39;商户号&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;}
        ,{field:&#39;user_orderno&#39;, title: &#39;商户订单号&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;}
        ,{field:&#39;trace_time&#39;, title: &#39;创建时间&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,sort:true,width:200}
        ,{field:&#39;price&#39;, title: &#39;交易金额&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,sort:true}
        ,{field:&#39;fee&#39;, title: &#39;手续费&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,sort:true,width:80}
        ,{field:&#39;real_price&#39;, title: &#39;结算金额&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,sort:true}
        ,{field:&#39;pay_type&#39;, title: &#39;支付类型&#39;, align: &#39;center&#39;}
        ,{field:&#39;pay_status&#39;, title: &#39;订单状态&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,width:90}
        ,{field:&#39;pay_time&#39;, title: &#39;支付时间&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,sort:true,width:200}
        ,{field:&#39;push_nums&#39;, title: &#39;通知次数&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;,width:90}
        ,{field:&#39;notice_result&#39;, title: &#39;通知支付结果&#39;,align: &#39;center&#39;}
      ]]  // 使用sort将自动为我们添加排序事件,完全不用人工干预
      ,page: true
      ,id:&#39;testReload&#39; // 这里就是重载的id
    // 数据表重载,这个是配合上面的表格一起使用的
    var active = {
           // 点击查询和刷新数据表会把以下参数传到后端进行查找和分页显示
            order_no: $("input[name=&#39;order_no&#39;]").val(),
    form.render(); // 渲染表单
    // 查找点击时间,这里的事件绑定建议使用on来绑定,因为元素都是后期渲染过的
      var type = $(this).data(&#39;type&#39;);
      active[type] ? active[type].call(this) : &#39;&#39;;
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Backend php Code

order.php (order controller, some business codes don’t need to be studied too deeply)

  // 订单列表
  public function orderList()
    // 动态渲染前台表格
    $operating = $this->request->getPost(&#39;getlist&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;);
    // 首次这里不会执行,数据表开始渲染的时候才会请求以下部分
    if (&#39;orderlist&#39; === $operating) {
      // 进行分页查询
      $page = $this->request->getPost(&#39;page&#39;, &#39;intval&#39;, 1);
      $limit = $this->request->getPost(&#39;limit&#39;, &#39;intval&#39;, 10);
      $start = ($page - 1) * $limit;

      // 如果有其他条件查询在这里可以带上
      $merchant_no = $this->request->getPost(&#39;merchant_no&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;, &#39;&#39;);
      $order_no = $this->request->getPost(&#39;order_no&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;, &#39;&#39;);
      $start_time = $this->request->getPost(&#39;start_time&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;, date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 day")));
      $end_time = $this->request->getPost(&#39;end_time&#39;, &#39;trim&#39;, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), time());

      // 获取符合条件的记录数量
      if($GLOBALS[&#39;SESSION&#39;][&#39;admin_group_id&#39;] >1){
        $merchant_no = $GLOBALS[&#39;SESSION&#39;][&#39;admin_username&#39;];
      $order_nums = orders::getItemNums($merchant_no, $order_no, $start_time, $end_time);

      // 分页进行查询条件记录
      $order_list = orders::getItem($merchant_no, $order_no, $start_time, $end_time, $start, $limit);
      $datas = [&#39;code&#39; => 0, &#39;msg&#39; => &#39;&#39;];
      // 将总的记录条数传给前台进行渲染分页
      $datas[&#39;count&#39;] = $order_nums;
      // 重新过滤一遍数据,很多没有用到的不能全部发给试图,尤其是动态渲染的,很容易暴露,建议加工一下再传
      foreach ($order_list as $k => $v) {
        $order_list[$k][&#39;orderno&#39;] = $v[&#39;order_id&#39;];
        $order_list[$k][&#39;user_orderno&#39;] = $v[&#39;order_no&#39;];
        $order_list[$k][&#39;username&#39;] = $v[&#39;merchant_no&#39;];
        $order_list[$k][&#39;pay_type&#39;] = ($v[&#39;pay_type&#39;] == 1) ? "支付宝扫码" : "微信扫码";
        $order_list[$k][&#39;pay_status&#39;] = ($v[&#39;callback_status&#39;] > 0) ? "已支付" : "未支付";
        $order_list[$k][&#39;pay_time&#39;] = $v[&#39;callback_time&#39;];
        $order_list[$k][&#39;notice_result&#39;] = ($v[&#39;push_status&#39;] > 0) ? "<span class=\"layui-badge layui-bg-blue\">已推送</span>" : "<span class=\"layui-badge layui-bg-gray\">未推送</span>";
      // 将数据通过json格式响应给前台渲染
      $datas[&#39;data&#39;] = $order_list;
      echo json_encode($datas);
    // 首次先现实模板页
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For data format, please refer to the official guidance :

Data interface format

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Form module: http://www.layui.com/doc/ modules/table.html

When debugging, you can open the console and network of chrome, firefox to view, carefully study and analyze

Data table toolbar events

Toolbar means that you can operate the corresponding row in the row cell, because using layui's element monitoring, it is easy to get the data corresponding to the entire row.

For example, getting the data of the form , you only need to listen to the form submission event, and you can directly obtain all parameters and values ​​​​at once:

    let form = layui.form,
      $ = layui.$;
    form.on(&#39;submit(fuck-submit)&#39;, function(data){
      if(data.field.password && data.field.password.length < 5){
        return false;
        }, function(responseText){
          if(responseText.errno === 8){
            return false;
          } else {
      return false;
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Here is the official document:

form.on(&#39;submit(*)&#39;, function(data){
 console.log(data.elem) //被执行事件的元素DOM对象,一般为button对象
 console.log(data.form) //被执行提交的form对象,一般在存在form标签时才会返回
 console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value}
 return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。
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The data table we want to operate today also uses this method. First, let’s take a look at how to generate and render the toolbar:

You only need to insert a container in the body part. Note that the type of javascript here is text/html. This is for layui parsing. The d here is the data when we render the table. All The values ​​of the fields can be obtained in this d

<table class="layui-hide" lay-filter="fucktest" id="test"></table>
  <script type="text/html" id="barDemo">
    <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" user_id="{{d.admin_id}}" lay-event="edit">编辑</a>
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The above is the detailed content of layui implements dynamic and static paging. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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