DOM summary
1. The meaning of DOM
DOM is the abbreviation of Document Object Model. According to the W3C DOM specification, DOM is a browser-, platform-, and language-independent interface that allows you to access other standard components of the page. Nodes in
* The entire document is a document node.
* And each HMTL tag is an element node (divElement).
* The text in the label is a text node (div).
* The attribute of the label is the attribute node (divAttribute).
* Everything is a node
2. Find an element
1. Get a tag by id,
document.getElementById('id name');
2. Get it by type name Multiple tags
var allA = document.getElementsByClassName('a');
3. Get multiple tags through the name (a or form) attribute of the tag
document.getElementsByName('corresponding name') ;
4. Get multiple tags through the tag name
var allDiv = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV')
5. Get a certain tag through the selector (if there are multiple tags, it will be found The first one)
var aDiv = document.querySelector('div');
6, get multiple tags through the selector
document.querySelectorAll('selector name');
3.DOM Node-element
1. Get all the text including the label
alert (label name.outerHTML) such as li
2. You can see all attribute information about the node through dir
console.dir (label name) such as li
3.for in you can see all the properties and methods about the node
4. Get the previous or next element node of a node
alert(li1.previousElementSibling.innerText );
5.. Get the previous or next element node of a node (maybe a blank text node)
alert(li1.previousSibling.nodeName) ;
6. Get the first child node in ul
Get the first child element in ul! ! ! ! Node
7. Create a new li node
var newLi = document.createElement('li');
newLi.innerText = 'JQuery'; = 'red';
8.Append a child node to the end of ul
9.Use a new Node replaces a previous child node
10. Remove a child node (the node to be removed must be a child node of ul)
ul.removeChild (newLi.previousElementSibling);
11. Insert a new node to a certain child node
12. Insert a new node object position into ul +Node object
'beforeBegin', 'afterBegin', 'beforeEnd', 'afterEnd'
13. Insert html code
ul.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeBegin ','
14. Insert text
4.DOM node-text
1.for traversal
for (var i = 0; i
Use camel case naming method to name variables or functions goShoppingToMall
var aNode = ulChild[i];
Determine whether the remembered point currently traversed is a certain Node type of a system Element ELEMENT Attribute ATTRIBUTE Text TEXT
if (aNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Macro definition Use numbers to represent node types 1, element 2, attribute node 3, text node
alert (aNode.nodeType);
2.children Get the internal children! ! ! element! ! ! Node
childNode gets the internal child nodes (including text nodes)
var cssText = ul.children[1].childNodes[0];
gets the text in the text node
3. Append data
a: Starting from which character and starting from 0
b: How long to delete the data
4. Replace a certain range of characters with another range of characters
5. Insert a certain range of characters into A certain position (consider the position after insertion)
5. Remove the text in the text node
5.DOM Node-Attributes
1. All attributes
2. Directly call the get method on the element node to obtain
3. You can also modify the value of an attribute through the set method
a.setAttribute( 'title', 'Click me');
4. You can also quickly get the value of a certain attribute by typing
a.title = 'No more Clicked ';
5. Set the shortcut key
alt + shift + A Test in the browser
a.accessKey = 'A';
6. Set whether the label can be edited
a. contentEditable = 'true';
7. Determine whether the element contains an attribute
8. Get the type of element
9. Directly modifying the type of an element may cause the previous type to be lost
a.className = 'bigSize yellowText';
Directly adding a new type to the type list of a will not affect the previous type
Delete an attribute
10. Switch whether to use a certain type
If there is one, remove it If it doesn’t exist originally, add
11. The style just set through js can be obtained
The style written directly in the attribute can be obtained
written in the style The style js in the table (Style tag) cannot be obtained = '20px';
12. After obtaining the calculation (including the attributes in the , the style in the style sheet, modified in js)
var aStyle = window.getComputedStyle(a,':after');