1. About image uploading
In the era of XHTML, we can only upload one image at a time using the HTML file control. To upload multiple images at once, the method is to use flash. For example swfupload.js. Unfortunately, there are some complications in using it, such as the flash file needs to be in the same parent folder as the page, and the JavaScript file size is also considerable.
I have previously translated and edited an article on the "Ajax Upload multi-file upload plug-in". The highlight of this plug-in is to use a hidden iframe frame page to simulate ajax upload. However, in fact, it can only be uploaded at one time. 1 picture can be uploaded multiple times.
HTML5 is a good thing. One of them is that it supports multiple image uploads, supports ajax upload, supports preview of images before uploading, and supports image drag and drop upload. It is purely implemented using the file control and has very few JS codes. , it’s hard not to be praised!
2. Demo page
If the browser you have is the latest FireFox or Chrome browser, you can click here: Based on HTML5 Multi-image Ajax upload demo
In the demo page, you can click the file control to upload multiple images, as shown below (FireFox 6 screenshot, the same below):
If there are non-image files or the image size is too large, a prompt will pop up:
Or you can directly drag the image on the desktop to accept Drag area:
After releasing, the image can be previewed directly (it has not been uploaded to the server at this time):
At this time, the picture can be deleted in advance, or it can be uploaded directly. For example, we click the upload button, and soon, the picture is uploaded successfully :)!
The page address after uploading is returned, as follows:
At this time, the corresponding upload There is this picture under the folder:
Note: The space of my blog is limited, I will clean up the picture folder regularly, so please don’t This is a free image hosting place~~
3. Simple analysis of the core skeleton script
The first is a core file uploaded, which was slowly swallowed two nights ago Completed. The file name is: zxxFile.js (you can right-click... to download)
This file is only a few KB and has about a hundred lines of code. It is mainly responsible for the logic related to file upload (selection, deletion, etc.), native JS, so , compatible with jQuery, YUI, MooYools, etc. zxxFile.js is actually a small skeleton file, and the body needs to be added separately.
zxxFile.js is actually just a small object:
var ZXXFILE = { //骨架们... }
The following table shows the attributes (skeleton) of the ZXXFILE object and their corresponding content and meaning, etc.
Additional explanation: The file parameter mentioned many times above refers to the file object object. The attribute values of this object include name, size, type, etc. Then, in zxxFile In .js, it also has an index attribute that facilitates element positioning.
我们按照上面表格中的骨架进行示意。demo页面借用了比较流行的jQuery库,骨架+血肉 = 插件,当然,demo页面并不是奔着插件去的(虽然只需稍加修改),因为页面的UI显然不够插件的份。也就是说,利用zxxFile.js骨架,配合点你自己属性的JavaScript库就可以书写属于你自己的基于HTML5的多文件Ajax上传插件啦!
var params = { //血肉们 }; ZXXFILE = $.extend(ZXXFILE, params); ZXXFILE.init();
fileInput: $("#fileImage").get(0)
dragDrop: $("#fileDragArea").get(0), upButton: $("#fileSubmit").get(0)
url: $("#uploadForm").attr("action")
filter: function(files) { var arrFiles = []; for (var i = 0, file; file = files[i]; i++) { if (file.type.indexOf("image") == 0) { if (file.size >= 512000) { alert('您这张"'+ file.name +'"图片大小过大,应小于500k'); } else { arrFiles.push(file); } } else { alert('文件"' + file.name + '"不是图片。'); } } return arrFiles; }
var reader = new FileReader(), htmlImage; reader.onload = function(e) { htmlImage = '<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="'+ e.target.result +'" class="lazy" / alt="Previewable multi-image Ajax upload based on HTML5" >'; } reader.readAsDataURL(file);
onSelect: function(files) { var html = '', i = 0; //等待载入gif动画 $("#preview").html('<p class="upload_loading"></p>'); var funAppendImage = function() { file = files[i]; if (file) { var reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function(e) { html = html + '<p id="uploadList_'+ i +'" class="upload_append_list"><p><strong>' + file.name + '</strong>'+ '<a href="javascript:" class="upload_delete" title="删除" data-index="'+ i +'">删除</a><br />' + '<img class="upload_image lazy" src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="' + e.target.result + '" id="uploadImage_' + i + '" / alt="Previewable multi-image Ajax upload based on HTML5" ></p>'+ '<span id="uploadProgress_' + i + '" class="upload_progress"></span>' + '</p>'; i++; funAppendImage(); } reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else { //图片相关HTML片段载入 $("#preview").html(html); if (html) { //删除方法 $(".upload_delete").click(function() { ZXXFILE.funDeleteFile(files[parseInt($(this).attr("data-index"))]); return false; }); //提交按钮显示 $("#fileSubmit").show(); } else { //提交按钮隐藏 $("#fileSubmit").hide(); } } }; //执行图片HTML片段的载人 funAppendImage(); }
onDelete: function(file) { $("#uploadList_" + file.index).fadeOut(); }
onDragOver: function() { $(this).addClass("upload_drag_hover"); }
onDragLeave: function() { $(this).addClass("upload_drag_hover"); }
onProgress: function(file, loaded, total) { var eleProgress = $("#uploadProgress_" + file.index), percent = (loaded / total * 100).toFixed(2) + '%'; eleProgress.show().html(percent); }
onSuccess: function(file, response) { $("#uploadInf").append(""<p>上传成功,图片地址是:" + response + ""</p>"); }
onFailure: function(file) { $("#uploadInf").append("<p>图片" + file.name + "上传失败!</p>"); $("#uploadImage_" + file.index).css("opacity", 0.2); }
onComplete: function() { //提交按钮隐藏 $("#fileSubmit").hide(); //file控件value置空 $("#fileImage").val(""); $("#uploadInf").append("<p>当前图片全部上传完毕,可继续添加上传。</p>"); }
$fn = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FILENAME'] : false); if ($fn) { file_put_contents( 'uploads/' . $fn, file_get_contents('php://input') ); echo "http://www.zhangxinxu.com/study/201109/uploads/$fn"; exit(); }
5. Current application scope of HTML5 file Ajax upload
Not only is it not supported by IE, but the latest Safari browser under win, or Opera do not fully support HTML5's multiple image previews Ajax upload, then why should we learn this? At least now there is no bird like this.
Indeed, for some of our external projects, it is too early to use this technology for web pages used by the majority of users. However, for the company's intranet project, it is absolutely OK to apply this. I discovered a very strange problem. Many times, intranet web pages support lower versions of IE, but do not support modern browsers. This is completely on the wrong track.
Recently, our company has started to reform the intranet project and started to develop the intranet based on modern browsers such as Chrome (of course, IE browser can also be used), and internal staff are forced to use Chrome browser. As far as our company is concerned, the response has been very good, whether it is UI effect, interaction or speed experience.
Obviously, at least in our company, if we want to provide a multi-image upload function for intranet editors or secretaries in the future, we can directly use HTML5 file upload, which is what this article is about. Simplicity, speed, and speed will make you realize that development is a happy and valuable thing.
In addition, the demo page of this article is more for examples. We apologize for any mistakes in it. zxxFile.js has just been released and has not been practiced yet. Your valuable comments are welcome, thank you very much.
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning. I also hope that everyone will support the PHP Chinese website.
For more articles related to HTML5-based previewable multi-image Ajax upload, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!