In daily life, we often use generics, but generic data sometimes reports some inexplicable errors, and some syntax such as wildcards and the actual operation method of generics in the virtual machine are also worth studying. , today we will discuss generics together.
Before Java added generics, inheritance was used to handle programs that now use generic operations.
ArrayList files = new ArrayList();String filename = (String) files.get(0); ArrayList<String> files2 = new ArrayList<>(); //后一个尖括号中的内容可以省略,在1.7之后String filename2= files2.get(0);String addname = "addname"; files2.add(addname); //在add函数调用之时,ArrayList泛型会自动检测add的内容是不是String类型 files2.add(true); //报错 The method add(String) in the type ArrayList<String> is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)
For example, the ArrayList class only maintains an array of Object references. Type conversion is required when obtaining the value (the first two lines above), and there is no guarantee when passing in content. With generics, this data structure becomes convenient, readable and safe. We can see at a glance that the type stored in the ArrayList
In addition, one thing I want to point out is that there are no errors in the first two lines of the above code. Because in ArrayList, it is okay not to use <>. There are still many restrictions on generic classes. When necessary, the ArrayList class is also used.
Let’s take a simple generic class directly:
public class Pair<T> { private T first; private T second; public Pair() { first = null; second = null; } public Pair(T first, T second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } public T getFirst() { return first; } public void setFirst(T first) { this.first = first; } public T getSecond() { return second; } public void setSecond(T second) { this.second = second; } }
In fact, a generic class can be regarded as an ordinary class Factory, just replace T with the type we need. Then for situations where two types are required, we only need to write Pair
The above example is too simple and cannot do any substantial work, so please think about this question. If we add a function to the above generic class:
public T min(T[] array) {...}//返回传入数组中的最小值
So at this time, if we want to implement this function, we must at least ensure that T type objects can be compared in size. How to detect this situation? In fact, we can solve this problem by setting limits on the type variable T.
public <T extends Comparable>T min(T[] array){...}//T如果没有实现compare方法则报错不执行min函数
<T extends Comparable>
You can probably guess the meaning, which is that the type variable T is required to inherit the Comparable interface. Now the generic min method can only be called by arrays of classes that implement the Comparable interface (such as String, Date...), and other classes will generate a compilation error.
Same, there can also be multiple restrictions: <T, U extends Comparable&Serializable>
are also allowed. Commas are used to separate type variables, and & is used to separate qualified types.
In fact, Comparable itself is a generic interface. In order for the above content to be easily understood, we pretend to be confused and think that it is not a generic interface. But it should be noted that the actual correct way to write the above is:
> instead of <T extends Comparable>
Generics defined in a generic class are valid in the entire class. That is to say, after the object of the generic class determines the specific type to be operated, all the types to be operated are already fixed. For example, ArrayList
public <T> T getMid(T[] array){ return array[array.length/2]; }
For example, in the getMid function above, adding <T>
in front of the return value T turns it into a generic method. Please note that it is in a ordinary class, and generic methods do not necessarily have to exist in generic classes. The following is an example of calling a generic method. When calling a generic method, the compiler will infer the called method based on the following type, so there is no need to explicitly indicate what type T is:
String mid = ArrayAlg.getMid("Jone" , "Q" , "Peter"); //okdouble mid2 = ArrayAlg.getMid(3.14 , 25.9 , 20); //error,编译器会把20自动打包成Integer类型,而其他打包成Double类型,我们尽量不要让这种错误发生
In ordinary classes, we can flexibly call different type parameters through the above generic methods. In generic classes, do we need such flexible generic methods? I think it's not needed. We provide type parameters for generic classes. In fact, we rarely use other types in one type. If we must use them, we generally use the method of multiple type parameters such as Pair
So what is the use of generic methods in generic classes? We can use generic methods in generic classes to limit generic variables. For example, the <T extends Comparable>
T method we mentioned above can only be used by T with the Comparable interface. Otherwise something will go wrong.
@SuppressWarnings("hiding") public static <T extends Comparable<?> & Serializable> T min(T[] array) {...}
public class Pair { private Object first; private Object second; public Pair() { first = null; second = null; } public Pair(Object first, Object second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } public Object getFirst() { return first; } public void setFirst(Object first) { this.first = first; } public Object getSecond() { return second; } public void setSecond(Object second) { this.second = second; } }
public class Pair { private Compararble first; private Compararble second; public Pair() { first = null; second = null; } public Pair(Compararble first, Compararble second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } public Compararble getFirst() { return first; } public void setFirst(Compararble first) { this.first = first; } public Compararble getSecond() { return second; } public void setSecond(Compararble second) { this.second = second; } }
Pair<String> a = ...; String b = a.getFirst();//编译器强制将a.getFirst()的Object类型的结果转换为String类型
- 对原始方法Pair.getFirst的调用。
- 将返回的Object类型强制转换为String类型。
//----------------类A擦除前----------------------class A extends Pair<Date>{ public void setSecond(Date second){...} }//----------------类A擦除后----------------------class A extends Pair{ public void setSecond(Date second){...} }
public Class Pair{ public void setSecond(Object second){...} }
A a = new A();Pair<Date> pair = a;pair.setSecond(new Date()); //当pair去调用setSecond函数时,有两个不一样的setSecond函数可以被调用,一个是父类中参数为Object的,一个是子类中参数为Date的。
//------------桥方法-------------- public void setSecond(Object second){ setSecond((Date)second); }
有的时候两个类间有继承关系,但是分别作为泛型类型变量之后就没了关系,在函数调用和返回值的时候,这种不互通尤为让人头痛。好在通配符的上下界限定类型为我们安全的解决了这个难题。 ? super A
的意思是“?是A类型的父类型”,? extends A
public static void printA (Pair<? super A> p) {...} //ok public static void printA (Pair<? extends A> p) {...} //error public static Pair<? extends A> printA () {...} //ok public static Pair<? super A> printA () {...} //error
public static boolean hasNulls(Pair<?>){...}
参数化的类型数组是不能被创建的。我们完全可以用多个泛型嵌套来避免这种情况的发生,如果创建了泛型数组,擦除之后类型会变成Object[ ],如果有一个类型参数不同的泛型存入这个数组时,因为都被擦除成Object,所以不会报错,导致了错误的发生。需要说明的是,只是不允许创建这些数组,而声明类型为Pair
if(a instanceof Pair<String>) //只能测试a是否是任意类型的一个Pair Pair<String> sp = ...; sp.getClass(); //获得的也是Pair(原始类型)
public Pair() { this.first = new T();//错误,类型擦除后T变成Object,new Object()肯定不是想要的 this.first = T.class.newInstance();//错误,T.class是不合法的写法}
? t = p.getA(); //error