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Save a picture in the form of a binary value into an xml file
try { int readByte = 0; // int bytesToRead = 100; //数据缓冲区大小 string fileName = "../../WriteXml.xml"; //要打开的文件 // this.textBox1.Text = string.Empty; // 打开图片文件,利用该图片构造一个文件流 FileStream fs = new FileStream("../../001.jpg",FileMode.Open); // 使用文件流构造一个二进制读取器将基元数据读作二进制值 BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); XmlTextWriter xmlTxtWt = new XmlTextWriter(fileName,Encoding.UTF8); //输出设置 代码缩进 xmlTxtWt.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; // xmlTxtWt.Indentation = 4; //书写声明 xmlTxtWt.WriteStartDocument(); xmlTxtWt.WriteStartElement("picture","ContactDetails","");//定义命名空间 xmlTxtWt.WriteStartElement("image"); //定义节点 xmlTxtWt.WriteAttributeString("imageName","002.jpg"); //添加图片属性 byte[] base64buffer = new byte[bytesToRead]; //开辟缓冲区 do { readByte = br.Read(base64buffer,0,bytesToRead); //将数据读入字节数组 xmlTxtWt.WriteBase64(base64buffer,0,readByte); //将数组中二进制值编码为Base64并写出到XML文件 }while(bytesToRead <= readByte); xmlTxtWt.WriteEndElement(); xmlTxtWt.WriteEndElement(); xmlTxtWt.WriteEndDocument(); // xmlTxtWt.Flush(); xmlTxtWt.Close(); MessageBox.Show("读写结束!"); // this.textBox1.Text = ReadXml(fileName); } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); }
The above is how to save a picture in the form of a binary value into an Xml file Content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website ( for more related content!