Jigsaw puzzle is a very classic game, basically everyone knows it The gameplay, his start, run, end. So, how do we start when we want to make a puzzle? The answer is: start from reality and describe the requirements (try to describe them as documents). When we have comprehensive requirements, we can provide reliable strategies, which can be implemented in the code and eventually become a work!
(1) Requirements: (This requirement is rather illegibly written and is customized for the majority of novices. It is based on the most common people’s thinking and the process of participating in the game)
1.Picture: When we play puzzles, at least we have a picture
2. Cutting: The puzzle is not a picture, we need to cut the whole picture into N*N small pieces Picture
3. Disorganize: Shuffle the order of these N*N small pictures, but make sure it can be restored by walking according to the game rules
4. Judgment: Judge the puzzle success
5. Interaction: Which interaction method do we use? Here I choose mouse click
6. Display the complete thumbnail of the original image
The above is the basic Functions, the following are extended functions
7. Record the number of steps: record how many steps are required to complete
8. Change pictures: Can we change a picture after playing with it for a long time? Hahahaha
9. Select difficulty: too easy? don't want! After 3*3, there are 5*5, and after 5*5, there are 9*9. My roommate challenged the highest difficulty level 300 with 0 steps. I feel sorry for my mouse TAT
(2) Analysis:
With the demand, we can analyze how to realize it (map the actual demand in the computer), including:
1. Development platform: Choose C# language here
1. Storage: What do we want to store? What structure do we use to store it? When we look back at the requirements, we will find that there are some resources that need to be stored
Pictures: Use Image objects to store
Units (a collection of sub-images after cutting the original picture): since Define Structure struct Node, which includes the Image object used to store small pictures of the unit, and the number stored in an integer (after cutting, each small unit is given a number to facilitate checking whether the game is completed).
Each unit (a collection of sub-images after cutting the original picture): use two-dimensional array (such as puzzle, backgammon, Xiaoxiaole, Lianliankan, Tetris and other plane dot matrix games) You can use it to store, why? Because it looks similar! ) to store
Difficulty: Use custom enumeration types (easy and normal and difficult) to store
Number of steps: shaping Variable int Num storage
With storage, we can think about the division of modules (The correct logical division has been expanded, and it can also make the communication clearer) and build it, and implement the specific algorithms involved in each module
First of all, the program modules are divided into four:
Logical type:
1. Puzzle class: used to describe puzzle
2. Configuration class: storage configuration variables
3. Game menu window: Proceed to the menu option
4. Game running window: the main interface of the game
1. The configuration can be manipulated through the game menu, such as Difficulty or picture.
2. The running window can access and obtain the game configuration, and use its corresponding construction puzzle objects.
3. The user interacts through the running window, indirectly causing the puzzle object to call the move method and obtain the pattern method
Students who look at the code, I think the most problematic part is unreasonable The place is to write the enumeration type of difficulty in the puzzle class. It should be written in the configuration class, or into a separate class. Readers can change it by themselves
public enum Diff //游戏难度 { simple,//简单 ordinary,//普通 difficulty//困难 }
说明:本块重点描述 Puzzle(拼图)类与游戏运行类的具体实现及实体通讯:
1.赋值 :
public Puzzle(Image Img,int Width, Diff GameDif)// 拼图的图片,宽度(解释:正方形的边长,单位是像素,名字有歧义,抱歉),游戏的难度
switch(this._gameDif) { case Diff.simple: //简单则单元格数组保存为3*3的二维数组 this.N = 3; node=new Node[3,3]; break; case Diff.ordinary: //一般则为5*5 this.N = 5; node = new Node[5, 5]; break; case Diff.difficulty: //困难则为9*9 this.N = 9; node = new Node[9, 9]; break; }
//分割图片形成各单元保存在数组中 int Count = 0; for (int x = 0; x < this.N; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < this.N; y++) { node[x, y].Img = CaptureImage(this._img, this.Width / this.N, this.Width / this.N, x * (this.Width / this.N), y * (this.Width / this.N)); node[x, y].Num = Count; Count++; } }
即 :(x,y)=(单元边长*距离起始X轴相距单元数,单元边长*距离起始点Y轴相距单元数);
public Image CaptureImage(Image fromImage, int width, int height, int spaceX, int spaceY)
//创建新图位图 Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); //创建作图区域 Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); //截取原图相应区域写入作图区 graphic.DrawImage(fromImage, 0, 0, new Rectangle(x, y, width, height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //从作图区生成新图 Image saveImage = Image.FromHbitmap(bitmap.GetHbitmap());
所以我们的判断条件是,如果移动一个方块,他的上下左右四个方向中,一旦有一个相邻的是白色单元,即N*N-1号单元,则与其交换。这是基本逻辑,但不包括约束条件,当我们的数组达到边界的时候,我们就不能对越界数据进行访问,如当单元为node[0,0]时,你就不能对他上面和右面的数据进行访问,因为Node[-1,0] Node[0,-1]都会越界,发生异常
/// <summary> /// 移动坐标(x,y)拼图单元 /// </summary> /// <param name="x">拼图单元x坐标</param> /// <param name="y">拼图单元y坐标</param> public bool Move(int x,int y) { //MessageBox.Show(" " + node[2, 2].Num); if (x + 1 != N && node[x + 1, y].Num == N * N - 1) { Swap(new Point(x + 1, y), new Point(x, y)); return true; } if (y + 1 != N && node[x, y + 1].Num == N * N - 1) { Swap(new Point(x, y + 1), new Point(x, y)); return true; } if (x - 1 != -1 && node[x - 1, y].Num == N * N - 1) { Swap(new Point(x - 1, y), new Point(x, y)); return true; } if (y - 1 != -1 && node[x, y - 1].Num == N * N - 1) { Swap(new Point(x, y - 1), new Point(x, y)); return true; } return false; }
= = .node[a.X, a.Y] = .node[b.X, b.Y] =
前面提到,其实就是让电脑帮着乱走一通,说白了就是大量的调用Move(int X,int y)方法,也就是对空白位置的上下左右四个相邻的方块中随机抽取一个,并把它的坐标传递给Move使其进行移动,同样要进行越界考虑,这样的操作大量重复!代码自己看吧 ,利用随机数。
/// <summary> /// 打乱拼图 /// </summary> public void Upset() { int sum = 100000; if (this._gameDif == Diff.simple) sum = 10000; //if (this._gameDif == Diff.ordinary) sum = 100000; Random ran = new Random(); for (int i = 0, x = N - 1, y = N - 1; i < sum; i++) { long tick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; ran = new Random((int)(tick & 0xffffffffL) | (int)(tick >> 32)|ran.Next()); switch (ran.Next(0, 4)) { case 0: if (x + 1 != N) { Move(x + 1, y); x = x + 1; } break; case 1: if (y + 1 != N) { Move(x, y + 1); y = y + 1; } break; case 2: if (x - 1 != -1) { Move(x - 1, y); x = x - 1; } break; case 3: if (y - 1 != -1) { Move(x, y - 1); y = y - 1; } break; } } }
public Image Display() { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Width); //创建作图区域 Graphics newGra = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); for (int x = 0; x < this.N; x++) for (int y = 0; y < this.N; y++) newGra.DrawImage(node[x, y].Img, new Point(x * this.Width / this.N, y * this.Width / this.N)); return bitmap; }
node[x, y].Num 不等于遍历的序号,那么说明,该单元不在原有位置上,即整个图片还没有完成,我们就可以直接返回假值false 如果所有遍历结果都正确,我们可认为,图片已复原,此时返回真值true
count= ( x = ; x < .N; x++ ( y = ; y < .N; y++ (.node[x, y].Num != ++
puzzle.Move(e.X / (puzzle.Width / puzzle.N), e.Y / (puzzle.Width / puzzle.N)) 调用了移动方法,移动方块 横坐标为:e.X / (puzzle.Width / puzzle.N)
<em>纵坐标为:e.Y / (puzzle.Width / puzzle.N)<br></em><br><span style="font-size: 15px">我们<a href="//m.sbmmt.com/wiki/44.html" target="_blank">编程</a>中的<a href="//m.sbmmt.com/code/12117.html" target="_blank">整数</a>除法和数学里的除法是不一样的!比如10/4数学上等于2余2或者2.5,计算机里直接就是等于2了,只取整数部分<br><img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/004/48684ccad126d0d6436ec85a0a36293a-3.jpg" alt=""></span>
行数=行坐标 / 方块边长
列数=列坐标 / 方块边长
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (puzzle.Move(e.X / (puzzle.Width / puzzle.N), e.Y / (puzzle.Width / puzzle.N))) { Num++; pictureBox1.Image = puzzle.Display(); if (puzzle.Judge()) { if (MessageBox.Show("恭喜过关", "是否重新玩一把", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { Num = 0; puzzle.Upset(); pictureBox1.Image = puzzle.Display(); } else { Num = 0; closefather(); this.Close(); } } } NumLabel.Text = Num.ToString(); }
加了点小功能 音乐历史成绩
The above is the detailed content of C# implements 'Jigsaw Game' (Part 2). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!