1. The commands you need to know first
npm install === yarn —— install Installation is the default behavior.
npm install taco --save === yarn add taco - the taco package is immediately saved to package.json.
npm uninstall taco --save === yarn remove taco
In npm, you can use npm config set save true to set — -save as the default behavior, but this is not obvious to most developers. In yarn, actions such as adding and removing in package.json are the default.
npm install taco --save-dev === yarn add taco --dev
npm update --save === yarn upgrade
update (update) vs upgrade (upgrade), like! upgrade is what is actually done! When the version number is increased, what happens is the upgrade!
Note: There seems to be a problem with npm update --save in version 3.11.
npm install taco@latest --save === yarn add taco
npm install taco --global === yarn global add taco - As always, use the global tag with caution.
2. The known commands
are the same as those on npm registry. Roughly speaking, Yarn is just a new installation tool, and the npm structure and registry are still the same. " npm run === yarn run
yarn licenses ls — allows you to check the license information of dependencies.
yarn licenses generate —— Automatically create dependency disclaimer license.
Security-centered design
4. Npm unique commands
npm xmas === NO EQUIVAL ENT
npm visnup === NO EQUIVALENT