lufylegend.js engine has been updated to 1.6 or above, although I have released some tutorials one after another , and also provides some simple game examples, but I have never produced several complete works. In fact, my time is too limited. In the next time, I will use the lufylegend.js engine to develop several games as much as possible. This is a complete work to increase the persuasiveness of this engine. I hope friends who like HTML5 and game development can give me more opinions.
This time, let’s take a look at a classic push box game. I believe everyone knows this game. The push box game originated in Japan and is an extremely logical exercise game. A thinking game, boxes can only be pushed but not pulled. Players must put all the boxes back into place in a limited space, as shown in the picture below.
figure 1
This is developed by me using the latest version of lufylegend.js engine. If you want to challenge it, you can click on the game link below to see how many levels you can pass.
The game has a total of 6 levels. I added a ranking system to the game. After passing a level, you can upload your own results and compete with others, or you can reply to the article below with your experience of how to pass the level.
Okay, enough nonsense, now let’s take a look at how to make this game.
The following is the lufylegend-1.6.0 release I posted on my blog Post
Let’s get into the development step by step.
Let’s prepare a picture first,
Figure 2
#If we divide the above figure into 5 equal parts, then their serial numbers are 0,1,2,3,4.
We can use the above 5 small pictures to splice any room and the placement of boxes in the room.
For example, the example picture 1 at the beginning of my blog is a screenshot of the first level of the game. To draw this room, we must first know where these pictures should be placed. Prepare an array.
var stage01 = [ [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1,-1,-1], [-1,-1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] ];
The -1 above means not to place it, and then 0, 1, 4, etc. respectively correspond to the serial numbers in Figure 2.
It is simple to draw the room according to this array. See the function below
function drawFloor(x,y){ if(list[y][x] < 0)return; var bitmap = new LBitmap(bitmapDataList[list[y][x]]); bitmap.x = x*STEP; bitmap.y = y*STEP; boxLayer.addChild(bitmap); }
This list array is the stage01 array above, and the parameters x and y are respectively is the serial number of the column and row of the array, and STEP is the length of each small picture. To draw a small tile, I actually created an LBitmap object.
About LSprite, LBitmap and other objects are very commonly used objects in the lufylegend.js engine. For their usage, please refer to the official API documentation, or read some of my previous articles to learn more. No need to go into details here.
Of course, at the beginning, there must be a box in the room, and the initial position of the box also needs to be set in advance. We also create an array.
var box01 = [ {x:3,y:3}, {x:4,y:3}, {x:5,y:3}, {x:5,y:5}, {x:6,y:5}, {x:7,y:5} ];
The function for drawing boxes is as follows
function drawBox(){ var bitmap; for(var i=0;i<boxList[stageIndex].length;i++){ bitmap = new LBitmap(bitmapDataList[2]); bitmap.x = boxList[stageIndex][i].x*STEP; bitmap.y = boxList[stageIndex][i].y*STEP; boxLayer.addChild(bitmap); nowBoxList.push(bitmap); } }
Above, I also use the LBitmap object to display these boxes, and the nowBoxList array is used to store these boxes that have been loaded into the game interface. The box object is later used to determine whether the game is passed.
Because the 4 in the stage01 array indicates the position of the box that needs to be restored, when judging whether the game is passed, you only need to judge whether these positions coincide with the positions of all the boxes. Methods as below.
function checkBox(){ var bitmap,x,y,win=true; list = []; for(var i=0;i<stageList[stageIndex].length;i++){ list.push(stageList[stageIndex][i].join(",").split(",")); } for(var i=0;i<nowBoxList.length;i++){ bitmap = nowBoxList[i]; x = bitmap.x / STEP; y = bitmap.y / STEP; if(list[y][x] == 4){ bitmap.bitmapData = bitmapDataList[3]; }else{ bitmap.bitmapData = bitmapDataList[2]; win = false; } list[y][x] += 10; } if(win)gameClearShow(); }
I intercepted the code directly from the program, so some new arrays and objects appeared.
if(list[y][x] == 4){ bitmap.bitmapData = bitmapDataList[3]; }else{ bitmap.bitmapData = bitmapDataList[2]; win = false; }
/** * 循环事件 * @param data 图片数据 * @param row 图片分割行数 * @param col 图片分割列数 **/ function Character(data,row,col){ base(this,LSprite,[]); var self = this; //设定人物动作速度 self.speed = 2; self.speedIndex = 0; //设定人物大小 data.setProperties(0,0,data.image.width/col,data.image.height/row); //得到人物图片拆分数组 var list = LGlobal.pideCoordinate(data.image.width,data.image.height,row,col); //设定人物动画 self.anime = new LAnimation(this,data,list); //设定不移动 self.move = false; //在一个移动步长中的移动次数设定 self.moveIndex = 0; };
/** * 开始移动 **/ Character.prototype.onmove = function (){ var self = this; //设定一个移动步长中的移动次数 var ml_cnt = 4; //计算一次移动的长度 var ml = STEP/ml_cnt; //根据移动方向,开始移动 switch (self.direction){ case UP: self.y -= ml; if(box)box.y -= ml; break; case LEFT: self.x -= ml; if(box)box.x -= ml; break; case RIGHT: self.x += ml; if(box)box.x += ml; break; case DOWN: self.y += ml; if(box)box.y += ml; break; } self.moveIndex++; //当移动次数等于设定的次数,开始判断是否继续移动 if(self.moveIndex >= ml_cnt){ self.moveIndex = 0; box = null; self.move = false; checkBox(); } };
Character.prototype.checkRoad = function (dir){ var self = this; var tox,toy; //开始计算移动目的地的坐标 switch (dir){ case UP: tox = 0; toy = -1; break; case LEFT: tox = -1; toy = 0; break; case RIGHT: tox = 1; toy = 0; break; case DOWN: tox = 0; toy = 1; break; } if(list[self.y/STEP + toy][self.x/STEP + tox]==1)return false; if(list[self.y/STEP + toy][self.x/STEP + tox]>4){ if(list[self.y/STEP + toy*2][self.x/STEP + tox*2]==1 || list[self.y/STEP + toy*2][self.x/STEP + tox*2]>4)return false; box = getBox(self.x + tox*STEP,self.y + toy*STEP); } return true; };
/** * 改变人物方向,并判断是否可移动 **/ Character.prototype.changeDir = function (dir){ var self = this; if(self.move)return; self.direction = dir; self.anime.setAction(dir); if(!self.checkRoad(dir))return; self.move = true; steps.text = parseInt(steps.text) + 1; };
function onCtrl(event){ var ctrlSize = 60; if(event.selfX >= ctrlSize && event.selfX <= ctrlSize*2){ if(event.selfY >= 0 && event.selfY <= ctrlSize){ player.changeDir(UP); }else if(event.selfY >= ctrlSize*2 && event.selfY <= ctrlSize*3){ player.changeDir(DOWN); } }else if(event.selfY >= ctrlSize && event.selfY <= ctrlSize*2){ if(event.selfX >= 0 && event.selfX <= ctrlSize){ player.changeDir(LEFT); }else if(event.selfX >= ctrlSize*2 && event.selfX <= ctrlSize*3){ player.changeDir(RIGHT); } } }
function GameLogo(){ base(this,LSprite,[]); var self = this; var logolist = [[1,1,1,1],[1,2,4,1],[1,4,2,1],[1,1,1,1]]; var bitmap,logoLayer; logoLayer = new LSprite();,"#FF7F50",[0,0,LGlobal.width,LGlobal.height],true,"#FFDAB9"); self.addChild(logoLayer); logoLayer = new LSprite(); logoLayer.x = 50; logoLayer.y = 50; for(var i=0;i<logolist.length;i++){ for(var j=0;j<logolist.length;j++){ bitmap = new LBitmap(bitmapDataList[logolist[i][j]]); bitmap.x = j*STEP; bitmap.y = i*STEP; logoLayer.addChild(bitmap); } } bitmap = new LBitmap(new LBitmapData(imglist["player"],0,0,STEP,STEP)); bitmap.x = STEP; bitmap.y = 2*STEP; logoLayer.addChild(bitmap); self.addChild(logoLayer); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.rotate = -20; labelText.color = "#4B0082"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 100; labelText.x = 300; labelText.y = 50; labelText.stroke = true; labelText.lineWidth = 4; labelText.text = "推"; self.addChild(labelText); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#4B0082"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 100; labelText.x = 450; labelText.y = 60; labelText.stroke = true; labelText.lineWidth = 4; labelText.text = "箱"; self.addChild(labelText); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.rotate = 20; labelText.color = "#4B0082"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 100; labelText.x = 600; labelText.y = 60; labelText.stroke = true; labelText.lineWidth = 4; labelText.text = "子"; self.addChild(labelText); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#B22222"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 40; labelText.x = 100; labelText.y = 250; labelText.stroke = true; labelText.lineWidth = 4; labelText.text = "Click to Start Game !!"; self.addChild(labelText); var social = new Social(); social.x = 220; social.y = 330; self.addChild(social); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 14; labelText.x = 400; labelText.y = 390; labelText.text = "- Html5 Game Engine lufylegend.js"; self.addChild(labelText); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#006400"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 14; labelText.x = 400; labelText.y = 410; labelText.text = ""; self.addChild(labelText); self.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,menuShow); };
function GameMenu(){ base(this,LSprite,[]); var self = this; var menuLayer; menuLayer = new LSprite();,"#ADD8E6",[0,0,LGlobal.width,LGlobal.height],true,"#E6E6FA"); self.addChild(menuLayer); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#B22222"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 40; labelText.x = 200; labelText.y = 30; labelText.stroke = true; labelText.lineWidth = 4; labelText.text = "Please select !!"; menuLayer.addChild(labelText); for(var i=0;i<stageMenu.length;i++){ self.stageVsMenu(stageMenu[i]); } }; GameMenu.prototype.stageVsMenu = function(obj){ var self = this; var menuButton,btn_up; if({ btn_up = new LSprite();,"#000",[0,0,150,90],true,"#191970"); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 20; labelText.x = 40; labelText.y = 5; btn_up.addChild(labelText) labelText.text = "第"+(obj.index+1)+"关"; labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 12; labelText.x = 10; labelText.y = 40; btn_up.addChild(labelText) labelText.text = "step:"+obj.step; labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 12; labelText.x = 10; labelText.y = 60; btn_up.addChild(labelText) labelText.text = "times:"+obj.times; var btn_down = new LSprite();,"#000",[0,0,150,90],true,"#2F4F4F"); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 20; labelText.x = 40; labelText.y = 5; labelText.text = "第"+(obj.index+1)+"关"; btn_down.addChild(labelText); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 12; labelText.x = 10; labelText.y = 40; btn_down.addChild(labelText) labelText.text = "step:"+obj.step; labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 12; labelText.x = 10; labelText.y = 60; btn_down.addChild(labelText) labelText.text = "times:"+obj.times; menuButton = new LButton(btn_up,btn_down); menuButton.obj = obj; menuButton.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,function(event,self){ gameStart(self.obj.index); }); }else{ btn_up = new LSprite();,"#000",[0,0,150,90],true,"#708090"); labelText = new LTextField(); labelText.color = "#ffffff"; labelText.font = "HG行書体"; labelText.size = 20; labelText.x = 40; labelText.y = 5; btn_up.addChild(labelText) labelText.text = "???"; menuButton = btn_up; }; self.addChild(menuButton); menuButton.x = obj.x * 220 + 100; menuButton.y = obj.y * 140 + 130; }