Code optimization is a very important topic. Some people may think it is useless. What are the small things that can be modified? What impact will the modification or not have on the running efficiency of the code? I think about this question like this, just like a whale in the sea, is it useful for it to eat a small shrimp? It was useless, but after eating more shrimps, the whale was full. The same is true for code optimization. If the project focuses on launching without bugs as soon as possible, then you can focus on the big and let go of the small at this time, and the details of the code do not need to be refined; but if there is enough time to develop and maintain the code, you must consider every aspect at this time. There are details that can be optimized. The accumulation of small optimization points one by one will definitely improve the running efficiency of the code.
The goals of code optimization are:
1. Reduce the size of the code
2. Improve the efficiency of code operation
Classes with final modifiers cannot be derived. In the Java core API, there are many examples of final applications, such as java.lang.String, where the entire class is final. Specifying the final modifier for a class prevents the class from being inherited, and specifying the final modifier for a method prevents the method from being overridden. If a class is designated as final, all methods of the class are final. The Java compiler will look for opportunities to inline all final methods. Inlining plays a significant role in improving Java running efficiency. For details, see Java runtime optimization. This can improve performance by an average of 50%.
Especially when using String objects, StringBuilder/StringBuffer should be used instead when string connections occur. Since the Java virtual machine not only spends time generating objects, it may also need to spend time garbage collecting and processing these objects in the future. Therefore, generating too many objects will have a great impact on the performance of the program.
The parameters passed when calling the method and the temporary variables created during the call are saved in the stack faster. Other variables, such as static variables and instances Variables, etc., are all created in the heap, which is slower. In addition, the contents of variables created in the stack are gone as the method ends, and no additional garbage collection is required.
During the Java programming process, be careful when performing database connections and I/O stream operations. After use, close the stream in time to release resources. Because operating these large objects will cause a lot of system overhead, a little carelessness will lead to serious consequences.
Clear a concept. Calling a method, even if there is only one statement in the method, is costly, including when creating a stack frame and calling a method. Protect the scene, restore the scene when the method is called, etc. So for example, the following operation:
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {...}
is recommended to be replaced by:
for (int i = 0, int length = list.size(); i < length; i++) {...}
In this way, when list.size() is very large, a lot of consumption is reduced
only when needed. For example:
String str = "aaa"; if (i == 1){ list.add(str); }
It is recommended to replace it with:
if (i == 1){ String str = "aaa"; list.add(str); }
Exceptions are bad for performance. To throw an exception, you must first create a new object. The constructor of the Throwable interface calls the local synchronization method named fillInStackTrace(). The fillInStackTrace() method checks the stack and collects call tracking information. Whenever an exception is thrown, the Java virtual machine must adjust the call stack because a new object is created during processing. Exceptions should only be used for error handling and should not be used to control program flow.
unless it is absolutely necessary. If you write this without any reason, as long as your leader is more senior and has more obsessive-compulsive disorder, he will most likely scold you for writing such garbage code
such as ArrayList, LinkedLlist, StringBuilder, StringBuffer, HashMap, HashSet, etc., taking StringBuilder as an example:
( 1) StringBuilder() // Allocates 16 characters of space by default
(2) StringBuilder(int size) // Allocates size characters of space by default
(3) StringBuilder(String str ) // By default, 16 characters + str.length() character space are allocated
You can set its initialization capacity through the class (here refers to not only the above StringBuilder), so that you can obviously Improve performance. For example, StringBuilder, length represents the number of characters that the current StringBuilder can hold. Because when StringBuilder reaches its maximum capacity, it will increase its capacity to 2 times its current capacity plus 2. Whenever StringBuilder reaches its maximum capacity, it has to create a new character array and then replace the old characters with The contents of the array are copied into a new character array - this is a very performance-intensive operation. Just imagine, if it can be estimated that the character array will store approximately 5000 characters without specifying the length, the closest power of 2 to 5000 is 4096, and the 2 will be added for each expansion, then:
(1)在4096 的基础上,再申请8194个大小的字符数组,加起来相当于一次申请了12290个大小的字符数组,如果一开始能指定5000个大小的字符数组,就节省了一倍以上的空间
这样,既浪费内存空间又降低代码运行效率。所以,给底层以数组实现的集合、工具类设置一个合理的初始化容量是错不了的,这会带来立竿见影的效果。但是,注意,像HashMap这种是以数组+链表实现的集合,别把初始大小和你估计的大小设置得一样,因为一个table上只连接一个对象的可能性几乎为0。初始大小建议设置为2的N次幂,如果能估计到有2000个元素,设置成new HashMap(128)、new HashMap(256)都可以。
for (val = 0; val < 100000; val += 5){ a = val * 8; b = val / 2; }
for (val = 0; val < 100000; val += 5){ a = val << 3; b = val >> 1; }
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++){ Object obj = new Object(); }
Object obj = null; for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { obj = new Object(); }
这样的话,内存中只有一份Object对象引用,每次new Object()的时候,Object对象引用指向不同的Object罢了,但是内存中只有一份,这样就大大节省了内存空间了。
因为这毫无意义,这样只是定义了引用为static final,数组的内容还是可以随意改变的,将数组声明为public更是一个安全漏洞,这意味着这个数组可以被外部类所改变
public class A{ private static B b = new B(); }
这是JDK推荐给用户的。JDK API对于RandomAccess接口的解释是:实现RandomAccess接口用来表明其支持快速随机访问,此接口的主要目的是允许一般的算法更改其行为,从而将其应用到随机或连续访问列表时能提供良好的性能。实际经验表明,实现RandomAccess接口的类实例,假如是随机访问的,使用普通for循环效率将高于使用foreach循环;反过来,如果是顺序访问的,则使用Iterator会效率更高。可以使用类似如下的代码作判断:
if (list instanceof RandomAccess){ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){} }else{ Iterator<?> iterator = list.iterable(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ } }
这毫无意义,如果代码中出现”The value of the local variable i is not used”、”The import java.util is never used”,那么请删除这些无用的内容
String str = "123"; if (str.equals("123")) { ... }
String str = "123"; if ("123".equals(str)){ ... }
平时有人问,”if (i == 1)”和”if (1== i)”有没有区别,这就要从C/C++讲起。
在C/C++中,”if (i == 1)”判断条件成立,是以0与非0为基准的,0表示false,非0表示true,如果有这么一段代码:
int i = 2; if (i == 1){ ... }else{ ... }
int i = 2; if (i = 1) { ... }else{ ... }
万一程序员一个不小心,把”if (i == 1)”写成”if (i = 1)”,这样就有问题了。在if之内将i赋值为1,if判断里面的内容非0,返回的就是true了,但是明明i为2,比较的值是1,应该返回的false。这种情况在C/C++的开发中是很可能发生的并且会导致一些难以理解的错误产生,所以,为了避免开发者在if语句中不正确的赋值操作,建议将if语句写为:
int i = 2; if (1 == i) { ... }else{ ... }
这样,即使开发者不小心写成了”1 = i”,C/C++编译器也可以第一时间检查出来,因为我们可以对一个变量赋值i为1,但是不能对一个常量赋值1为i。
但是,在Java中,C/C++这种”if (i = 1)”的语法是不可能出现的,因为一旦写了这种语法,Java就会编译报错”Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to boolean”。但是,尽管Java的”if (i == 1)”和”if (1 == i)”在语义上没有任何区别,但是从阅读习惯上讲,建议使用前者会更好些。
public static void main(String[] args){ int[] is = new int[]{1, 2, 3}; System.out.println(is.toString()); }
[[email protected]
public static void main(String[] args){ long l = 12345678901234L; int i = (int)l; System.out.println(i); }
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1011 0011 1010 0111 0011 1100 1110 0010 1111 1111 0010
0111 0011 1100 1110 0010 1111 1111 0010
1、整型默认的数据类型是int,long l = 12345678901234L,这个数字已经超出了int的范围了,所以最后有一个L,表示这是一个long型数。顺便,浮点型的默认类型是double,所以定义float的时候要写成”"float f = 3.5f”
2、接下来再写一句”int ii = l + i;”会报错,因为long + int是一个long,不能赋值给int
public static void main(String[] args){ int loopTime = 50000; Integer i = 0; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < loopTime; j++){ String str = String.valueOf(i); } System.out.println("String.valueOf():" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < loopTime; j++){ String str = i.toString(); } System.out.println("Integer.toString():" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int j = 0; j < loopTime; j++){ String str = i + ""; } System.out.println("i + \"\":" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); }
String.valueOf():11ms Integer.toString():5ms i + "":25ms
3、i + “”底层使用了StringBuilder实现,先用append方法拼接,再用toString()方法获取字符串
public static void main(String[] args){ HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<String, String>(); hm.put("111", "222"); Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet = hm.entrySet(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = entrySet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()){ Map.Entry<String, String> entry =; System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue()); } }
try{ XXX.close(); YYY.close(); }catch (Exception e){ ... }
try{ XXX.close(); }catch (Exception e) { ... } try{ YYY.close(); }catch (Exception e) { ... }
The above is the detailed content of Share 35 Java code performance optimization methods. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!