This article mainly introduces the implementation method of table paging component based on vue2 in detail. It has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it.
The example of this article shares the vue2 table with everyone. The specific code of the paging component is for your reference. The specific content is as follows
(function(){ var template = '<p class="page-bar" > \ <p class="info">{{info}}</p>\ <p class="showpages">每页<select class="showpages-select" v-on:change="pageschange" v-model="selected" ><option v-for="item in showpages">{{item}}</option></select>条</p>\ <p class="pagesbtn"><ul v-on:click="setpage"> \ <li ><a v-bind:class="setButtonClass(0)" v-on:click="firstPage()">首页</a></li> \ <li><a v-bind:class="setButtonClass(0)" v-on:click="prvePage()">上一页</a></li> \ <li v-for="index in indexs" v-bind:class="{ active: cur == index }"> \ <a v-on:click="btnclick(index)" >{{ index < 1 ? "..." : index }}</a> \ </li> \ <li ><a v-bind:class="setButtonClass(1)" v-on:click="nextPage()">下一页</a></li> \ <li ><a v-bind:class="setButtonClass(1)" v-on:click="lastPage()">尾页</a></li> \ </ul></p> \ </p>\ ' var pagination = Vue.extend({ template: template, props: ["cur", "all", "selected", "showpages", "info"], computed: { indexs: function () { var left = 1 var right = this.all var ar = [] if (this.all >= 11) { if (this.cur > 5 && this.cur < this.all - 4) { left = this.cur - 5 right = this.cur + 4 } else { if (this.cur <= 5) { left = 1 right = 10 } else { right = this.all left = this.all - 9 } } } while (left <= right) { ar.push(left) left++ } if (ar[0] > 1) { ar[0] = 1; ar[1] = -1; } if (ar[ar.length - 1] < this.all) { ar[ar.length - 1] = this.all; ar[ar.length - 2] = 0; } return ar } }, methods: { btnclick: function (page) { this.cur = page; }, nextPage: function () { if (this.cur >= this.all) { this.cur=this.all; }else{ this.cur++; } }, prvePage: function () { if (this.cur <= 1) { this.cur=1; }else{ this.cur--; } }, firstPage: function () { this.cur=1; }, lastPage: function () { this.cur=this.all; }, setButtonClass: function (isNextButton) { if (isNextButton) { return this.cur >= this.all ? "page-button-disabled" : "" } else { return this.cur <= 1 ? "page-button-disabled" : "" } }, setpage:function () { this.$emit('mypage', this.cur); }, pageschange:function () { this.$emit('pageschange', this.selected); } } }) window.Pagination = pagination })()
ul, li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .page-bar { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; float: right; border-radius: 4px; } .page-bar .info{ float: left; margin-left:16px; font-size: 16px; height: 100%; } .page-bar .showpages{ float: left; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 16px; height: 100%; } .page-bar .showpages .showpages-select{ width: 70px; margin: 0 10px; height: 28px } .page-bar .pagesbtn{ float: left; margin-left:16px; width: 650px; height: 100%; } .page-bar .pagesbtn ul{ text-align: center; width: 100%; } .page-button-disabled { color:#ddd !important; } .page-bar li { list-style: none; display: inline-block; } .page-bar li:first-child > a { margin-left: 0; } .page-bar a { border: 1px solid #ddd; text-decoration: none; position: relative; float: left; padding: 6px 12px; line-height: 1.42857143; color: #337ab7; cursor: pointer; } .page-bar a:hover { background-color: #eee; } .page-bar .active a { color: #fff; cursor: default; background-color: #1e7aca; border-color: #1e7aca; } .page-bar i { font-style: normal; color: #1e7aca; margin: 0 4px; font-size: 12px; }
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover "id="ggztable" v-show="isAddSpecifications"> <thead> <tr> <th>规格值</th> <th>操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="(item,nn) in limitTemps"> <td>{{item.value}}</td> <td> <img src='../img/common_edit@25.png' data-toggle="modal" data-target="#editSonModal" @click="editSonModal(item,nn)" alt='修改'> <img src='../img/common_del@25.png' data-toggle="modal" data-target="#delSonModal" @click="delSonModal(nn)" alt='删除'> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <vue-pagination :cur="specificationValCur":all="specificationValAll":info="specificationValInfo" :showpages="specificationValShowpages":selected="specificationValselected" v-on:mypage="getPage" v-on:pageschange="getspecificationValShowPages"> </vue-pagination>
/** * Created by komi on 2017-03-05 0005. */ var vm = new Vue({ el: ".main", data: { specificationValCur: 1,//当前页 specificationValAll: 1,//总页数 specificationValselected: 10,//默认每页显示的页数 specificationValTotalRecond: 1,//总记录数 specificationValShowpages: [10, 30, 50, 100], //每页显示的页数 specificationValInfo: "", limitTemps: [], temps:[]//数据源 }, watch: { temps: "setPage" }, components: { 'vue-pagination': Pagination }, methods: { setPage: function () { this.specificationValInfo = "记录数为:" + this.temps.length + "条"; this.specificationValTotalRecond = this.temps.length; this.setPageBtn(); this.setPageLimit(this.specificationValTotalRecond,this.specificationValselected,1) }, getPage:function (msg) { this.specificationValCur=msg;//这里必须,否则按钮无法高亮 this.setPageLimit(this.specificationValTotalRecond,this.specificationValselected,msg) }, setPageLimit: function (total,select,cur) {//这里为实现分页切换table的主要实现 if(total<=select){ this.limitTemps=this.temps; return }else { var arr = []; var a=select*(cur-1); var b=select*cur; for (var i = a; i < b; i++) { if(typeof(this.temps[i])!="undefined"){ arr[i - a] = this.temps[i] } } this.limitTemps = arr; } console.log("total:"+total+"select"+select+"cur"+cur) }, setPageBtn: function () { if (this.specificationValTotalRecond > this.specificationValselected) { if (this.specificationValTotalRecond % this.specificationValselected == 0) { this.specificationValAll = this.specificationValTotalRecond / this.specificationValselected } else { this.specificationValAll = parseInt(this.specificationValTotalRecond / this.specificationValselected) + 1 } } else { this.specificationValAll = 1 } }, getspecificationValShowPages: function (pages) { this.specificationValselected = pages; this.setPageBtn(); this.setPageLimit(this.specificationValTotalRecond,this.specificationValselected,1) } } });
The above is the detailed content of Implementation method of table paging component based on vue2. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!