Spring Boot provides automatic configuration for Redis, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Solr and Gemfire. This article introduces in detail the configuration of multiple redis connections in springboot. Those who are interested can learn more.
1. springboot nosqlIntroduction
Spring Data provides other projects to help you use various NoSQL technologies including MongoDB, Neo4J, Elasticsearch, Solr, Redis, Gemfire, Couchbase and Cassandra. Spring Boot provides automatic configuration for Redis, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Solr and Gemfire. You can take full advantage of other projects, but you need to configure them yourself.
1.1. Redis
Redis is acache, messagemiddlewareand key-value storage system with rich features . Spring Boot provides automatic configuration for the Jedis client library and the Jedis client-based abstractions provided by Spring Data Redis. spring-boot-starter-redis 'Starter POM' provides a convenient way to collect dependencies.
Redis adds maven dependency
org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-test test org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-redis
1.2 Connecting to Redis
You can inject an automatically configured RedisConnectionFactory, StringRedisTemplate or an ordinary RedisTemplate instance that is the same as other Spring Beans . By default, this instance will try to connect to the Redis server using localhost:6379.
@Component public class MyBean { private StringRedisTemplate template; @Autowired public MyBean(StringRedisTemplate template) { this.template = template; } // ... }
If you add a @Bean of your own of any auto-configuration type, it will replace the default one (except in the case of RedisTemplate, which is excluded based on the bean's name 'redisTemplate' rather than its type ). If commons-pool2 exists in the classpath, you will get a connection pool factory by default.
1.3 Establish multiple redis connections
Use the default configuration of redis to connect to library 0 in redis. If you specify a library connection, you need to configure indexdb. At the same time, if you need to connect to multiple redis services, you also need to configure multiple data sources at the same time
1.3.1. Add:
@Component public class MyBean { private StringRedisTemplate template; @Autowired public MyBean(StringRedisTemplate template) { this.template = template; } // ... }
1.3.2. Create redisconfiguration
@Configuration public class Redis137_11Configuration { @Bean(name = "redis123Template") public StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate( @Value("${redis123.hostName}") String hostName, @Value("${redis123.port}") int port, @Value("${redis123.password}") String password, @Value("${redis123.maxIdle}") int maxIdle, @Value("${redis123.maxTotal}") int maxTotal, @Value("${redis123.index}") int index, @Value("${redis123.maxWaitMillis}") long maxWaitMillis, @Value("${redis123.testOnBorrow}") boolean testOnBorrow) { StringRedisTemplate temple = new StringRedisTemplate(); temple.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory(hostName, port, password, maxIdle, maxTotal, index, maxWaitMillis, testOnBorrow)); return temple; } public RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory(String hostName, int port, String password, int maxIdle, int maxTotal, int index, long maxWaitMillis, boolean testOnBorrow) { JedisConnectionFactory jedis = new JedisConnectionFactory(); jedis.setHostName(hostName); jedis.setPort(port); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(password)) { jedis.setPassword(password); } if (index != 0) { jedis.setDatabase(index); } jedis.setPoolConfig(poolCofig(maxIdle, maxTotal, maxWaitMillis, testOnBorrow)); // 初始化连接pool jedis.afterPropertiesSet(); RedisConnectionFactory factory = jedis; return factory; } public JedisPoolConfig poolCofig(int maxIdle, int maxTotal, long maxWaitMillis, boolean testOnBorrow) { JedisPoolConfig poolCofig = new JedisPoolConfig(); poolCofig.setMaxIdle(maxIdle); poolCofig.setMaxTotal(maxTotal); poolCofig.setMaxWaitMillis(maxWaitMillis); poolCofig.setTestOnBorrow(testOnBorrow); return poolCofig; } }
1.3.3. Declare the redis abstract base class and create the redis operation method
public abstract class AbRedisConfiguration { protected StringRedisTemplate temple; public void setData(String key, String value) { getTemple().opsForValue().set(key, value); } public String getData(String key) { return getTemple().opsForValue().get(key); } public StringRedisTemplate getTemple() { return temple; } }
1.3.4. Create different subclasses according to the data source @Component
public class Redis123 extends AbRedisConfiguration { @Resource(name = "redis123Template") private StringRedisTemplate temple; public StringRedisTemplate getTemple() { return temple; } }
ps: The getTemple method and StringRedisTempleattributeare declared in the class and subclass at the same time. The subclass passes the subclass's own StringRedisTemple attribute to the parent class by overriding the getTeimple method of the parent class, and the parent class passes it through the subclass. The StringRedisTemple uses different data links to operate the cache. At this point, the parent class has completed all operation methods, and when you need to create a database connection, you only need to create a subclass, declare its own StringRedisTemple, and pass it to the parent class.
The above is the detailed content of In-depth analysis of how springboot configures multiple redis connections. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!