This time I will talk about how to use the lufylegend.js engine to create an HTML5 game and then convert it into an android localized App application. The conversion process is actually very simple. Let’s do it step by step. illustrate.
First of all, let’s develop a game similar to Duel. However, the gameplay of this game is original. Any similarity is purely coincidental. The game The interface is as follows.
## Game operation: Swipe the screen up, down, left and right to operate the gems to move in different directions.
Game rules: When there are three identical gems adjacent to each other, they will be eliminated. The gems that have been eliminated once will become translucent. When all gems have been eliminated once, the next step will be entered. One level.
Game test connection: starts
1. PreparationFirst, you need to download the lufylegend.js engine. The following is my lufylegend-1.7.0 post on the blog, game developmentLLoadManage static has been extended in engine lufylegend1.7.0 Class, you can read images, js files and text files. Let’s experience this new function in this game development. First look at the following array
Code List 1
var loadData = [ {path:"../jquery.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/share.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Social.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/GameRanking.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/GameLogo.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/GameClear.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Gem.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Stage.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Clock.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Point.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/GetPoint.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Bullet.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/Event.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/function.js",type:"js"}, {path:"./js/GameBody.js",type:"js"}, {name:"num.+",path:"./images/plus.png"}, {name:"num.0",path:"./images/0.png"}, {name:"num.1",path:"./images/1.png"}, {name:"num.2",path:"./images/2.png"}, {name:"num.3",path:"./images/3.png"}, {name:"num.4",path:"./images/4.png"}, {name:"num.5",path:"./images/5.png"}, {name:"num.6",path:"./images/6.png"}, {name:"num.7",path:"./images/7.png"}, {name:"num.8",path:"./images/8.png"}, {name:"num.9",path:"./images/9.png"}, {name:"back",path:"./images/back.png"}, {name:"line",path:"./images/line.png"}, {name:"clear",path:"./images/clear.png"}, {name:"gem01",path:"./images/gem01.png"}, {name:"gem02",path:"./images/gem02.png"}, {name:"gem03",path:"./images/gem03.png"}, {name:"gem04",path:"./images/gem04.png"}, {name:"gem05",path:"./images/gem05.png"}, {name:"gem06",path:"./images/gem06.png"}, {name:"gem07",path:"./images/gem07.png"}, {name:"gem08",path:"./images/gem08.png"}, {name:"gem09",path:"./images/gem09.png"}, {name:"ico_sina",path:"./images/ico_sina.gif"}, {name:"ico_qq",path:"./images/ico_qq.gif"}, {name:"ico_facebook",path:"./images/ico_facebook.png"}, {name:"ico_twitter",path:"./images/ico_twitter.png"} ];
Add the required js files and image files to the array. If the file you need to load is a js file, you need to specify the type as js. If the file to be loaded is an image, the type can be omitted. set up.
The reading process is exactly the same as before
Code List 2function main(){ loadingLayer = new LoadingSample3(); addChild(loadingLayer); LLoadManage.load( loadData, function(progress){ loadingLayer.setProgress(progress); }, function(result){ LGlobal.setDebug(true); datalist = result; removeChild(loadingLayer); loadingLayer = null; gameInit(); } ); }
Let’s add 64 gems in 8 rows, 8 columns, to the game. The specific method is as follows
Code List 3function addGem(){ stage.setStage(stage.num + 1); gemLayer.removeAllChild(); list = []; //添加宝石 for(i=0;i<8;i++){ list.push([]); for(var j=0;j<8;j++){ num = (Math.random()*9 >>> 0)+1; g = new Gem(num); g.x = j*60; g.y = i*60+120; gemLayer.addChild(g); list[i].push(g); } } //检验可消除宝石 do{ clearList = checkClear(); if(clearList.length > 0){ for(i=0;i<clearList.length;i++){ g = clearList[i]; num = (Math.random()*9 >>> 0)+1; g.change(num); } } }while(clearList.length > 0); }
The Gem object in the above code is a gem class , the complete code is as follows
Code List 4function Gem(num){ var self = this; base(self,LSprite,[]); self.num = num; self.bitmap = new LBitmap(new LBitmapData(datalist["gem0"+num])); self.bitmap.x=self.bitmap.y=10; self.addChild(self.bitmap); } Gem.prototype.change = function (num){ var self = this; self.num = num; self.bitmap.bitmapData = new LBitmapData(datalist["gem0"+num]); }
The Gem class inherits from LSprite and contains an LBitmap object internally to display gem pictures.
The checkClear function is called in Code Listing 3 to check whether there are gems that can be eliminated. The detection method is to first perform a horizontal search and then perform a vertical search.
Code List 5clearList = []; //横向检索 for(i=0;i<8;i++){ checkList = [list[i][0]]; for(j=1;j<8;j++){ if(checkList[checkList.length - 1].num == list[i][j].num){ checkList.push(list[i][j]); }else{ clearList = addClearList(clearList,checkList); checkList = [list[i][j]]; } } clearList = addClearList(clearList,checkList); } //纵向检索 for(i=0;i<8;i++){ checkList = [list[0][i]]; for(j=1;j<8;j++){ if(checkList[checkList.length - 1].num == list[j][i].num){ checkList.push(list[j][i]); }else{ clearList = addClearList(clearList,checkList); checkList = [list[j][i]]; } } clearList = addClearList(clearList,checkList); }
The addClearList function is to push the eliminable gems into the clearList array. The method is as follows
function addClearList(clearList,checkList){ if(checkList.length >= 3){ clearList = clearList.concat(checkList) } return clearList; }
The game operation requires swiping the screen, but in the lufylegend.js engine, there is no event for swiping the screen, so I obtain it through MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_UP below The position when and after the click is used to simulate a swipe event.
backLayer.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,onDown); backLayer.addEventListener(LMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,onUp);
function onDown(e){ if(mouse_down_obj.isMouseDown)return; continuous = 0; mouse_down_obj.x = e.offsetX; mouse_down_obj.y = e.offsetY; mouse_down_obj.time = new Date().getTime(); = e.offsetX/60 >>> 0; = (e.offsetY - 120)/60 >>> 0; mouse_down_obj.isMouseDown = true; list[][].graphics.drawRect(1,"black",[0, 0, 60, 60],true,"#000000"); }
Get the click position through e.offsetX and e.offsetY, and get the time of the click moment through getTime().
Let’s take a look at the onUp function.
Code List 9function onUp(e){ list[][].graphics.clear(); if(new Date().getTime() - mouse_down_obj.time > 500){ mouse_down_obj.isMouseDown = false; return; } var mx = e.offsetX - mouse_down_obj.x; var my = e.offsetY - mouse_down_obj.y; if(Math.abs(mx) > Math.abs(my)){ if(mx > 50){ move("right"); return; }else if(mx < -50){ move("left"); return; } }else{ if(my > 50){ move("down"); return; }else if(my < -50){ move("up"); return; } } mouse_down_obj.isMouseDown = false; }
The function uses the same method to obtain the position and time when the click ends, then compares it with the click time, and finally calculates the direction of the stroke , and then call the move function according to the direction of the stroke to make the gem move. The move function is as follows:
function move(dir){ direction = dir; var m = moveGem(dir,8); var mx = m[0],my = m[1]; var obj,fun; for(var i=0;i<8;i++){ if(mx == 0){ obj = list[i][]; }else{ obj = list[][i]; } if(i < 7){ fun = null; }else{ fun = function(){ hiddenObj.visible = true; checkClear(); }; },0.3, { x:obj.x+mx, y:obj.y+my, onComplete:fun, ease:Strong.easeOut }); } }
The following uses moving to the right as an example to illustrate the move function. The processing process is as follows
First move the leftmost gem H to the far left, and then use the LTweenLite easing class to move the entire row of 8 gems, easing one unit to the right. It's just the opposite if you go to the left, and the same principle applies to going up and down.
Every time easing ends, the checkClear function must be called to determine whether there are gems that can be eliminated. If there are gems, start eliminating gems. How to eliminate gems?
I still use swiping to the right as an example. Look at the picture below. Assume that D1, D2, and D3 can be eliminated, and E4, F4, and G4 can be eliminated.
function moveList(){ var gem,time,maxTime,mx,my,fun; maxTime = 0; switch(direction){ case "left": for(i=0;i<8;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ gem = list[i][j]; mx = 60*j; if(gem.x > mx){ time = 0.3*((gem.x-mx) / 60 >>> 0); if(maxTime < time)maxTime = time; fun = null; if(gem.x > 420){ fun = function(gem){ if(gem.x <= 420)gem.visible = true; } },time, { x:mx, onUpdate:fun, onComplete:fun, ease:Strong.easeOut }); } } } break; case "right": for(i=0;i<8;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ gem = list[i][j]; mx = 60*j; if(gem.x < mx){ time = 0.3*((mx-gem.x) / 60 >>> 0); if(maxTime < time)maxTime = time; fun = null; if(gem.x < 0){ fun = function(gem){ if(gem.x >= 0)gem.visible = true; } },time, { x:mx, onUpdate:fun, onComplete:fun, ease:Strong.easeOut }); } } } break; case "up": for(i=0;i<8;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ gem = list[j][i]; my = 120+60*j; if(gem.y > my){ time = 0.3*((gem.y-my) / 60 >>> 0); if(maxTime < time)maxTime = time; fun = null; if(gem.y > 560){ fun = function(gem){ if(gem.y <= 560)gem.visible = true; } },time, { y:my, onUpdate:fun, onComplete:fun, ease:Strong.easeOut }); } } } break; case "down": for(i=0;i<8;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ gem = list[j][i]; my = 120+60*j; if(gem.y < my){ time = 0.3*((my-gem.y) / 60 >>> 0); if(maxTime < time)maxTime = time; fun = null; if(gem.y < 120){ fun = function(gem){ if(gem.y >= 120)gem.visible = true; } },time, { y:my, onUpdate:fun, onComplete:fun, ease:Strong.easeOut }); } } } break; }{},maxTime*1.5, { onComplete:checkStageClear, ease:Strong.easeOut }); }
function Clock(){ var self = this; base(self,LSprite,[]); self.timer = 0; self.addTimer = 0.05;,"#333333",[0,0,70,0,2*Math.PI]); } Clock.prototype.onframe = function (){ var self = this; self.timer += self.addTimer;;,"#333333",[0,0,70,0,2*Math.PI]);,"#ffffff",[0,0,70,-Math.PI*0.5,Math.PI*self.timer/180-Math.PI*0.5]); }
首先,用Eclipse新建一个Android Project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical" > <WebView android:id="@+id/webView1" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> </LinearLayout>
public class Main extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); WebView webview = (WebView )findViewById(; webview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webview.setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(true); webview.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html"); } }