This article mainly introduces the relevant information based on Python to implement WeChat search to see who deleted you. Friends in need can refer to the
scenario: Find who deleted me, Directly copy save the code to a python file, run this file in the python environment
The code is as follows, copy and save to the file Run directly in the python environment:
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 from future import print_function import os try: from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus try: import urllib2 as wdf_urllib from cookielib import CookieJar except ImportError: import urllib.request as wdf_urllib from http.cookiejar import CookieJar import re import time import xml.dom.minidom import json import sys import math import subprocess import ssl import thread DEBUG = False MAX_GROUP_NUM = 35 # 每组人数 INTERFACE_CALLING_INTERVAL = 20 # 接口调用时间间隔, 间隔太短容易出现"操作太频繁", 会被限制操作半小时左右 MAX_PROGRESS_LEN = 50 QRImagePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'qrcode.jpg') tip = 0 uuid = '' base_uri = '' redirect_uri = '' push_uri = '' skey = '' wxsid = '' wxuin = '' pass_ticket = '' deviceId = 'e000000000000000' BaseRequest = {} ContactList = [] My = [] SyncKey = [] try: xrange range = xrange except: # python 3 pass def responseState(func, BaseResponse): ErrMsg = BaseResponse['ErrMsg'] Ret = BaseResponse['Ret'] if DEBUG or Ret != 0: print('func: %s, Ret: %d, ErrMsg: %s' % (func, Ret, ErrMsg)) if Ret != 0: return False return True def getRequest(url, data=None): try: data = data.encode('utf-8') except: pass finally: return wdf_urllib.Request(url=url, data=data) def getUUID(): global uuid url = '' params = { 'appid': 'wx782c26e4c19acffb', 'fun': 'new', 'lang': 'zh_CN', '_': int(time.time()), } request = getRequest(url=url, data=urlencode(params)) response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) # window.QRLogin.code = 200; window.QRLogin.uuid = "oZwt_bFfRg=="; regx = r'window.QRLogin.code = (\d+); window.QRLogin.uuid = "(\S+?)"' pm =, data) code = uuid = if code == '200': return True return False def showQRImage(): global tip url = '' + uuid params = { 't': 'webwx', '_': int(time.time()), } request = getRequest(url=url, data=urlencode(params)) response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) tip = 1 f = open(QRImagePath, 'wb') f.write( f.close() if sys.platform.find('darwin') >= 0:['open', QRImagePath]) elif sys.platform.find('linux') >= 0:['xdg-open', QRImagePath]) else: os.startfile(QRImagePath) print('请使用微信扫描二维码以登录') def waitForLogin(): global tip, base_uri, redirect_uri, push_uri url = '' % ( tip, uuid, int(time.time())) request = getRequest(url=url) response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) # window.code=500; regx = r'window.code=(\d+);' pm =, data) code = if code == '201': # 已扫描 print('成功扫描,请在手机上点击确认以登录') tip = 0 elif code == '200': # 已登录 print('正在登录...') regx = r'window.redirect_uri="(\S+?)";' pm =, data) redirect_uri = + '&fun=new' base_uri = redirect_uri[:redirect_uri.rfind('/')] # push_uri与base_uri对应关系(排名分先后)(就是这么奇葩..) services = [ ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ] push_uri = base_uri for (searchUrl, pushUrl) in services: if base_uri.find(searchUrl) >= 0: push_uri = 'https://%s/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin' % pushUrl break # closeQRImage if sys.platform.find('darwin') >= 0: # for OSX with Preview os.system("osascript -e 'quit app \"Preview\"'") elif code == '408': # 超时 pass # elif code == '400' or code == '500': return code def login(): global skey, wxsid, wxuin, pass_ticket, BaseRequest request = getRequest(url=redirect_uri) response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) root = doc.documentElement for node in root.childNodes: if node.nodeName == 'skey': skey = node.childNodes[0].data elif node.nodeName == 'wxsid': wxsid = node.childNodes[0].data elif node.nodeName == 'wxuin': wxuin = node.childNodes[0].data elif node.nodeName == 'pass_ticket': pass_ticket = node.childNodes[0].data # print('skey: %s, wxsid: %s, wxuin: %s, pass_ticket: %s' % (skey, wxsid, # wxuin, pass_ticket)) if not all((skey, wxsid, wxuin, pass_ticket)): return False BaseRequest = { 'Uin': int(wxuin), 'Sid': wxsid, 'Skey': skey, 'DeviceID': deviceId, } return True def webwxinit(): url = base_uri + \ '/webwxinit?pass_ticket=%s&skey=%s&r=%s' % ( pass_ticket, skey, int(time.time())) params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest } request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.dumps(params)) request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data = if DEBUG: f = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'webwxinit.json'), 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() data = data.decode('utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) global ContactList, My, SyncKey dic = json.loads(data) ContactList = dic['ContactList'] My = dic['User'] SyncKey = dic['SyncKey'] state = responseState('webwxinit', dic['BaseResponse']) return state def webwxgetcontact(): url = base_uri + \ '/webwxgetcontact?pass_ticket=%s&skey=%s&r=%s' % ( pass_ticket, skey, int(time.time())) request = getRequest(url=url) request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data = if DEBUG: f = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'webwxgetcontact.json'), 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() # print(data) data = data.decode('utf-8', 'replace') dic = json.loads(data) MemberList = dic['MemberList'] # 倒序遍历,不然删除的时候出问题.. SpecialUsers = ["newsapp", "fmessage", "filehelper", "weibo", "qqmail", "tmessage", "qmessage", "qqsync", "floatbottle", "lbsapp", "shakeapp", "medianote", "qqfriend", "readerapp", "blogapp", "facebookapp", "masssendapp", "meishiapp", "feedsapp", "voip", "blogappweixin", "weixin", "brandsessionholder", "weixinreminder", "wxid_novlwrv3lqwv11", "gh_22b87fa7cb3c", "officialaccounts", "notification_messages", "wxitil", "userexperience_alarm"] for i in range(len(MemberList) - 1, -1, -1): Member = MemberList[i] if Member['VerifyFlag'] & 8 != 0: # 公众号/服务号 MemberList.remove(Member) elif Member['UserName'] in SpecialUsers: # 特殊账号 MemberList.remove(Member) elif Member['UserName'].find('@@') != -1: # 群聊 MemberList.remove(Member) elif Member['UserName'] == My['UserName']: # 自己 MemberList.remove(Member) return MemberList def createChatroom(UserNames): MemberList = [{'UserName': UserName} for UserName in UserNames] url = base_uri + \ '/webwxcreatechatroom?pass_ticket=%s&r=%s' % ( pass_ticket, int(time.time())) params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest, 'MemberCount': len(MemberList), 'MemberList': MemberList, 'Topic': '', } request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.dumps(params)) request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) dic = json.loads(data) ChatRoomName = dic['ChatRoomName'] MemberList = dic['MemberList'] DeletedList = [] BlockedList = [] for Member in MemberList: if Member['MemberStatus'] == 4: # 被对方删除了 DeletedList.append(Member['UserName']) elif Member['MemberStatus'] == 3: # 被加入黑名单 BlockedList.append(Member['UserName']) state = responseState('createChatroom', dic['BaseResponse']) return ChatRoomName, DeletedList, BlockedList def deleteMember(ChatRoomName, UserNames): url = base_uri + \ '/webwxupdatechatroom?fun=delmember&pass_ticket=%s' % (pass_ticket) params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest, 'ChatRoomName': ChatRoomName, 'DelMemberList': ','.join(UserNames), } request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.dumps(params)) request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) dic = json.loads(data) state = responseState('deleteMember', dic['BaseResponse']) return state def addMember(ChatRoomName, UserNames): url = base_uri + \ '/webwxupdatechatroom?fun=addmember&pass_ticket=%s' % (pass_ticket) params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest, 'ChatRoomName': ChatRoomName, 'AddMemberList': ','.join(UserNames), } request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.dumps(params)) request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) dic = json.loads(data) MemberList = dic['MemberList'] DeletedList = [] BlockedList = [] for Member in MemberList: if Member['MemberStatus'] == 4: # 被对方删除了 DeletedList.append(Member['UserName']) elif Member['MemberStatus'] == 3: # 被加入黑名单 BlockedList.append(Member['UserName']) state = responseState('addMember', dic['BaseResponse']) return DeletedList, BlockedList def syncKey(): SyncKeyItems = ['%s_%s' % (item['Key'], item['Val']) for item in SyncKey['List']] SyncKeyStr = '|'.join(SyncKeyItems) return SyncKeyStr def syncCheck(): url = push_uri + '/synccheck?' params = { 'skey': BaseRequest['Skey'], 'sid': BaseRequest['Sid'], 'uin': BaseRequest['Uin'], 'deviceId': BaseRequest['DeviceID'], 'synckey': syncKey(), 'r': int(time.time()), } request = getRequest(url=url + urlencode(params)) response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) # window.synccheck={retcode:"0",selector:"2"} regx = r'window.synccheck={retcode:"(\d+)",selector:"(\d+)"}' pm =, data) retcode = selector = return selector def webwxsync(): global SyncKey url = base_uri + '/webwxsync?lang=zh_CN&skey=%s&sid=%s&pass_ticket=%s' % ( BaseRequest['Skey'], BaseRequest['Sid'], quote_plus(pass_ticket)) params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest, 'SyncKey': SyncKey, 'rr': ~int(time.time()), } request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.dumps(params)) request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request) data ='utf-8', 'replace') # print(data) dic = json.loads(data) SyncKey = dic['SyncKey'] state = responseState('webwxsync', dic['BaseResponse']) return state def heartBeatLoop(): while True: selector = syncCheck() if selector != '0': webwxsync() time.sleep(1) def main(): try: ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context opener = wdf_urllib.build_opener( wdf_urllib.HTTPCookieProcessor(CookieJar())) opener.addheaders = [ ('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.125 Safari/537.36')] wdf_urllib.install_opener(opener) except: pass if not getUUID(): print('获取uuid失败') return print('正在获取二维码图片...') showQRImage() time.sleep(1) while waitForLogin() != '200': pass os.remove(QRImagePath) if not login(): print('登录失败') return if not webwxinit(): print('初始化失败') return MemberList = webwxgetcontact() print('开启心跳线程') thread.start_new_thread(heartBeatLoop, ()) MemberCount = len(MemberList) print('通讯录共%s位好友' % MemberCount) ChatRoomName = '' result = [] d = {} for Member in MemberList: d[Member['UserName']] = (Member['NickName'].encode( 'utf-8'), Member['RemarkName'].encode('utf-8')) print('开始查找...') group_num = int(math.ceil(MemberCount / float(MAX_GROUP_NUM))) for i in range(0, group_num): UserNames = [] for j in range(0, MAX_GROUP_NUM): if i * MAX_GROUP_NUM + j >= MemberCount: break Member = MemberList[i * MAX_GROUP_NUM + j] UserNames.append(Member['UserName']) # 新建群组/添加成员 if ChatRoomName == '': (ChatRoomName, DeletedList, BlockedList) = createChatroom( UserNames) else: (DeletedList, BlockedList) = addMember(ChatRoomName, UserNames) # todo BlockedList 被拉黑列表 DeletedCount = len(DeletedList) if DeletedCount > 0: result += DeletedList # 删除成员 deleteMember(ChatRoomName, UserNames) # 进度条 progress = MAX_PROGRESS_LEN * (i + 1) / group_num print('[', '#' * progress, '-' * (MAX_PROGRESS_LEN - progress), ']', end=' ') print('新发现你被%d人删除' % DeletedCount) for i in range(DeletedCount): if d[DeletedList[i]][1] != '': print(d[DeletedList[i]][0] + '(%s)' % d[DeletedList[i]][1]) else: print(d[DeletedList[i]][0]) if i != group_num - 1: print('正在继续查找,请耐心等待...') # 下一次进行接口调用需要等待的时间 time.sleep(INTERFACE_CALLING_INTERVAL) # todo 删除群组 print('\n结果汇总完毕,20s后可重试...') resultNames = [] for r in result: if d[r][1] != '': resultNames.append(d[r][0] + '(%s)' % d[r][1]) else: resultNames.append(d[r][0]) print('---------- 被删除的好友列表(共%d人) ----------' % len(result)) # 过滤emoji resultNames = map(lambda x: re.sub(r'<span.+/span>', '', x), resultNames) if len(resultNames): print('\n'.join(resultNames)) else: print("无") print('---------------------------------------------') # windows下编码问题修复 # // class UnicodeStreamFilter: def init(self, target): = target self.encoding = 'utf-8' self.errors = 'replace' self.encode_to = def write(self, s): if type(s) == str: s = s.decode('utf-8') s = s.encode(self.encode_to, self.errors).decode(self.encode_to) if sys.stdout.encoding == 'cp936': sys.stdout = UnicodeStreamFilter(sys.stdout) if name == 'main': print('本程序的查询结果可能会引起一些心理上的不适,请小心使用...') main() print('回车键退出...')
The above is based on Python to implement WeChat search to see who has deleted you. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
The above is the detailed content of Use Python to check WeChat friends and delete you through WeChat search function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!