Single thread of JavaScript
When a single thread executes a program, the program paths it takes are arranged in consecutive order. The first ones must be processed, and the last ones must be processed. will be executed. Only specific code can be executed at a specific time, and other code will be blocked.
Single Thread is an infatuated young man who is single-minded and devoted. Single-threaded means that the process has only one thread; multi-threaded means that the process has multiple threads.
Based on JavaScript's single-threaded language execution environment and its shortcomings, JavaScript's synchronous and asynchronous programming methods are proposed.
Synchronous, that is, the task is executed step by step, and the subsequent code can be executed only after the current code is executed; asynchronously, there is no need to wait after starting to execute the current code, and the subsequent tasks can be continued. After the current task is executed, you can Notify callers through status, notifications, and callbacks.
Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript
The JavaScript language execution environment is single-threaded. When a single-thread executes a program, the program paths it takes are arranged in consecutive order. The first ones must be processed before the later ones are executed. Only specific code can be executed at a specific time and will block other codes. Asynchronous programming can make up for its shortcomings. In this article, we explain JavaScript asynchronous programming.
JavaScript asynchronous programming implementation
JavaScript asynchronous programming implementation mainly falls into three categories: callback functions, publish and subscribe, and Promise objects.
Callback function
function a(fn) { //a函数任务... setTimeout(function() { fn(); }, 0); console.log('a'); } function b(fn) { //b函数任务 console.log('b'); } a(b); 以上代码打印值顺序如何呢?结果是先a后b。至于为什么,不得不说说setTimeout。再细微的东西,只要存在,我们都能从中弄出些精华,就比如setTimeout。 请看代码: ··· for (var i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { setTimeout(function(){ console.log(i); }, 0); } console.log(i); //5 ; 5 ; 5 ; 5; 5 ···
All print out 5. To understand why, you need to understand three points:
i here is the variable of the context environment where the for loop is located, and There is only one i;
i==5 at the end of the loop;
The JavaScript single-threaded event handler will not execute the next event until the thread is idle.
You may have seen code similar to this:
·· function f1(callback) { setTimeout(function() { f2(functions() { setTimeout({ callback(...) ; }, 0); }); }, 0); } function(callback) {//...} ···
PubSub,即Publish/Subscribe,发布、订阅模式, 用以分发事件。常见的有jQuery的自定义事件监听、Node的EventEmitter对象等。
$('#btn').on('myEvent', function(e) { console.log('There is my Event'); }); $('#btn').trigger('myEvent'); PubSub var PubSub = function(){ this.handlers = {}; }; PubSub.prototype.subscribe = function(eventType, handler) { if (!(eventType in this.handlers)) { this.handlers[eventType] = []; } this.handlers[eventType].push(handler); //添加事件监听器 return this;//返回上下文环境以实现链式调用 }; PubSub.prototype.publish = function(eventType) { var _args =, 1); for (var i = 0, _handlers = this.handlers[eventType]; i < _handlers.length; i++) { _handlers[i].apply(this, _args);//遍历事件监听器 } return this; }; var event = new PubSub;//构造PubSub实例 event.subscribe('list', function(msg) { console.log(msg); }); event.publish('list', {data: ['one,', 'two']}); //Object {data: Array[2]}
* jQuery之Promise var prom = new $.Deferred(); prom.done(function(value) { console.log(value + ' Done'); }); { console.log(value + ' Fail'); }); prom.always(function(v) { console.log(' always here'); }); prom.resolve('OK'); Deferred是Promise的超集,相对于Promise只提供then方法添加调用,触发这些调用需要其他支持,使用Deferred实例可直接触发调用。 Promise简单实现 function defer() { var tasks = [], progresses = [], state = 'pending', value, reason; return { resolve: function(_value) { if (tasks) { value = ref(_value); tasks.forEach(function(task) { nextTick(function() { value.then.apply(value, task); }); }); tasks = null; state = 'resolved'; }else { if (state === 'resolved') { throw new Error('A promise should been resolved once.'); } } }, reject: function(reason) { if (tasks) { value = ref(reason); tasks.forEach(function(task) { nextTick(function() { value.then.apply(value, [task[1], task[0]]); }); }); tasks = undefined; state = 'rejected'; }else { if (state === 'rejected') { throw new Error('A promise should been rejected once.'); } } }, notify: function(progress) { if (state === 'resolved' || state === 'rejected') { return; } progresses.push(progress); }, promise: { then: function(_callback, _errback, _notifyback) { var deferred = defer(); _callback = _callback || function(value) { return value; }; _errback = _errback || function(reason) { return reject(reason); }; _notifyback = _notifyback || function(progress) { return progress; }; var callback = function(value) { var result; try { result = _callback(value); }catch(e) { deferred.reject(e); }finally { deferred.resolve(result); } }; var errback = function(reason) { var result; try { result = _errback(reason); }catch(e) { deferred.reject(e); }finally { deferred.resolve(result); } } nextTick(function() { while (progresses.length) { try { _notifyback(progresses.shift()); }catch(e) { deferred.reject(e); break; } } }); if (tasks) { tasks.push([callback, errback]); }else { nextTick(function() { if (state === 'rejected') { value.then(errback); }else if (state === 'resolved') { value.then(callback); } }); } return deferred.promise; } } }; } var ref = function(value) { if (value && typeof value.then === 'function') { return value; } return { then: function(callback) { return ref(callback(value)); } } }; var reject = function(reason) { return { then: function(callback, errback) { return ref(errback(reason)); } }; }; var nextTick = function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }; //Promise实例 var deferred = defer(), promise = deferred.promise; promise.then(function(value) { console.log(value); throw 'zhangsan'; }).then(function (v) { console.log(v); }, function (err) { console.error(err); done(); }); setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve('zhangsan1'); }, 1000);
The above is the detailed content of A Beginner's Guide to Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!