When we want to process a string of data, compared to arrays and pointers in c++ and c, in Java we more commonly use collection data structures such as ArrayList and HashMap. The C language's support for pointers contributes to its depth, while the variety of wrapper classes in Java contributes to its breadth. In Java, we generally classify data structures such as List, Map, and Set as collection data structures. These classes all exist in Collection Class Library.
from other data structure libraries Similarly, Java's collection class library also adopts this method of separation of interface and implementation.
The benefits of this method are self-evident. When you instantiate a queue, if you want to choose a chain structure or a loop array or a different implementation method, just reference a different implementation class for the collection interface.
Queue<String> qe1 = new LinkedList<>(); //LinkedList是链表实现队列Queue<String> qe2 = new ArrayDeque<>(); //ArrayDeque是循环数组实现队列
is also the implementation class of Queue, but in a different way.
In the collection class library, the most basic interface is the Collection interface.
The Collection interface can be understood as the root of the tree in the collection class library, from which all other classes evolve. Because Colleaction is a generic interface, the designer of the Java class library added many methods to this generic interface, and all implementation classes must implement these methods.
int size() //返回此 collection 中的元素数。 //如果此 collection 包含的元素大于 Integer.MAX_VALUE,则返回 Integer.MAX_VALUE。boolean isEmpty() //如果此 collection 不包含元素,则返回 true。 boolean contains(Object o) //当且仅当此 collection 至少包含一个满足 (o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)) 的元素 e 时,返回 true。 Iterator<E> iterator() //返回在此 collection 的元素上进行迭代的迭代器。//关于元素返回的顺序没有任何保证,除非此 collection 是某个能提供保证顺序的类实例。 Object[] toArray() //返回包含此 collection 中所有元素的数组。//如果 collection 对其迭代器返回的元素顺序做出了某些保证,那么此方法必须以相同的顺序返回这些元素。 //返回的数组将是“安全的”,因为此 collection 并不维护对返回数组的任何引用。//调用者可以随意修改返回的数组。 //此方法充当了基于数组的 API 与基于 collection 的 API 之间的桥梁。 boolean add(E e) //确保此 collection 包含指定的元素。如果此 collection 由于调用而发生更改,则返回 true。 //如果此 collection 不允许有重复元素,并且已经包含了指定的元素,则返回 false。boolean remove(Object o) //如果此 collection 包含一个或多个满足 (o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)) 的元素 e,则移除这样的元素。 //如果此 collection 包含指定的元素(或者此 collection 由于调用而发生更改),则返回 true 。 boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) //如果此 collection 包含指定 collection 中的所有元素,则返回 true。 boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) //将指定 collection 中的所有元素都添加到此 collection 中。 //如果在进行此操作的同时修改指定的 collection,那么此操作行为是不确定的。boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) //移除此 collection 中那些也包含在指定 collection 中的所有元素。 //此调用返回后,collection 中将不包含任何与指定 collection 相同的元素。 void clear() //移除此 collection 中的所有元素。boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) //仅保留此 collection 中那些也包含在指定 collection 的元素。 //移除此 collection 中未包含在指定 collection 中的所有元素。
The above methods will appear in all collection data structures. Remember their role. No matter which data structure it is, there is nothing wrong as long as you call them. In addition, I really have to admire the level of Java API writers. The introduction of method functions is watertight in the least language. This super generalization shows the high level. Especially the judgment method in remove is simple and beautiful in writing, including the existence of null. It is really worth learning. (Specially, the table is not implemented from the Collection interface, but the Map interface)
While creating the Collection interface, the collection class library also The Iterator interface is created. The object of this interface is an iterator, which will traverse all the elements in the collection in sequence. At the beginning, if the collection is ordered, the iterator object returned through the iterator method of the Collection interface will be at the starting position of the collection.
Iterator<Integer> it = new Iterator<>(); Iterator<Integer> it = queue.iterator(); //通过队列中实现的iterator方法返回迭代器
The Iterator object works by treating each object in the collection as a block, and it jumps between these blocks. At the beginning, it is in front of the first block (if it is an ordered set). If the next() method is called once, it will jump to the next block, and after the jump, it will return to the block in front of it. If you directly it.remove() at the beginning, an error will be reported, because the principle of remove is to delete the block before it, so you need to perform the next() operation first. In the same way, an error will be reported if you remove twice in a row.
Queue<Integer> qe1 = new LinkedList<>(); qe1.add(null); qe1.add(1); qe1.add(20); System.out.println(qe1);Iterator<Integer> it = qe1.iterator(); //-------------error-------------it.reomve(); //不能直接调用remove(),这时it没有跳过块,it之前没有内容 //------------------------------- //-------------error-------------it.next(); it.remove(); it.reomve(); //不能连续调用remove(),it之前的块已被删除,再调用报错 //------------------------------- //--------------ok---------------it.next(); it.remove(); it.next(); it.remove(); //-------------------------------System.out.println(qe1); //输出://[20]
One thing worth noting in the above example is that qe1.add(null);
is completely established. Basically all collections can explicitly pass null as an object (except special collections, such as PriorityQueue...etc.). In this way, we can also understand the following in the API:
if(o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e)) //如果集合中有和o相同的e
After arrays and dynamic ArrayList arrays have the problem of high cost of deleting nodes, The emergence of linked lists solves this problem. All linked lists in Java are actually bidirectional, containing a reference to the predecessor node, the stored object, and a reference to the subsequent node.
List<String> letter = new LinkedList<>(); //链表
When using a linked list, it meant that we needed to perform a large number of addition and deletion functions. For ordered collections such as linked lists, Iterator is undoubtedly the best class to describe the position, but there is no add method in Iterator (because there are many unordered sets that do not need to add elements at specific positions), so we implement it from Iterator A subclass is created to perform addition and deletion operations - ListIterator.
package Collection;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;import java.util.ListIterator;/** * * @author QuinnNorris * 链表LinkedList的操作,以及ListIterator */public class LinkedListE { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List<String> letter = new LinkedList<>(); letter.add(0, "a"); //在索引为0的位置添加元素 letter.add("b"); letter.add("c"); letter.add("d"); ListIterator li = letter.listIterator(2);//在第3个元素“c”(索引为2)之前放置迭代器 li.previous();//迭代器向前遍历 li.remove();//删除刚刚跳过的元素“b” li.next();//迭代器向后遍历 li.remove();//删除刚刚跳过的元素“c” li.next();//迭代器向后遍历 li.set("e");//将刚刚跳过的元素“d”重新设置为“e” System.out.println(li.nextIndex());//输出: 2 System.out.println(li.previousIndex());//输出:1 System.out.println(letter);//输出:[a,e] letter.get(0);//可以使用,但是不要这样做 } }
ListIterator provides the method previous() to traverse elements forward, and provides the refreshing method set(). The set method can reset the content of the node just skipped. This method has some special features, and we will use it many times in the future.
It should be noted that if you often call the get() method in a linked list, you may Already on the wrong path. The implementation efficiency of the get method is very poor. If it is not a table with more addition and deletion requirements than query requirements, then it is time to consider using other tables.
The set and get methods that are not applicable in the above linked list are very useful in ArrayList. This class also implements the List interface. This list may be a list that we use quite a lot. When synchronization is not required, ArrayList is our most reliable little helper.
If we just want to store some elements into the set without caring about their order, then we can use hash Column sets are used to store these elements. It can quickly find elements. The disadvantage is that the order cannot be controlled.
package Collection;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Set;/** * * @author QuinnNorris * 散列集HashSet,要理解存放方法,实际应用中无特别之处 */public class HashSetE { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Set<String> hs = new HashSet<>(); hs.add("master"); Set<String> sub_hs = new HashSet<>(); sub_hs.add("sub"); hs.addAll(sub_hs);//将另一个集合添加进来 System.out.println(hs);//输出 [sub, master] } }
public interface Comparable<T> { int compareTo(T other); }
ItemComparator comp = new ItemComparator(); //ItemComparator是自己写的Comparable的实现类Set<String> ts = new TreeSet<String>(comp); //将实例comp作为参数传入,TreeSet获得比较方法
Set<Tree> ts = new TreeSet<Tree>(new Comparator<Tree>(){ public int compare(Tree a,Tree b){ return a.index-b.index; } });
SortedSet<String> ts = new TreeSet<>(); //SortedSet接口Comparator<? super E> comparator() // 返回对此 set 中的元素进行排序的比较器。如果此 set 使用其元素的自然顺序,则返回 null。E first() //返回此 set 中当前第一个(最低)元素。 E last() //返回此 set 中当前最后一个(最高)元素。 NavigableSet<String> ts = new TreeSet<>(); //NavigableSet接口ceiling(E e) //返回此 set 中大于等于给定元素的最小元素;如果不存在这样的元素,则返回 null。 Iterator<E> descendingIterator() //以降序返回在此 set 的元素上进行迭代的迭代器。 E floor(E e) //返回此 set 中小于等于给定元素的最大元素;如果不存在这样的元素,则返回 null。 E higher(E e) //返回此 set 中严格大于给定元素的最小元素;如果不存在这样的元素,则返回 null。 Iterator<E> iterator() //以升序返回在此 set 的元素上进行迭代的迭代器。 E lower(E e) //返回此 set 中严格小于给定元素的最大元素;如果不存在这样的元素,则返回 null。 E pollFirst() //获取并移除第一个(最低)元素;如果此 set 为空,则返回 null。 E pollLast() //获取并移除最后一个(最高)元素;如果此 set 为空,则返回 null。
顾名思义,有两个端头的队列就叫做双端队列,而deque的含义也正是“double ended queue”。双端队列可以在两端进行增删元素操作,但是不能在队列中间添加元素。
package Collection;import java.util.ArrayDeque;import java.util.Deque;/** * * @author QuinnNorris * 双端队列ArrayDeque的基本操作 */public class ArrayDequeE { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Deque<String> ad = new ArrayDeque<>();//默认构造一个大小为16的双端队列 ad.add("a");//将一个对象插入双端队列的末尾 ad.addFirst("b");//将一个对象插入双端队列的头部 ad.addLast("c");//将一个对象插入双端队列的末尾 String first = ad.pollFirst();//获取并移除双端队列的第一个元素,pollLast()功能相反 String second = ad.getLast();//获取双端队列的最后一个元素,getFrist()功能相反 } }
package Collection;import java.util.PriorityQueue;import java.util.Queue;/** * * @author QuinnNorris * 优先级队列PriorityQueue基本用法 */public class PriorityQueueE { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Queue<String> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(); pq.add("a"); pq.offer("b");//向优先级队列中添加一个对象,和add方法相同。 pq.offer("c"); String head = pq.peek();//获取此列表的头 System.out.println(head);//输出: a System.out.println(pq);//输出:[a, b, c] pq.remove();//移除队列中优先级最小的元素,也就是第一个元素,也可用参数表示删除什么元素 System.out.println(pq);//输出: [b, c] } }
package Collection;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;/** * * @author QuinnNorris * HashMap的基本操作 */public class HashMapE { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Map<String,String> hm = new HashMap<>(); Map<String,String> hmc = new HashMap<>(20,0.8F); //可以有两个参数,第一个表示桶的个数,第二个表示装填因子 hm.put("key", "value");//存放键值对 hm.get("key");//获取参数键的对应值,如果没有这个键则返回null hm.containsKey("key");//返回布尔值true;表示包含这个键 hm.containsValue("value");//返回布尔值true,表示包含这个键 hm.remove("key");//根据键来移除键值对 } }
以上就是java集合(一)—数据结构详解 的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(m.sbmmt.com)!