Int [] intArray = new int[6]; Int [][] intArray = new int[2][]; Int [][][] intArray = new int[2][][]; intArray[1][2][1] = 3; Int [ , ] myTable = new int[2,3]; myTable[1,3] = 3;
The Length attribute contains the number of elements in each dimension of the array.
The GetLength() method gives the number of elements in a certain dimension of the array.
The GetUpperBound() method gives the upper index of a certain dimension of the array.
The GetUpperBound() method gives the lower index of a certain dimension of the array.
A collection similar to an array that can dynamically change the number of collection elements.
public class array { ArrayList AL = new ArrayList(); public void add() { AL.Add("lsdkjf"); AL.Add(8); } }
Count gets the number of elements in the collection.
Add(object) adds an element at the end.
Remove(object) removes an element.
RemoveAt(int) removes the element except the specified index from the collection.
Insert(int,object) adds an element at the specified index.
Clear() removes all elements.
Contains(object) returns a Boolean type indicating whether it contains the specified element.
The elements in the CopyTo() collection are copied to the specified collection, and you can specify which element to start from.
IndexOf(object) returns the first occurrence position of the specified element. If it does not exist, it returns -1.
LastIndexOf(object) returns the last occurrence position of the specified element. If it does not exist, it returns -1.
ToArray() returns an array of object type, which contains all the elements in the ArrayList collection.
TrimToSize() sets the value of the Capacity property to the actual number of elements in the current ArrayList collection.
Stack collection processing stack
Stack (stack collection) follows the last-in-first-out principle. (Push in from top to bottom)
Stack s = new Stack(); s.Push(2);
Push(object) push operation into the stack.
Count the number of elements in the stack.
Pop() removes and returns the element at the top of the Stack. (That is, the most pushed element, at the top)
Peek() returns the object at the top of the Stack but does not remove it. (Same as Pop, outputs the last pushed element, at the top)
Queue collection processing queue:
Queue (heap collection) follows the first-in, first-out principle.
Queue q = new Queue();
Enqueue(object) adds the object to the end of the Queue at.
Dequeue() removes and returns the object at the top of the Queue.
Peek() returns the object at the top of the Queue but does not remove the object.
Count the number of elements in the heap.
The HashTable collection is stored in the form of key-value pairs.
HashTable ht = new HashTable(); ht.Add ("01", "hhht");
To get elements from HashTable, use index "[]".
For example:
object obj = ht["01"]
Add(object,object) to the HashTable collection. (key, value)
Remove(object) Removes the object with the specified key.
SortedList class:
The elements in the SortedList collection are sorted according to their corresponding key values. The elements in the collection can be indexed using integer values.
SortedList SL = new SortedList(); SL.Add(1,"hhht");
Method attributes are similar to HashTable.
The above is the little knowledge of C# (6): the content of the array. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (!