Window browser:
- location:地址 - history:历史 - Document:文档 - screen:窗口 - navigator:帮助
> 1. The external object is the API provided by the browser -- * *BOM**
> 2. These objects are specified by w3c and designed and developed by browser developers
> 3. These objects are divided into 2 parts, among which BOM contains DOM
> 4. We can access these objects through js
# External objects
> BOM (Browser Object Model)
Browser Object Model , used to access and manipulate browser windows, is JavaScript that has the ability to talk to the browser.
> DOM (Document Object Model)
Document Object Model, used to operate documents.
##1. Dialog box
- alert(str)
- Prompt dialog box, displaying the content of str string
- confirm(str)
- Confirmation dialog box, display the content of str string
- Press the "OK" button to return true, other operations return false
//调用window对象的属性或方法,可以省略"window." //1.弹出框 //1)弹出框 function f1(){ alert("你好,小俊子"); } //2)确认框 function f2(){ var v = confirm("你吃了吗?"); //点击确定返回true,否则返回false console.log(v); } //3)输入框 function f3(){ var p = prompt("你吃的什么?"); //点击取消返回null console.log(p); }
## 2. Timer
- Mostly used for dynamic clocks on web pages, making countdowns, and marquee effects
- Periodic clock
- With a certain Execute the code at intervals, in a loop
- setInterval(exp,time);
- Return the started timer object
- Stop the started timer
- clearInterval(tID)
- tID: started timer object
-One-time clock
- Execute code after a set time interval , instead of executing after the function is called
- setTimeout(exp,time);
- Stop the started timer
- clearTimeout(tID)
- tID: Started timer object
> Case
1) Periodic timer
//每隔N毫秒执行一次函数,反复执行,直到达到停止条件位置。 function f4(){ var n = 5; //启动定时器,返回定时器的ID,用来停止定时器 var id = setInterval(function(){ console.log(n); switch(n%4){ case 0: btn1();break; case 3: btn2();break; case 2: btn3();break; case 1: btn4();break; default: ; } n++; },100); //启动定时器就相当于启动了一个支线程,当前方法f4相当于主线程。 //2个线程并发执行,不互相等待, //因此主线程在启动完支线程后立刻向下执行,而支线程却需要在1秒后才执行 console.log("蹦"); }
2) One-time timer
//推迟N毫秒执行一次函数,执行完之后,自动停止, //也可以在未执行前手动停止 var id; function f5(){ //启动定时器,若想在未执行定时器前就将它停止,需要使用id id = setTimeout(function(){ console.log("叮叮叮"); f4(); },3000); } function f6(){ //若定时器已经执行,则取消无效; 若定时器还未执行,则可以取消 clearTimeout(id); console.log("已停止!"); }
# 3. Common attributes
- screen object
- Contains information about the client's display screen
- Commonly used to obtain the resolution and color of the screen
- Common properties:
- width height
- availWidth availHeight
- History object
- Contains URLs visited by the user
- Length attribute: the number of URLs in the browser history list
- Method:
- back();
- forwird();
- location object
- Contains information about the current URL
- Commonly used to obtain and change the current browsing URL
- href attribute: URL address being browsed in the current window
- Method
- reload(): Reload the current URL, equivalent to refreshing
- navigator object
- Contains information about the browser
- Commonly used to obtain information about the client browser and operating system
> Case
//Location对象 function f1(){ var b = confirm("你真的要离开我吗?"); if(b){ location.href = ""; } } //刷新页面 function f2(){ location.reload(); } //screen 对象: 获取屏幕宽高 function f3(){ console.log(screen.width); console.log(screen.height); console.log(screen.availWidth); console.log(screen.availHeight); } //history对象 function f4(){ history.forward(); } //navigator对象 function f5(){ console.log(navigator.userAgent); }
## DOM
DOM operation
-Find node
-Read node information
- Modify node information
- Create node information
Read and modify
- Node information
- nodeType: node type
- (1) Read node
- Read the name of the node, type
<p id="p1">1.<b>读写</b>节点</p> <p id="p2">2.<b>查询</b>节点</p> <p id="p3">3.<b>增删</b>节点</p> var p1 = document.getElementById("p1"); console.log(p1.nodeName); console.log(p1.nodeType);
- Read and write the content of the node
-The text in the middle of the double label is called content, and any double label has content
console.log(p1.innerHTML); p1.innerHTML="1.<i>读写</i>节点"; console.log(p1.innerText);
-The data in the form control is called the value. Only the following form controls have values:
- input
‐ select