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Common design patterns in java

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Java Design Patterns;
A programmer’s understanding of Java Design Patterns:
“I don’t understand” why something very simple should be made so complicated. Later, as my experience in software development increased, I began to understand that the "complexity" I saw was exactly the essence of design patterns. What I understood as "simplicity" was the pattern of using a key to open a lock, and the purpose was just to focus on To solve the current problem, the "complexity" of the design pattern lies in that it is to construct a "master key" with the purpose of proposing a solution for unlocking all locks. Before I really understood design patterns, I had been writing "simple" code.
This "simple" is not the simplicity of function, but the simplicity of design. A simple design means a lack of flexibility. The code is very rigid and is only useful in this project. If it is used in other projects, it will be garbage. I call it "disposable code".

-->To make the code reusable, please use 'design patterns' to design your code.

Many programmers I know have a feeling of regret after being exposed to design patterns. Some people describe that after learning design patterns, they feel as if they have been reborn and reached a new level. Some even regard whether they understand design patterns as a criterion for classifying programmers' levels.

We can’t fall into the trap of patterns and apply patterns in order to use patterns, otherwise we will fall into formalism. When we use a pattern, we must pay attention to the intent of the pattern and not pay too much attention to the implementation details of the pattern, because these implementation details may change under specific circumstances. Don't stubbornly believe that the class diagram or implementation code in a design pattern book represents the pattern itself.

Design principles: (Important)
Logic code is separated into separate methods, focusing on encapsulation - easy to read and reuse.
Don’t write hundreds of lines of logic code in one method. Separate each small logic code and write it in other methods, which is easy to read and can be called repeatedly.
When writing classes, methods, and functions, you should consider portability and reusability: prevent one-time code!
Can I get it from other similar things? Is it possible to get it in other systems?
Proficiently use the idea of ​​inheritance:
Find out the similarities in the application and things that are not easy to change, extract them into abstract classes, and let subclasses inherit them;
The idea of ​​inheritance also facilitates Your own logic is based on the results of others. Such as ImageField extends JTextField;
Proficient in using the idea of ​​​​interfaces:
Find out the areas that may need to be changed in the application, separate them, and do not mix them with code that does not need to be changed.

Make a very simple thing so complicated, one-time code, an example of the advantages of design pattern: (Strategy mode)
A simulation duck game application, requirements: Various colors and shapes will appear in the game Ducks swim and play in the water while quacking.

The first method: (one-time code)
Directly write the classes of various ducks: MallardDuck//Wild duck, RedheadDuck//Red-headed duck. There are three methods for each type:
quack(): quacking method
swim( ): swimming method
display(): appearance method

Second method: Use inherited characteristics to improve the common parts and avoid repeated programming.
That is: design a duck superclass (Superclass) and let various ducks inherit this superclass.
public class Duck{
     public void quack(){                                                                                                                                                                                                      quack’s,           System.out.println(" swimming") ;
} b Public AbstratAct Void Display ();/*Because the appearance is different, let the subclass make it yourself. */

Just simply inherit its subclasses and implement your own display() method.
public class MallardDuck extends Duck{
  public void display(){

      System.out.println("The color of the mallard...");

//Red-headed duck
public class RedheadDuck extends Duck {L public void display () {
system.out.println ("color of red -headed duck ..."); . For us OO programmers, this couldn’t be simpler, just add one to the super class

Just one method is enough.
public class Duck{
     public void quack(){                                                                                                                                                                                                      quack’s,           System.out.println(" swimming") ;
public abstract void display(); /*Because the appearance is different, let the subclasses decide by themselves. */
public void fly(){
System.out.println("Fly! Duck");
For ducks that cannot fly, they only need to be simply overridden in subclasses.
// Disabled Duck
public class DisabledDuck extends Duck{
  public void display(){
      System.out.println("The color of the disabled duck...");
  public void fly(){
  //Override , and become doing nothing.
Other flying ducks do not need to be covered.

In this way, all ducks that inherit this super class will fly. But the problem came up again, and the customer pointed out that some ducks can fly and some cannot fly.

>>>> Yes, when one class changes, another class also changes, which is a bit inconsistent with OO design. This is obviously coupled together. Use inheritance-->The degree of coupling is too high.

The third method:

Use interface improvements.

We extract the parts that are prone to change and encapsulate them to cope with future changes. Although the amount of code has increased, the usability has been improved and the degree of coupling has been reduced.

We extract the fly method and quack in Duck.

public interface Flyable{
public void fly();

public interface Quackable{

public void quack();
The final design of Duck became:
public class Duck{
public void swim(){ //Swimming O System.out.println ("Swimming");
Public Abstract void void display (); /*Because the appearance is different, the subclass is decided. */
And MallardDuck, RedheadDuck, DisabledDuck can be written as:
//Wild Duck
public class MallardDuck extends Duck implements Flyable,Quackable{
  public void display(){
      System.out.println("The color of the wild duck. ..");
public void fly(){
  //Implement this method
public void quack(){
  //Implement this method
//Red-headed duck
public class RedheadDuck extends Duck implements Flyable,Quackable{
public void display(){
System.out.println("The color of the red-headed duck...");
public void fly(){
//Implement this method
public void quack(){
​ //Implement this method
//Disabled Duck only implements Quackable (can bark but not fly)
public class DisabledDuck extends Duck implements Quackable{
​ public void display(){
​ ​ System.out.println ("The color of the crippled duck...");
public void quack(){
//Implement this method

Designed in this way, our program reduces the coupling between them.
Flyable and Quackable interfaces seemed pretty good at first, solving the problem (Flyable can only be implemented by ducks that can fly), but Java interfaces do not have implementation code, so implementing interfaces cannot achieve code reuse.

Fourth method:

Summary of the above methods:
Benefits of inheritance: common parts can be reused and avoid duplication of programming.

Inheritance is not good: high coupling. Once the super class adds a new Methods, subclasses all inherit, owning this method,

                                                                                                                                                                                           ​ 类 When inheritance, the subclasses cannot inherit other categories. The benefits of the interface: solve the problem of inheritance coupling.

and allow the implementation class, inherit or implement other categories or interfaces. The interface is not good. : Code reuse cannot be truly achieved. The following strategy pattern can be used to solve the problem.

------------------------- strategy(strategy pattern ) -------------------------

We have a design principle:

Find out the similarities in the application and things that are not easy to change, Extract them into abstract classes and let subclasses inherit them;

Find out the areas that may need to change in the application, separate them, and don't mix them with code that doesn't need to change. -->important.

Now, in order to separate the "changing and unchanged parts", we are going to create two sets of classes (completely away from the Duck class), one is related to "fly", and the other

is "quack" ” related, each set of classes will implement their own actions. For example, we may have one class that implements "croaking", another class that implements "squeaking", and another class that implements "quiet".

First write two interfaces. FlyBehavior (flying behavior) and QuackBehavior (calling behavior).

public interface FlyBehavior{

public void fly();


public interface QuackBehavior{

public void quack();


We are defining some specific functions for FlyBehavior accomplish.
public class FlyWithWings implements FlyBehavior{
public void fly(){
//Implements the flight behavior of all ducks with wings.

public class FlyNoWay implements FlyBehavior{

  public void fly(){
        // Do nothing, can’t fly

Several specific implementations of QuackBehavior.

public class Quack implements QuackBehavior{
Public void quack(){
//Implementing a quacking duck

public class Squeak implements QuackBehavior{
public void quack(){
//Implementing a squeaking duck

public class MuteQuack implements QuackBehavior{
public void quack(){
//Does nothing, won’t scream

Comment 1:
This design allows flying and quacking actions Reused by other objects, because these behaviors are no longer relevant to the duck class. And when we add some new behaviors, it will not affect the existing behavior classes, nor will it affect the duck classes that "use" flight behavior.

Finally let’s see how Duck is designed.
      public class Duck{         ---------> In the abstract class, declare each interface and define the method corresponding to each interface.
                                                                                                                                                                           throughmb out through out through out outmb out out together out together out out out out out out’’ out out out out out out out ’'s  ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐​​​​​ public Duck( ){}

        public abstract void display(); According to the way the inherited class is implemented, the corresponding method is called.

  public void performQuack(){




See how MallardDuck does it.
-----> Through the construction method, generate instances of the specific implementation classes of 'fly' and 'call', thereby specifying the specific properties of 'fly' and 'call'
public class MallardDuck extends Duck{
             public MallardDuck {                                                    . flyBehavior = new FlyWithWings ();
    quackBehavior = new Quack();
      //Because MallardDuck inherits Duck, all have flyBehavior and quackBehavior instance variables }
    public void display(){
    // Implement
That’s it When you are satisfied, you can fly, bark, and show your colors at the same time.

In this design, we can see that the instantiation of flyBehavior and quackBehavior is written in the subclass. We can also decide dynamically.

We only need to add two methods to Duck.

The difference between assigning values ​​to properties in the constructor and using property setters:

Assigning values ​​to properties in the constructor: fixed, immutable;

Using property setters, you can dynamically change the properties after instantiating the object changes and are more flexible.

public class Duck{
FlyBehavior flyBehavior;//Interface
QuackBehavior quackBehavior;//Interface
public void setFlyBehavior(FlyBehavior flyBehavior){
this.flyBehavior = flyBehavior;
public void setQuackBehavior(QuackBehavior quackBehavior {
this.quackBehavior= quackBehavior;

---------------------- static Factory Method (static factory) ----- --------------------
In the design pattern, Factory Method is also a relatively simple one, but it is widely used, EJB, RMI, COM, CORBA , the shadow of this pattern

can be seen in Swing, it is one of the most important patterns. In many places we will see classes named like xxxFactory.


Basic concept:
FactoryMethod is a Creativity pattern, which defines an interface for creating objects, but lets subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
Usually we use Factory Method as a standard method of creating objects

Application aspects:

When. When a class cannot predict what kind of object it will create or when a class needs a subclass to specify the object to be created, we need to use the Factory Method pattern.

---------- ----------------------- singelton (single case mode) ----------------------- ----------

Basic concept:

Singleton is a creative model, which is used to ensure that only one instance is generated and provides a global access point to access it. For some classes, it is guaranteed that only An instance is very important. For example, sometimes, database connections or Socket connections are subject to certain restrictions, and only one connection must exist at the same time.

is to use static variables;

create class objects, Usually in the construction method, or using a method to create a class object. In this method, just add the corresponding judgment.

The difference between single-state mode and shared mode:

Single-state mode and shared mode. All make instances of classes unique.

But the implementation method of single state mode is:

Inside the class. That is, in the constructor method or the static getInstace method, the judgment is made. If the instance exists, it is returned directly without creation;

Shared mode The implementation method is:

Every time you want to use this instance, first go to this hashtable to get it. If the get is empty, then generate an instance, and put the instance of the class in the hashtable. If the get is not empty, then Use this example directly.


Example 1:

public class Singleton {

private static Singleton s;
public static Singleton getInstance() {
if (s == null)
s = new Singleton();
Return s;
// Test class
class singletonTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Singleton s1 = Singleton.getInstance();
Singleton s2 = Singleton.getInstance();
if (s1==s2)
System.out.println("s1 is the same instance with s2");
System.out.println("s1 is not the same instance with s2");
} The result of

singletonTest is:
s1 is the same instance with s2

Example 2:
class Singleton {
static boolean instance_flag = false; // true if 1 instance
public Singleton() {
if (instance_flag)
throw new SingletonException("Only one instance allowed");
             instance_flag = true; // set flag for 1 instance
                                                                                                                                                  . - Observer Pattern (Observer) --------------------------------

Basic concept:

Observer The pattern is a behavioral pattern, and its intention is to define a one-to-many dependency relationship between objects. When the state of an object changes, all objects that depend on it are notified and automatically updated.

The key objects of this pattern are Subject and Observer. A target can have any number of observers that depend on it. Once the target's state changes, all observers are notified. In response to this notification, each observer will query the target to make its state consistent with the target's. Status synchronization.

Applicable scenarios:

Observer mode is used between objects that have one-to-many dependencies. When the dependents change, all dependents are notified to update. Therefore, the dependent should have a method to add/remove dependents, and the added dependents can be placed in a container; and there should be a method to notify the dependents to update.




Establish the target (subject) and observer (observer) interface:
Target (subject) interface:
Establish an interface for registering observer objects; public void attach(Observer o) ;
Establish an interface for deleting observer objects; public void detach(Observer o);
Establish an interface for publishing notifications to observer objects when the target state changes; public void notice();

observer(observer )Interface:
Establish an update interface after receiving the target notification: public void update();


The teacher has a phone number. Students need to know the teacher’s phone number so that they can update at the right time. Dial, in such a combination, the teacher is an observed

(Subject), and the students are the observers who need to know the information. When the teacher’s phone number changes, the students are notified and the corresponding phone records are updated


The specific examples are as follows:

Subject code:

public interface Subject{

public void attach(Observer o);
public void detach(Observer o);
public void notice();

Observer code:
public interface Observer{

  public void update();


Teacher code;
import java.util.Vector;

public class Teacher implements Subject{

private String phone;
private Vector students;
public Teacher(){
  phone = "";
        students = new Vector(); } L Public void notice () {
for (int i = 0; i & lt; studers.size (); I ++)
(observr). ONE (ONE String phone){
        this.phone = phone;
        notice();                                                                           using using using using          using ‐ ’ ‐       ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ } ‐ } ‐ } }                                                                                                                              

public class Student implements Observer{
    private String name;
    private String phone;
    private Teacher teacher;
    public Student(String name,Teacher t){
       this.name = name;
       teacher = t;
    public void show(){
    public void update(){
       phone = teacher.getPhone();
package observer;
import java.util.Vector;
public class Client{         -->可以只定义目标者,观察者,另外的vector,只为了输入结果.
    public static void main(String[] args){
       Vector students = new Vector();
       Teacher t = new Teacher();
       for(int i= 0 ;i<10;i++){
           Student st = new Student("lili"+i,t);
       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
       for(int i=0;i<10;i++)


------------------------------ 迭代器模式(Iterator) -------------------------------

需要一个计算点private int current=0 ; 以及一个容器Vector,来存在原来的进行历遍的一团东西;再对接口方法进


package iterator;
public interface Iterator{

的接口,或类. --->important.  
    public Item first();
    public Item next();
    public boolean isDone();
    public Item currentItem();

package iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
public class Controller implements Iterator{
    private int current =0;
    Vector channel;
    public Controller(Vector v){
       channel = v;
    public Item first(){
       current = 0;
       return (Item)channel.get(current);
    public Item next(){
       current ++;
       return (Item)channel.get(current);
    public Item currentItem(){
       return (Item)channel.get(current);
    public boolean isDone(){
       return current>= channel.size()-1;

Television interface:
package iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
public interface Television {
Public Iterator createIterator();
The HaierTV class implements the Television interface.
package iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
public class HaierTV implements Television{ ---Object
private Vector channel;
public HaierTV(){
channel = new Vector();
channel.addElement(new Item( "channel 1")); --Each element is stored in VECTOR
       channel.addElement(new Item("channel 2"));
     channel.addElement(new Item("channel 3"));
      channel.addElement(( new Item("channel 4"));
      channel.addElement(new Item("channel 5"));
      channel.addElement(new Item("channel 6"));
      channel.addElement(new Item("channel 7"));
public Iterator createIterator(){
return new Controller(channel); --Put this VECTOR into the constructor of the iterator
package iterator;
public class Client{
  public static void main(String[] args){
      Television tv = new HaierTV();
      Iterator it =tv.createIterator();
    System.out.println(it.first().getName( ));
Item class interface:
package iterator;
public class Item{
      private String name;
     public Item(String aName){
     name = aName; -------------------- Facade -------------------- ------
Facade mode is a structural mode. Facade mode defines a high-level interface, which makes this subsystem easier to use.
The main purpose of the appearance mode is to provide convenient calling methods for the complex processing of subsystems, making the subsystem easier to use.
-->Include the complex process and provide a simple application interface.


For example, in the process of making tea, you need to do the following work: boil water, prepare tea, and Put the tea leaves in the quilt and put the boiling water in the tea cup. Only after these processes can you brew good tea leaves. This is a commonly used step. 80% of the tea making steps look like this. These actions can be linked together to form a whole step. The following example of MakeACuppa() uses the facade mode, so that in It is more convenient when calling step methods. This is the appearance mode, and the details inside are blocked.

public class TeaCup{.....}

public class TeaBag{.....}

public class Water{.....}

public class FacadeCuppaMaker{

  private boolean TeaBagIsSteeped;

  public FacadeCuppaMaker () () {

System.out.println ("Facadecuppamaker is ready to rush tea"); ew team ();

water water = new Water();






---- -------------------------- Adapter mode (adapter) ------------------ ------------


The purpose of the adapter pattern is to reuse an existing class/interface and convert/concrete it into another class/interface that the customer wants.
How to reuse instances:
Put the class to be reused into the construction method of the target class, instantiate it, and then call it in the corresponding method of the target class to modify the original method
Parameters in

, or add corresponding logic. That is, the original methods of existing classes are reused.

Class to be reused:
public class Adaptee{
public long getPower(long base,long exp){
long result=1;
for(int i=0;i result*= base;
          return result;
public interface Target{
public long get2Power(long exp);


public class Adapter implements Target{
private Adaptee pt;
public Adapter(){

pt = new Adaptee();

public long get2Power( long exp) {x Return pt.getpower (2, exp); --- Modify the parameters in the original method,


l l l l l l :
public boolean updateRecordStates(Double recordId,Double tableNameMapping,int state,boolean

subRecordUpdate) throws RemoteException;
Existing implementation class:

public boolean updateRecordStates(Double recordId,Double tableNameMapping,int state,boolean

subRecordUpdate) throws RemoteException

return moveTable.updateRecordStates(recordId,tableNameMapping,state,subRecordUpdate);


If adapter mode is used:

public boolean updateStatesAdapterForSelfPanel(Double recordId,Double tableNameMapping,int state)

throws RemoteException;
implementation Class:

public boolean updateStatesAdapterForSelfPanel(Double recordId,Double tableNameMapping,int state)

throws RemoteException

return this.updateRecordStates(recordId,tableNameMapping,state,false);


--------- --------------------- Proxy mode (Proxy) ------------------------ -------

Benefits of proxy:

---> While indirectly accessing the object, you can add other logic code before or after it.
--->Yes The original logic adds other logic and finally generates new logic. That is: adding some additional logic to the class method and generating new method logic.

Static proxy:

--> An original class and an Agent classes must correspond one to one.

--> Both implement a common interface or inherit the same abstract class;
--> Just instantiate the original class in the proxy class and add new logic before and after the original class method.象 Below: 角 Abstract characters:
abstract Public Class Subject
Abstract Public Void Request (); Public void request () {
system.out. println("From real subject.");

Proxy role:
public class ProxySubject extends Subject

private RealSubject realSubject; //Use the real role as the attribute of the proxy role

public ProxySubject()
{ realSubject=new RealSubject(); }

                    public void request()      // Same as the original method name                                                                                                                                                                                                              { postRequest();
                               private void preRequest()                                                                                                           


Client call:

Subject sub=new ProxySubject();



Dynamic proxy class
The Java dynamic proxy class is located under the Java.lang.reflect package and generally involves the following two Classes:


Interface InvocationHandler: Only one method is defined in this interface: invoke(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args)

. In actual use, the first parameter obj generally refers to the proxy class, method is the proxy method, and args is the parameter array of the method. This abstract method

is implemented dynamically in the proxy class.


Proxy: This class is a dynamic proxy class, which mainly includes the following content:
Static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h): Returns the proxy class

An instance of

, the returned proxy class can be used as the proxy class.
The so-called Dynamic Proxy is a class: it is a class generated at runtime. When generating it, you must provide a set of interfaces to it, and then

the class declares that it implements these interfaces.
When using a dynamic proxy class, we must implement the InvocationHandler interface,
public interface Subject
Public void request();

Specific role RealSubject: Same as above;

Agent role:
import java.lang .reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
public class DynamicSubject implements InvocationHandler {
private Object sub;
public DynamicSubject(Object obj) {
sub = obj;

public Object invoke(Object proxy , Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("before calling " + method);


System.out.println("after calling " + method);
Return null;

In fact, it is to call the method to be executed of the proxy object, and the method parameter sub is the actual proxy Object, args are the parameters required to perform the corresponding operation of the proxy object. Through dynamic proxy classes, we can perform some related operations before or after the call.


import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;

import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class Client


static public void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
RealSubject rs = new RealSubject(); //Specify the proxy class here
InvocationHandler ds = new DynamicSubject(rs); //Initialize the proxy class
Subject subject = (Subject) Proxy.newProxyInstance(rs.getClass().getClassLoader(),rs.getClass

().getInterfaces(),ds );




instance Two:

package dynamicProxy;
public interface Work {
public void startWork();

package dynamicProxy;

public class JasonWork implements Work {

public void startWork() {
System.out.println("jason start to work...");

public interface Play {

public void startPlay();


public class JasonPlay implements Play {

public void startPlay() {

System.out.println("jason start to play...");

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args)

              Work jasonproxy=(Work)Proxy.newProxyInstance(work.getClass().getClassLoader(),

work.getClass().getInterfaces(), dynamicProxy); JasonPlay play=new JasonPlay();
InvocationHandler dynamicProxy=new DynamicProxy(play);

Play jasonproxy=(Play)Proxy.newProxyInstance(play.getClass().getClassLoader(),

play.getClass().getInterfaces(), dynamicProxy);


===>Dynamic proxy class can be combined with any type of real class (work/play) to perform dynamic proxying.

------------------------------- State mode (state) --------------- ----------------


State mode definition:

Different states, different behaviors; In other words, each state has a corresponding behavior.

Applicable occasions:

State mode is more common in actual use and is suitable for "state switching". Because we often use If elseif else to switch states. If such judgment switching of the state occurs repeatedly, we have to think about whether the State mode can be adopted.

-->Suitable for internal states that constantly change in cycles.

A state consists of two parts: object + properties inside the object (property interface + specific properties)
An object must have its properties , as well as its setter and getter. And set its initial state + a method to call the display state (in which the state calls its own display method).

A property interface should have an execution method.

A specific property must contain When the object is entered, in the implementation method, the next attribute to be displayed of the object must be set --> so that the next time the object calls the method, its attribute value will change.

The difference between state mode and observer mode:

State mode, like observer mode, is a one-to-many mode. But in the observer mode, if "one" changes, all "many" will also be updated.

The state mode emphasizes that "many" are the states of "one", and the states of "one" are in a continuous cycle.

How to establish a relationship between one and many:

"Many" all implement an interface. Therefore, in the class of "one", the interface of "many" is declared; if you want to establish a relationship with "one" in "many", you only need to declare "one" directly in the class.

public interface Color {
public void show();


package state;

class Light
Color color;
public Color getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(Color color) {
this.color = color;

public Light()
color=new RedColor(this);

public void showColor()


class RedColor implements Color
Light light;
public RedColor(Light light)

public void show()
System.out.println("the color is red, the car must stop!");
System.out.println("write down all logic shoud do this in this state.....");
light.setColor(new GreenColor(light));

class GreenColor implements Color
Light light;
public GreenColor(Light light)

public void show ()
System.out.println("the color is green, the car can run !");
System.out.println("write down all logic shoud do this in this state....") ;
light.setColor(new YellowColor(light));

class YellowColor implements Color
Light light;
public YellowColor(Light light)

public void show()
System.out.println("the color is yellow, the car shoud stop !");
System.out.println("write down all logic shoud do this in this state..... ");
light.setColor(new RedColor(light));

public class CarLight {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Light light=new Light();

// The initial call is red light
//Then it is called green light
//Then it is called yellow light
//Continuously calling and looping.

------------------------------ Flyweight mode (Flyweight) -- -----------------------------
It is mainly used to use sharing technology when creating objects to reduce the memory usage of objects. Occupy. A mode that improves the efficiency and performance of the program will greatly speed up the operation of the program. That is to say, if there are multiple identical objects in a system, then only one copy can be shared. It is not necessary for each To instantiate an object.

Factory mode often appears in Flyweight mode. Flyweight's internal state is for sharing, and Flyweight factory is responsible for maintaining an object storage pool (Flyweight Pool) to store internal state objects.

The key idea of ​​Flyweight is:

When creating a new object:

First get it from the hashtable --> Determine whether the obtained object is empty --> If so, create a new object and put it back into the hashtable --> If it exists, share the original


Instance: (Compare with static factory mode)

public interface Car {

public void showCarName();


class BMWCar implements Car

public void showCarName()


System.out.println("this is the BMWCar .");


class FordCar implements Car
public void showCarName()

System.out.println ("this is the FordCar .");


class CarFactory
public static Car car;
public static Car getCar(String name)


car = new BMWCar();
car = new FordCar();
return car;

class CarFlyWeightFactory
    public  Car car;
    private Hashtable carPool=new Hashtable();
 public  Car getCar(String name)
    car=new BMWCar();
    carPool.put(name, car);
    car=new FordCar();
    carPool.put(name, car);
  return car;
        public int getNumber(){ return carPool.getSize(); }

public class Test {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  CarFlyWeightFactory carFlyWeightFactory=new CarFlyWeightFactory();
  Car carf1=carFlyWeightFactory.getCar("Ford");
  Car carf2=carFlyWeightFactory.getCar("Ford");

this is the FordCar .
this is the FordCar .


---------------------- 职责链模式(Chain of Responsibility) -----------------------
Chain of Responsibility职责链模式:

public class Boy {
 private boolean hasCar; // 是否有车
 private boolean hasHouse; // 是否有房
 private boolean hasResponsibility; // 是否有责任心

 public Boy() {

 public Boy(boolean hasCar, boolean hasHouse, boolean hasResponsibility) {
  this.hasCar = hasCar;
  this.hasHouse = hasHouse;
  this.hasResponsibility = hasResponsibility;

 public boolean isHasCar() {
  return hasCar;

 public void setHasCar(boolean hasCar) {
  this.hasCar = hasCar;

 public boolean isHasHouse() {
  return hasHouse;

 public void setHasHouse(boolean hasHouse) {
  this.hasHouse = hasHouse;

 public boolean isHasResponsibility() {
  return hasResponsibility;

 public void setHasResponsibility(boolean hasResponsibility) {
  this.hasResponsibility = hasResponsibility;

public interface Handler {
  public void handleRequest(Boy boy);

public class HouseHandler implements Handler {
 private Handler handler;

 public HouseHandler(Handler handler) {

  this.handler = handler;

 public Handler getHandler() {
  return handler;

 public void setHandler(Handler handler) {
  this.handler = handler;

 public void handleRequest(Boy boy) {
  if (boy.isHasHouse()) {
  } else {

public class CarHandler implements Handler {

 private Handler handler;

 public CarHandler(Handler handler) {
  this.handler = handler;

 public Handler getHandler() {
  return handler;

 public void setHandler(Handler handler) {
  this.handler = handler;

public void handleRequest(Boy boy) {
if (boy.isHasCar()) {
System.out.println("Haha, I have a car");
} else {
System.out.println("I don’t have one) car");

public class ResponsibilityHandler implements Handler {

private Handler handler;

public ResponsibilityHandler(Handler handler) {
this.handler = handler;

public Handler getHandler() {
return handler;

public void setHandler(Handler handler) {
this.handler = handler;

public void handleRequest(Boy boy) {
if (boy.isHasResponsibility( )) {
System.out.println("I only have a heart with Responsibility");
} else {
System.out.println("No sense of responsibility");

public class Girl {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// This boy doesn’t have a car or a house, but he is very responsible
Boy boy = new Boy(false, false, true);
                    // You can also use the setHanlder method
     Handler handler = new CarHandler(new HouseHandler(
         new ResponsibilityHandler(null)));
How to make the request pass along the chain among the accepting objects. When it is not accepted by the first accepting object, it will be passed to the second object. If it is accepted by the first object, it will not be passed on:
1 .Each specific receiving object adopts the following construction method:
public CarHandler(Handler handler) { this.handler = handler; }

2. Each specific receiving object implements the method handleRequest() of the interface. When called, if If it is accepted, the true content will be executed. If it is not accepted, the false content will be executed, and the handleRequest() method will continue to be called.

3. In the final test class, when generating a specific handler, use multi-layer inclusion Form. In this way, after calling the method of the previous layer car, the corresponding method of the house will be called, and finally the method of the ResponsibilityHandler is called.

==> The first two handlers use the construction method with parameters, and the last one It uses the NULL construction method

--------------------------------- Memento ---- -----------------------------


Memo mode is a behavioral mode, and its intention is to achieve encapsulation without destroying it. , captures the internal state of an object and saves this state outside the object, so that the object can be restored to its original saved state later.

The example is as follows:
There is an object Employee. In addition to attributes, a method to save and restore the state is also needed.
There is an object Memento, used to record the status of Employee at every moment,

CareTaker, used to Save and get back Memento. A method to save and restore the state is needed. -> A pointer and a container are needed.

package memento;
public class Memento{
    String name;
    int age;
    public Memento(String name,int age){
       this.name = name;
       this.age = age;
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Employee mode:

package memento;
public class Employee{
    private String name;
    private int age;
    public Employee(String aName,int aAge){
       name = aName;
       age = aAge;
    public void setName(String aName){
       name = aName;
    public void setAge(int aAge){
       age = aAge;
    public Memento  saveMemento(){
       return new Memento(name,age);
    public void restoreMemento(Memento memento){
       age = memento.age;
       name = memento.name;
    public int getAge(){
       return age;
    public String getName(){
       return name;
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CareTaker code:

package memento;
import java.util.Vector;
public class CareTaker{
    private Vector v;
    private int  current;
    public CareTaker(){
       current = -1;
       v = new Vector();
    public void setMemento(Memento mem){
       current ++;
    public Memento getMemento(){
           current --;
           return(Memento) v.get(current);
       return null;
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Client code:

package memento;
public class Client{
    public static void show(Employee e){
       System.out.println("Age:" + e.getAge());
    public static void main(String[] args){
       Employee e = new Employee("lili",25);
       CareTaker ct = new CareTaker();
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