Write an XML operation class, including read/insert/modify/delete.
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Xml; namespace PuTianCheng { ////// XmlHelper 的摘要说明 /// public class XmlHelper { public XmlHelper() { } ////// 读取数据 /// /// 路径 /// 节点 /// 属性名,非空时返回该属性值,否则返回串联值 ///string /************************************************** * 使用示列: * XmlHelper.Read(path, "/Node", "") * XmlHelper.Read(path, "/Node/Element[@Attribute='Name']", "Attribute") ************************************************/ public static string Read(string path, string node, string attribute) { string value = ""; try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(node); value = (attribute.Equals("") ? xn.InnerText : xn.Attributes[attribute].Value); } catch { } return value; } ////// 插入数据 /// /// 路径 /// 节点 /// 元素名,非空时插入新元素,否则在该元素中插入属性 /// 属性名,非空时插入该元素属性值,否则插入元素值 /// 值 ////************************************************** * 使用示列: * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "Element", "", "Value") * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "Element", "Attribute", "Value") * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "", "Attribute", "Value") ************************************************/ public static void Insert(string path, string node, string element, string attribute, string value) { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(node); if (element.Equals("")) { if (!attribute.Equals("")) { XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn; xe.SetAttribute(attribute, value); } } else { XmlElement xe = doc.CreateElement(element); if (attribute.Equals("")) xe.InnerText = value; else xe.SetAttribute(attribute, value); xn.AppendChild(xe); } doc.Save(path); } catch { } } /// /// 修改数据 /// /// 路径 /// 节点 /// 属性名,非空时修改该节点属性值,否则修改节点值 /// 值 ////************************************************** * 使用示列: * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "", "Value") * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "Attribute", "Value") ************************************************/ public static void Update(string path, string node, string attribute, string value) { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(node); XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn; if (attribute.Equals("")) xe.InnerText = value; else xe.SetAttribute(attribute, value); doc.Save(path); } catch { } } /// /// 删除数据 /// /// 路径 /// 节点 /// 属性名,非空时删除该节点属性值,否则删除节点值 /// 值 ////************************************************** * 使用示列: * XmlHelper.Delete(path, "/Node", "") * XmlHelper.Delete(path, "/Node", "Attribute") ************************************************/ public static void Delete(string path, string node, string attribute) { try { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(path); XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(node); XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn; if (attribute.Equals("")) xn.ParentNode.RemoveChild(xn); else xe.RemoveAttribute(attribute); doc.Save(path); } catch { } } } }
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string xml = Server.MapPath("XmlFile.xml"); //插入元素 //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root", "Studio", "", ""); //插入元素/属性 //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio", "Site", "Name", "小路工作室"); //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio", "Site", "Name", "丁香鱼工作室"); //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio", "Site", "Name", "五月软件"); //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='五月软件]", "Master", "", "五月"); //插入属性 //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='小路工作室']", "", "Url", "http://www.wzlu.com/"); //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='丁香鱼工作室']", "", "Url", "http://www.luckfish.net/"); //XmlHelper.Insert(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='五月软件]", "", "Url", "http://www.vs2005.com.cn/"); //修改元素值 //XmlHelper.Update(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='五月软件]/Master", "", "Wuyue"); //修改属性值 //XmlHelper.Update(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='五月软件]", "Url", "http://www.vs2005.com.cn/"); //XmlHelper.Update(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='五月软件]", "Name", "MaySoft"); //读取元素值 //Response.Write("" + XmlHelper.Read(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site/Master", "") + "
"); //读取属性值 //Response.Write("" + XmlHelper.Read(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site", "Url") + "
"); //读取特定属性值 //Response.Write("" + XmlHelper.Read(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='丁香鱼工作室']", "Url") + "
"); //删除属性 //XmlHelper.Delete(xml, "/Root/Studio/Site[@Name='小路工作室']", "Url"); //删除元素 //XmlHelper.Delete(xml, "/Root/Studio", "");
The above is the C#-XML operation class For detailed code examples, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (m.sbmmt.com) for more related content!