The following is an example code for generating key-value pairs from mybatis results. The specific content is as follows:
In practical applications, we often encounter such situations and need to provide drop-down boxes. Assignment, this time you need a key-value pair. The specific usage method is as follows
1. Define the result type (resultType) in the maper.xml file as hashmap, as shown below
<select id="selectSuperUnitInfo" resultType="hashmap"> SELECT unit_id ,unit_name from unit_info </select>
##2, use List
public List<Map<String,String>> selectSuperUnitInfo();
Let me add that MyBatis returns Map key-value pair data
List<Map<String, String>> getMtypeList(); <select id="getMtypeList" resultType="java.util.HashMap"> select code,`name` from jk_control_measure </select>
[DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:09 :==> Executing: select code,`name` from jk_control_measure [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:09 :==> Parameters: [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Columns: code, name [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: one, 地面冲洗 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: two, 边界围挡 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: three, 垃圾覆盖 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: four, 裸地覆盖 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: five, 洒水降尘 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: six, 车辆冲洗 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: seven, 建筑渣土 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: eight, 车辆冒装 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: nine, 扬尘覆盖 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: ten, 车辆撒漏 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: eleven, 车辆黑烟 [DEBUG] 2016-08-29 17:50:10 :<== Row: twelve, 道路积尘
[{"NAME":"地面冲洗","name":"地面冲洗","code":"one","CODE":"one"}, {"NAME":"边界围挡","name":"边界围挡","code":"two","CODE":"two"}, {"NAME":"垃圾覆盖","name":"垃圾覆盖","code":"three","CODE":"three"}, {"NAME":"裸地覆盖","name":"裸地覆盖","code":"four","CODE":"four"}, {"NAME":"洒水降尘","name":"洒水降尘","code":"five","CODE":"five"}, {"NAME":"车辆冲洗","name":"车辆冲洗","code":"six","CODE":"six"}, {"NAME":"建筑渣土","name":"建筑渣土","code":"seven","CODE":"seven"}, {"NAME":"车辆冒装","name":"车辆冒装","code":"eight","CODE":"eight"}, {"NAME":"扬尘覆盖","name":"扬尘覆盖","code":"nine","CODE":"nine"}, {"NAME":"车辆撒漏","name":"车辆撒漏","code":"ten","CODE":"ten"}, {"NAME":"车辆黑烟","name":"车辆黑烟","code":"eleven","CODE":"eleven"}, {"NAME":"道路积尘","name":"道路积尘","code":"twelve","CODE":"twelve"} ]