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Detailed introduction to the build tool Gulp

Release: 2017-06-26 11:21:18
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Similar to grunt, gulp is also a build tool, but compared to grunt’s frequent IO operations, gulp’s stream operations can complete the build work faster and more conveniently. Gulp draws on the pipe idea of ​​the Unix operating system. The output of the previous level directly becomes the input of the next level, making the operation very simple. Through this article, we will learn how to use Gulp to change the development process, so as to make development faster and more efficient

Getting started

If you can use grunt, learn gulp and Not difficult. It mainly includes the following steps

 1. Install gulp globally

$ npm install --global gulp
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 2. Install it as the project’s development dependencies (devDependencies)

$ npm install --save-dev gulp
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3. Create a file named gulpfile.js in the project root directory:

var gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('default', function() {  // 将你的默认的任务代码放在这});
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4. Run gulp:

$ gulp
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The default task named default will be run. Here, this The task doesn't do anything.

To execute a specific task alone, please enter gulp <task> <othertask>


Before learning the configuration of gulp, you first need to understand the API involved in gulp

[gulp.src(globs[, options])]

Specify the path of the source file that needs to be processed , returns the current file stream to the available plug-in, the parameters are as follows

globs: The path of the source file matcher that needs to be processed. Type (required): String or StringArray;

Wildcard path matching example:

“*”:匹配所有文件 例:src/*.js(包含src下的所有js文件);
“**”:匹配0个或多个子文件夹 例:src/**/*.js(包含src的0个或多个子文件夹下的js文件);
“{}”:匹配多个属性 例:src/{a,b}.js(包含a.js和b.js文件)src/*.{jpg,png,gif}(src中所有jpg/png/gif文件)
“!”:排除文件 例:!src/a.js(不包含src下的a.js文件);
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    less = require('gulp-less');
gulp.task('testLess', function () {//gulp.src('less/test/style.less')gulp.src(['less/**/*.less','!less/{extend,page}/*.less'])
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options: Type (optional): Object , has 3 attributes buffer, read, base;

options.buffer:类型:Boolean 默认true,设为false将返回file.content的流且不缓冲文件,处理大文件时有用
options.read: 类型:Boolean 默认:true 设置false,将不执行读取文件操作,返回null;
options.base: 类型:String 设置输出路径以某个路径的某个组成部分为基础向后拼接
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gulp.src('client/js/**/*.js')//匹配'client/js/somedir/somefile.js'且将`base`解析为`client/js/`  .pipe(minify())
  .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));  // 写入 'build/somedir/somefile.js'gulp.src('client/js/**/*.js', { base: 'client' })
  .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));  // 写入 'build/js/somedir/somefile.js'
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【gulp.dest(path[, options])】

Specify The path to the file output after processing. It can be piped to multiple folders. If a folder does not exist, it will be created automatically

[Note] The path to which the file is written is calculated based on the given relative path and the given target directory. Similarly, the relative path can also be calculated based on the given base

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The parameters of this method are as follows

path:  类型(必填):String or Function 指定文件输出路径,或者定义函数返回文件输出路径亦可
options:  类型(可选):Object,有2个属性cwd、mode;
    options.cwd:类型:String 默认:process.cwd():前脚本的工作目录路径 文件输出路径为相对路径会用到
    options.mode:类型:String 默认:0777 指定被创建文件夹的权限
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【gulp.task( name[, deps], fn)】

Define a gulp task with the following parameters

name:  类型(必填):String 指定任务的名称(不应该有空格);
deps:  类型(可选):StringArray,该任务依赖的任务列表
fn:    类型(必填):Function 该任务调用的插件操作
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By default, the task will be executed with the maximum number of concurrencies, that is to say , gulp will run all tasks at once and do not wait for anything. If you want to create a serialized task queue and execute it in a specific order, you need to do two things: 1. Give a prompt to tell when the task has been executed; 2. Give another prompt to tell One task depends on the completion of another task.

For this example, assume that there are two tasks, "one" and "two", and you want them to be executed in this order:

In "one", add a prompt to Tell when it will complete: you can return a callback when it is completed, or return a promise or stream, so that the system will wait for it to complete.

In "two", you need to add a hint to tell the system that it needs to rely on the first task to complete

var gulp = require('gulp');// 返回一个 callback,因此系统可以知道它什么时候完成gulp.task('one', function(cb) {// 做一些事 -- 异步的或者其他的cb(err); // 如果 err 不是 null 或 undefined,则会停止执行,且注意,这样代表执行失败了});// 定义一个所依赖的 task 必须在这个 task 执行之前完成gulp.task('two', ['one'], function() {// 'one' 完成后});
gulp.task('default', ['one', 'two']);
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gulp.task('testLess', function () {return gulp.src(['less/style.less'])
gulp.task('minicss', ['testLess'], function () { //执行完testLess任务后再执行minicss任务gulp.src(['css/*.css'])
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[gulp. watch(glob [, opts], tasks)】

【gulp.watch(glob [, opts, cb])】

The watch method is used to monitor file changes. Once the file is modified, it The specified task will be executed with the following parameters

  event.path:    类型:String  触发了该事件的文件的路径
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gulp.task('watch1', function () {
    gulp.watch('less/**/*.less', ['testLess']);
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gulp.watch('js/**/*.js', function(event) {
  console.log('File ' + event.path + ' was ' + event.type + ', running tasks...');
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var watcher = gulp.watch('js/**/*.js', ['uglify','reload']);
watcher.on('change', function(event) {
  console.log('File ' + event.path + ' was ' + event.type + ', running tasks...');
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Command line

[Parameter Marker]

-v 或 --version         会显示全局和项目本地所安装的gulp版本号--require <module path>     将会在执行之前reqiure一个模块。可以使用多个--require--gulpfile <gulpfile path>   手动指定一个gulpfil 的路径,会将CWD设置到该gulpfile所在目录--cwd <dir path>         手动指定CWD。定义gulpfile查找的位置,所有的相应依赖会从这里开始计算相对路径-T 或 --tasks           会显示所指定 gulpfile 的 task 依赖树--tasks-simple          会以纯文本的方式显示所载入的 gulpfile 中的 task 列表--color              强制 gulp 和 gulp 插件显示颜色,即便没有颜色支持--no-color            强制不显示颜色,即便检测到有颜色支持--silent              禁止所有的 gulp 日志
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The command line will record where it was run from in process.env.INIT_CW


Task can be executed through gulp <task> <othertask>. If you only run the gulp command, the registered task named default will be executed. If there is no such task, gulp will report an error


1 , js related plug-ins

[concat] merge files

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('testConcat', function () {
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[uglify]compress javascript files

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    uglify= require('gulp-uglify');
gulp.task('jsmin', function () {//压缩src/js目录下的所有js文件//除了test1.js和test2.js(**匹配src/js的0个或多个子文件夹)gulp.src(['src/js/*.js', '!src/js/**/{test1,test2}.js']) 
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[requirejs] Package modular js files

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    requirejs = require('gulp-requirejs');

gulp.task('script',function(){//将js模块打包成一个文件return requirejs({
          baseUrl: 'src/js',
          paths:{'jquery':'../../dist/js/jquery'  },
          name: 'main',       
          exclude: ['jquery']
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[jshint] js code detection

 gulp = require('gulp'= require('gulp-jshint''script','src/js/*.js'.pipe(jshint('.jshintrc'.pipe(jshint.reporter('default'
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2. CSS related plug-ins

【clean-css】Compress css files

var gulp = require('gulp');var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css');
gulp.task('css', function() {
        .pipe(cleanCSS({compatibility: 'ie8'}))
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Cannot download https://github.com/sass/node-sass/releases/download/v3.4.2/win32-x64-46_binding.node
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npm install  node-sass --sass-binary-site= http://n pm.taobao.org/mirrors/node-sass/
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npm install gulp-sass
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  2、安装成功后,也可能无法正确使用。在使用sass编译css文件时,可能会出现' %1 is not a valid win32 application'这样的错误,这是因为gulp-sass依赖于node-sass,而node-sass版本太高,可以安装3.*.*版本,此时,依然要使用淘宝cnpm进行镜像安装

cnpm install node-sass@3.11.0
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    sass = require('gulp-sass');

      .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');

            browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'Android >= 4.0'],
            cascade: true, //是否美化属性值 默认:true 像这样://-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);//        transform: rotate(45deg);remove:true //是否去掉不必要的前缀 默认:true         }))
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last 2 versions: 主流浏览器的最新两个版本
last 1 Chrome versions: 谷歌浏览器的最新版本
last 2 Explorer versions: IE的最新两个版本
last 3 Safari versions: 苹果浏览器最新三个版本
Firefox >= 20: 火狐浏览器的版本大于或等于20
iOS 7: IOS7版本
Firefox ESR: 最新ESR版本的火狐> 5%: 全球统计有超过5%的使用率
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    csslint = require('gulp-csslint');

    gulp.src('src/css/*.css')//设置css检测规则,并检测css代码.pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))//对代码进行报错提示    .pipe(csslint.formatter())
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var gulp = require('gulp');var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('css', function() {
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var gulp = require('gulp');var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin');
gulp.task('html', function() {
        .pipe(htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true}))
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin');
gulp.task('testHtmlmin', function () {var options = {
        removeComments: true,//清除HTML注释collapseWhitespace: true,//压缩HTMLcollapseBooleanAttributes: true,//省略布尔属性的值 <input checked="true"/> ==> <input />removeEmptyAttributes: true,//删除所有空格作属性值 <input id="" /> ==> <input />removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,//删除<script>的type="text/javascript"removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,//删除<style>和<link>的type="text/css"minifyJS: true,//压缩页面JSminifyCSS: true//压缩页面CSS    };
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
gulp.task('testImagemin', function () {
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var gulp = require('gulp'),
    imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
gulp.task('testImagemin', function () {
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var gulp = require('gulp');var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith');
gulp.task('img', function() {return gulp.src('src/img/*')
        .pipe(spritesmith({'imgName':'sprite.png','cssName':'sprite.css','padding':5 //合并时两张图片的距离        }))
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var gulp = require('gulp');var rename = require('gulp-rename');
gulp.task('file', function() {
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var gulp = require('gulp');var rename = require('gulp-rename');
gulp.task('file', function() {
            path.basename += "-min";
            path.extname = ".scss"}))
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var gulp = require('gulp');var clean = require('gulp-clean');

gulp.task('clean', function () {return gulp.src('dist/img/*')
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gulp.task('default', ['clean', 'less', 'images', 'js', 'watch']);//错误
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//正确gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function(){
    gulp.start('less', 'images', 'js', 'watch');
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var gulp = require('gulp');var zip = require('gulp-zip');
gulp.task('file', function() {
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//index.html<!-- build:css /css/all.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/css/style1.css?1.1.11">
<!-- endbuild -->
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var gulp = require('gulp');var useref = require('gulp-useref');
gulp.task('file', function() {
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//dist/index.html<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/all.css?1.1.11">
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 gulp = require('gulp' rev = require('gulp-rev''file', '*.html''dist'
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//index.html<!-- build:css /css/all.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/css/style1.css?1.1.11">
<!-- endbuild -->
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var gulp = require('gulp');var rev = require('gulp-rev');var useref = require('gulp-useref');var revReplace = require('gulp-rev-replace');
gulp.task('file', function() {
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//index-bc596e88c8.html<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/all-ef5462562d.css?1.1.11">
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var gulp = require('gulp');var connect = require('gulp-connect');

gulp.task('connect', function() {
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var gulp = require('gulp');var babel = require('gulp-babel');
gulp.task('es6', function(){return gulp.src('src/js/*.js')
            presets: ['es2015']
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 gulp = require('gulp' imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin' spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith''img', gulp.src('src/img/*.{png,jpg,gif,ico}''dist/img' gulp.src('src/img/sprite/*''imgName':'sprite.png''cssName':'sprite.css''padding':5'src/css/temp''default',['img']);
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var gulp = require('gulp');var concat = require('gulp-concat');var csslint = require('gulp-csslint');var sass = require('gulp-sass');var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');var cleancss = require('gulp-clean-css');var concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('css', function() {
  gulp.src('src/css/sass/*.scss')//将sass编译为css代码  .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
        .pipe(gulp.dest('src/css/temp'));     gulp.src('src/css/temp/*.css')//设置css检测规则,并检测css代码.pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))//对代码进行报错提示        .pipe(csslint.formatter())//合并文件.pipe(concat('style.css'))//根据设置浏览器版本自动处理浏览器前缀        .pipe(autoprefixer({
            browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'Android >= 4.0']
        }))       //压缩css文件.pipe(cleancss({compatibility: 'ie8'}))//输出到目标目录.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css'));
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var gulp = require('gulp');var requirejs = require('gulp-requirejs');var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task('js', function() {//将js模块打包成一个文件return requirejs({
          baseUrl: 'src/js',
          paths:{'jquery':'../../dist/js/jquery'  },
          name: 'main',       
          exclude: ['jquery']
    })//压缩文件    .pipe(uglify())

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<!-- build:css dist/css/style.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/style.css?1.1.11">
<!-- endbuild -->
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var gulp = require('gulp');var rev = require('gulp-rev');var useref = require('gulp-useref');var revReplace = require('gulp-rev-replace');
gulp.task('file', function() {
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/style-0f788265cc.css?1.1.11">
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/**image**/var gulp = require('gulp');var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith'); 

gulp.task('img', function () {//压缩图片gulp.src('src/img/*.{png,jpg,gif,ico}')
});/**css**/var concat = require('gulp-concat');var csslint = require('gulp-csslint');var sass = require('gulp-sass');var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');var cleancss = require('gulp-clean-css');var concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('css', function() {
  gulp.src('src/css/sass/*.scss')//将sass编译为css代码  .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
gulp.task('css', function() {  */             
  gulp.src('src/css/temp/*.css')//设置css检测规则,并检测css代码   // .pipe(csslint('.csslintrc'))//对代码进行报错提示   // .pipe(csslint.formatter())//合并文件.pipe(concat('style.css'))//根据设置浏览器版本自动处理浏览器前缀        .pipe(autoprefixer({
            browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'Android >= 4.0']
        }))       //压缩css文件.pipe(cleancss({compatibility: 'ie8'}))//输出到目标目录.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css'));
});/**js**/var requirejs = require('gulp-requirejs');var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

gulp.task('js', function() {//将js模块打包成一个文件return requirejs({
          baseUrl: 'src/js',
          paths:{'jquery':'../../dist/js/jquery'  },
          name: 'main',       
          exclude: ['jquery']
    })//压缩文件    .pipe(uglify())
});/**版本号**/var rev = require('gulp-rev');var useref = require('gulp-useref');var revReplace = require('gulp-rev-replace');
gulp.task('file',['css'],function() {

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The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to the build tool Gulp. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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