Install Discuz under php! After completion, click on bbs to report an error:
Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
Time: 2014-11-6 8:23am
Script: /discuz7/bbs/index.php
SQL: SELECT type FROM usergroups WHERE groupid= '7'
Error: Table 'discuz.usergroups' doesn't exist
Errno.: 1146
Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.
Go to to search for the solution to this error Solution
Enter localhost/discuz7/bbs/install in the browser and you will enter the installation interface to continue the installation wizard.
Another error appears when clicking on the "space" at the top of the page Error reported:
MySQL Error
Message: MySQL Query Error
SQL: SELECT * FROM uchome_config
Error: Table 'discuz.uchome_config' doesn't exist
Errno.: 1146
Click here to seek help.
*** *******Solution:
Inadvertently solved it. There is a "Personal Space" in "Personal Information". Click on it and a space login interface will appear.
After logging in, go back and click "Space" Okay, it’s really weird! However, one thing that is questionable is that when logging into the personal space
, the default account is not the forum founder account. Is there something wrong here? Configuration problem?