As shown below:
public static String reThreeStr(String ss){ boolean result= ss.matches("^[-+]?(([0-9]+)([.]([0-9]+))?|([.]([0-9]+))?)$"); if(result&&ss!=null&&!"".equals(ss)){ Double sss=Double.valueOf(ss); String numStr=new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.000").format(sss); Double lsDou=Double.valueOf(numStr); ss=String.valueOf(lsDou); } return ss; } public static BigDecimal reThreeBig(BigDecimal ss){ String numStr=new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.000").format(ss); BigDecimal newNum=new BigDecimal(numStr); return newNum; } public static String delezero(String old){ boolean result= old.matches("^[-+]?(([0-9]+)([.]([0-9]+))?|([.]([0-9]+))?)$"); if(result&&old!=null&&!"".equals(old)){ String newStr=old; if(old.contains(".0")){ old=newStr.substring(0, old.length()-2); } return old; }else{ return old; } }
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