Sometimes we want certain elements on the page to appear at specific times, so we need to use the hiding function of local elements.
Here is a way to use flag bits to hide or switch local elements.
The main function of the following code is: click first to hide the first view and display the second one. Click second to hide the second view and display the first one.
JS Code
Page({ data:{ flag:0 }, clickMes1: function(){ falg=1 } , clickMes2: function(){ falg=1 } })
<view class={{flag===0?"hide":""}} bindtap="clickMes1">first </view> <view class={{flag===1?"hide":""}} bindtap="clickMes2">second</view> 1 2
.hide{ display:none }
For more articles related to hiding local elements of WeChat mini programs, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!