A brief introduction to anonymous inner classes is given in the Java Improvement Chapter - Detailed Explanation of Internal Classes. However, there are still many other detailed problems with internal classes, so this blog was derived. In this blog, you can learn about the use of anonymous inner classes, things to pay attention to in anonymous inner classes, how to initialize anonymous inner classes, and why the formal parameters used by anonymous inner classes must be final.
new 父类构造器(参数列表)|实现接口() { //匿名内部类的类体部分 }
public abstract class Bird { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public abstract int fly(); } public class Test { public void test(Bird bird){ System.out.println(bird.getName() + "能够飞 " + bird.fly() + "米"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test test = new Test(); test.test(new Bird() { public int fly() { return 10000; } public String getName() { return "大雁"; } }); } } ------------------ Output: 大雁能够飞 10000米
public class WildGoose extends Bird{ public int fly() { return 10000; } public String getName() { return "大雁"; } } WildGoose wildGoose = new WildGoose(); test.test(wildGoose);
## 3. Why should the formal parameters used be final
Reference file: http://android.blog.51cto.com/268543/384844
When we pass parameters to anonymous inner classes, if the formal parameter needs to be used in the inner class, then the formal parameter must be final. That is to say: when the formal parameter of the method needs to be used in the inner class, the formal parameter must be final.
Why does it have to be final?
First of all, we know that after the internal class is successfully compiled, it will generate a class file. This class file is not the same class file as the external class. It only retains references to the external class. When the parameters passed in by the external class need to be called by the internal class, from the perspective of the Java program, they are called directly:
public class OuterClass { public void display(final String name,String age){ class InnerClass{ void display(){ System.out.println(name); } } } }
From the above code, it seems that the name parameter should be called directly by the internal class? In fact, it is not the case. The actual operation after java compilation is as follows:
public class OuterClass$InnerClass { public InnerClass(String name,String age){ this.InnerClass$name = name; this.InnerClass$age = age; } public void display(){ System.out.println(this.InnerClass$name + "----" + this.InnerClass$age ); } }
So from the above code, the inner class does not directly call the parameters passed by the method, but uses its own constructor to process the incoming parameters. Backup, what your internal method calls are actually your own properties rather than the parameters passed in by the external method.
public class OutClass { public InnerClass getInnerClass(final int age,final String name){ return new InnerClass() { int age_ ; String name_; //构造代码块完成初始化工作 { if(0 < age && age < 200){ age_ = age; name_ = name; } } public String getName() { return name_; } public int getAge() { return age_; } }; } public static void main(String[] args) { OutClass out = new OutClass(); InnerClass inner_1 = out.getInnerClass(201, "chenssy"); System.out.println(inner_1.getName()); InnerClass inner_2 = out.getInnerClass(23, "chenssy"); System.out.println(inner_2.getName()); } }
以上就是 java提高篇(九)-----详解匿名内部类的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(m.sbmmt.com)!